168 research outputs found

    Refinement Techniques in Mining Software Behavior

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    Reproducing Failures in Fault Signatures

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    Software often fails in the field, however reproducing and debugging field failures is very challenging: the failure-inducing input may be missing, and the program setup can be complicated and hard to reproduce by the developers. In this paper, we propose to generate fault signatures from the failure locations and the original source code to reproduce the faults in small executable programs. We say that a fault signature reproduces the fault in the original program if the two failed in the same location, triggered the same error conditions after executing the same selective sequences of failure-inducing statements. A fault signature aims to contain only sufficient statements that can reproduce the faults. That way, it provides some context to inform how a fault is developed and also avoids unnecessary complexity and setups that may block fault diagnosis. To compute fault signatures from the failures, we applied a path-sensitive static analysis tool to generate a path that leads to the fault, and then applied an existing syntactic patching tool to convert the path into an executable program. Our evaluation on real-world bugs from Corebench, BugBench, and Manybugs shows that fault signatures can reproduce the fault for the original programs. Because fault signatures are less complex, automatic test input generation tools generated failure-inducing inputs that could not be generated by using the entire programs. Some failure-inducing inputs can be directly transferred to the original programs. Our experimental data are publicly available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5430155

    The hArtes Tool Chain

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    This chapter describes the different design steps needed to go from legacy code to a transformed application that can be efficiently mapped on the hArtes platform

    Advancing Operating Systems via Aspect-Oriented Programming

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    Operating system kernels are among the most complex pieces of software in existence to- day. Maintaining the kernel code and developing new functionality is increasingly compli- cated, since the amount of required features has risen significantly, leading to side ef fects that can be introduced inadvertedly by changing a piece of code that belongs to a completely dif ferent context. Software developers try to modularize their code base into separate functional units. Some of the functionality or “concerns” required in a kernel, however, does not fit into the given modularization structure; this code may then be spread over the code base and its implementation tangled with code implementing dif ferent concerns. These so-called “crosscutting concerns” are especially dif ficult to handle since a change in a crosscutting concern implies that all relevant locations spread throughout the code base have to be modified. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is an approach to handle crosscutting concerns by factoring them out into separate modules. The “advice” code contained in these modules is woven into the original code base according to a pointcut description, a set of interaction points (joinpoints) with the code base. To be used in operating systems, AOSD requires tool support for the prevalent procedu- ral programming style as well as support for weaving aspects. Many interactions in kernel code are dynamic, so in order to implement non-static behavior and improve performance, a dynamic weaver that deploys and undeploys aspects at system runtime is required. This thesis presents an extension of the “C” programming language to support AOSD. Based on this, two dynamic weaving toolkits – TOSKANA and TOSKANA-VM – are presented to permit dynamic aspect weaving in the monolithic NetBSD kernel as well as in a virtual- machine and microkernel-based Linux kernel running on top of L4. Based on TOSKANA, applications for this dynamic aspect technology are discussed and evaluated. The thesis closes with a view on an aspect-oriented kernel structure that maintains coherency and handles crosscutting concerns using dynamic aspects while enhancing de- velopment methods through the use of domain-specific programming languages

    Program and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Georgia Academy of Science, 2013

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    The annual meeting of the Georgia Academy of Science took place March 29-30, 2013, at Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia. Presentations were provided by members of the Academy who represented the following sections: I. Biological Sciences II Chemistry III. Earth & Atmospheric Sciences IV. Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering & Technology V. Biomedical Sciences VI. Philosophy & History of Science VII. Science Education VIII. Anthropology

    Testing and debugging: A reality check

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    Realizing Automated Test Recommendations in Software Development Environments

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    Software testing is a mainly manually performed and thus very labour intensive process. Beside time, it demands a high amount of domain knowledge, concentration and problem awareness from the developer. Although software reuse is a well examined area –in both academia and industry – it is mainly focussed on the reuse of different kinds of documentation and program code. In this thesis we create a client-side recommendation system for the novel idea for an automated test recommendation approach that is based on lessons learned from traditional software reuse and recommendation. While most existing testing assistance systems help a developer by providing information about various coverage criteria only ex post, we want to support the developer pro-actively while writing the test and create as little overhead as possible during his work. Thereby we benefit from the lessons learned in the area of ”traditional” software reuse and apply them in a kind of test reuse for test recommendation approach. To validate our theoretical considerations, we present a tool that will help writing tests with less effort

    Data-driven conceptual modeling: how some knowledge drivers for the enterprise might be mined from enterprise data

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    As organizations perform their business, they analyze, design and manage a variety of processes represented in models with different scopes and scale of complexity. Specifying these processes requires a certain level of modeling competence. However, this condition does not seem to be balanced with adequate capability of the person(s) who are responsible for the task of defining and modeling an organization or enterprise operation. On the other hand, an enterprise typically collects various records of all events occur during the operation of their processes. Records, such as the start and end of the tasks in a process instance, state transitions of objects impacted by the process execution, the message exchange during the process execution, etc., are maintained in enterprise repositories as various logs, such as event logs, process logs, effect logs, message logs, etc. Furthermore, the growth rate in the volume of these data generated by enterprise process execution has increased manyfold in just a few years. On top of these, models often considered as the dashboard view of an enterprise. Models represents an abstraction of the underlying reality of an enterprise. Models also served as the knowledge driver through which an enterprise can be managed. Data-driven extraction offers the capability to mine these knowledge drivers from enterprise data and leverage the mined models to establish the set of enterprise data that conforms with the desired behaviour. This thesis aimed to generate models or knowledge drivers from enterprise data to enable some type of dashboard view of enterprise to provide support for analysts. The rationale for this has been started as the requirement to improve an existing process or to create a new process. It was also mentioned models can also serve as a collection of effectors through which an organization or an enterprise can be managed. The enterprise data refer to above has been identified as process logs, effect logs, message logs, and invocation logs. The approach in this thesis is to mine these logs to generate process, requirement, and enterprise architecture models, and how goals get fulfilled based on collected operational data. The above a research question has been formulated as whether it is possible to derive the knowledge drivers from the enterprise data, which represent the running operation of the enterprise, or in other words, is it possible to use the available data in the enterprise repository to generate the knowledge drivers? . In Chapter 2, review of literature that can provide the necessary background knowledge to explore the above research question has been presented. Chapter 3 presents how process semantics can be mined. Chapter 4 suggest a way to extract a requirements model. The Chapter 5 presents a way to discover the underlying enterprise architecture and Chapter 6 presents a way to mine how goals get orchestrated. Overall finding have been discussed in Chapter 7 to derive some conclusions