5 research outputs found

    Efficient parallel and out of core algorithms for constructing large bi-directed de Bruijn graphs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assembling genomic sequences from a set of overlapping reads is one of the most fundamental problems in computational biology. Algorithms addressing the assembly problem fall into two broad categories <b>- </b>based on the data structures which they employ. The first class uses an overlap/string graph and the second type uses a de Bruijn graph. However with the recent advances in short read sequencing technology, de Bruijn graph based algorithms seem to play a vital role in practice. Efficient algorithms for building these massive de Bruijn graphs are very essential in large sequencing projects based on short reads. In an earlier work, an <it>O</it>(<it>n/p</it>) time parallel algorithm has been given for this problem. Here <it>n </it>is the size of the input and <it>p </it>is the number of processors. This algorithm enumerates all possible bi-directed edges which can overlap with a node and ends up generating Θ(<it>n</it>Σ) messages (Σ being the size of the alphabet).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we present a Θ(<it>n/p</it>) time parallel algorithm with a communication complexity that is equal to that of parallel sorting and is not sensitive to Σ. The generality of our algorithm makes it very easy to extend it even to the out-of-core model and in this case it has an optimal I/O complexity of <inline-formula><m:math name="1471-2105-11-560-i1" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><m:mrow><m:mo>Θ</m:mo><m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo><m:mfrac><m:mrow><m:mi>n</m:mi><m:mi>log</m:mi><m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo><m:mi>n</m:mi><m:mo>/</m:mo><m:mi>B</m:mi><m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo></m:mrow><m:mrow><m:mi>B</m:mi><m:mi>log</m:mi><m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo><m:mi>M</m:mi><m:mo>/</m:mo><m:mi>B</m:mi><m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:mfrac><m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo></m:mrow></m:math></inline-formula> (<it>M </it>being the main memory size and <it>B </it>being the size of the disk block). We demonstrate the scalability of our parallel algorithm on a SGI/Altix computer. A comparison of our algorithm with the previous approaches reveals that our algorithm is faster <b>- </b>both asymptotically and practically. We demonstrate the scalability of our sequential out-of-core algorithm by comparing it with the algorithm used by VELVET to build the bi-directed de Bruijn graph. Our experiments reveal that our algorithm can build the graph with a constant amount of memory, which clearly outperforms VELVET. We also provide efficient algorithms for the bi-directed chain compaction problem.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The bi-directed de Bruijn graph is a fundamental data structure for any sequence assembly program based on Eulerian approach. Our algorithms for constructing Bi-directed de Bruijn graphs are efficient in parallel and out of core settings. These algorithms can be used in building large scale bi-directed de Bruijn graphs. Furthermore, our algorithms do not employ any all-to-all communications in a parallel setting and perform better than the prior algorithms. Finally our out-of-core algorithm is extremely memory efficient and can replace the existing graph construction algorithm in VELVET.</p

    Advantages of distributed and parallel algorithms that leverage Cloud Computing platforms for large-scale genome assembly

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    Background: The transition to Next Generation sequencing (NGS) sequencing technologies has had numerous applications in Plant, Microbial and Human genomics during the past decade. However, NGS sequencing trades high read throughput for shorter read length, increasing the difficulty for genome assembly. This research presents a comparison of traditional versus Cloud computing-based genome assembly software, using as examples the Velvet and Contrail assemblers and reads from the genome sequence of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) model organism. Results: The first phase of the analysis involved a subset of the zebrafish data set (2X coverage) and best results were obtained using K-mer size of 65, while it was observed that Velvet takes less time than Contrail to complete the assembly. In the next phase, genome assembly was attempted using the full dataset of read coverage 192x and while Velvet failed to complete on a 256GB memory compute server, Contrail completed but required 240hours of computation. Conclusion: This research concludes that for deciding on which assembler software to use, the size of the dataset and available computing hardware should be taken into consideration. For a relatively small sequencing dataset, such as microbial or small eukaryotic genome, the Velvet assembler is a good option. However, for larger datasets Velvet requires large-memory compute servers in the order of 1000GB or more. On the other hand, Contrail is implemented using Hadoop, which performs the assembly in parallel across nodes of a compute cluster. Furthermore, Hadoop clusters can be rented on-demand from Cloud computing providers, and therefore Contrail can provide a simple and cost effective way for genome assembly of data generated at laboratories that lack the infrastructure or funds to build their own clusters

    Large Genomes Assembly Using MAPREDUCE Framework

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    Knowing the genome sequence of an organism is the essential step toward understanding its genomic and genetic characteristics. Currently, whole genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing is the most widely used genome sequencing technique to determine the entire DNA sequence of an organism. Recent advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques have enabled biologists to generate large DNA sequences in a high-throughput and low-cost way. However, the assembly of NGS reads faces significant challenges due to short reads and an enormously high volume of data. Despite recent progress in genome assembly, current NGS assemblers cannot generate high-quality results or efficiently handle large genomes with billions of reads. In this research, we proposed a new Genome Assembler based on MapReduce (GAMR), which tackles both limitations. GAMR is based on a bi-directed de Bruijn graph and implemented using the MapReduce framework. We designed a distributed algorithm for each step in GAMR, making it scalable in assembling large-scale genomes. We also proposed novel gap-filling algorithms to improve assembly results to achieve higher accuracy and more extended continuity. We evaluated the assembly performance of GAMR using benchmark data and compared it against other NGS assemblers. We also demonstrated the scalability of GAMR by using it to assemble loblolly pine (~22Gbp). The results showed that GAMR finished the assembly much faster and with a much lower requirement of computing resources