12 research outputs found

    Detecci贸n y recogida de muestras por veh铆culos de exploraci贸n planetaria

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    Las futuras misiones de exploraci贸n planetaria exigen cada vez m谩s autonom铆a, ya que estas misiones son cada vez m谩s complejas. Un ejemplo claro es la misi贸n de retorno de muestras a Marte, en la que el Sample Fetch Rover debe recoger tubos de muestras en un lugar remoto y llevarlos de vuelta a la estaci贸n base para lanzarlos a la Tierra. Esta misi贸n requiere ampliar las capacidades aut贸nomas a bordo. En primer lugar, el componente de navegaci贸n debe ser capaz de detectar y localizar los tubos de muestra, y en segundo lugar, los de guiado y control deben situar el rover cerca de los tubos de muestra y mover el manipulador para recogerlos. Estas son las principales aportaciones de este trabajo. La primera cuesti贸n se ha resuelto mediante el uso de Redes Neuronales Profundas, que permiten identificar los tubos de muestra previamente entrenados en im谩genes, y la segunda se ha resuelto ampliando el algoritmo de planificaci贸n de trayectorias dentro del componente de Guiado. Para demostrar y validar los m茅todos propuestos, se han realizado dos experimentos. Una primera prueba de campo en el terreno experimental de B煤squeda y Rescate de la Universidad de M谩laga, y una segunda prueba de laboratorio en el Laboratorio de Rob贸tica Planetaria de la Agencia Espacial Europea. Ambos experimentos se llevaron a cabo utilizando el Rover de Pruebas ExoMars, propiedad de esta 煤ltima instituci贸n.Universidad de M谩laga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andaluc铆a Tech

    Modelling and Control of a Hybrid Wheeled Jumping Robot

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    In this paper, we study a wheeled robot with a prismatic extension joint. This allows the robot to build up momentum to perform jumps over obstacles and to swing up to the upright position after the loss of balance. We propose a template model for the class of such two-wheeled jumping robots. This model can be considered as the simplest wheeled-legged system. We provide an analytical derivation of the system dynamics which we use inside a model predictive controller (MPC). We study the behavior of the model and demonstrate highly dynamic motions such as swing-up and jumping. Furthermore, these motions are discovered through optimization from first principles. We evaluate the controller on a variety of tasks and uneven terrains in a simulator.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, IROS 2020, Video URL: https://youtu.be/j2sIWL8m2p

    A Family of Iterative Gauss-Newton Shooting Methods for Nonlinear Optimal Control

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    This paper introduces a family of iterative algorithms for unconstrained nonlinear optimal control. We generalize the well-known iLQR algorithm to different multiple-shooting variants, combining advantages like straight-forward initialization and a closed-loop forward integration. All algorithms have similar computational complexity, i.e. linear complexity in the time horizon, and can be derived in the same computational framework. We compare the full-step variants of our algorithms and present several simulation examples, including a high-dimensional underactuated robot subject to contact switches. Simulation results show that our multiple-shooting algorithms can achieve faster convergence, better local contraction rates and much shorter runtimes than classical iLQR, which makes them a superior choice for nonlinear model predictive control applications.Comment: 8 page

    Design and Motion Planning for a Reconfigurable Robotic Base

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    A robotic platform for mobile manipulation needs to satisfy two contradicting requirements for many real-world applications: A compact base is required to navigate through cluttered indoor environments, while the support needs to be large enough to prevent tumbling or tip over, especially during fast manipulation operations with heavy payloads or forceful interaction with the environment. This paper proposes a novel robot design that fulfills both requirements through a versatile footprint. It can reconfigure its footprint to a narrow configuration when navigating through tight spaces and to a wide stance when manipulating heavy objects. Furthermore, its triangular configuration allows for high-precision tasks on uneven ground by preventing support switches. A model predictive control strategy is presented that unifies planning and control for simultaneous navigation, reconfiguration, and manipulation. It converts task-space goals into whole-body motion plans for the new robot. The proposed design has been tested extensively with a hardware prototype. The footprint reconfiguration allows to almost completely remove manipulation-induced vibrations. The control strategy proves effective in both lab experiment and during a real-world construction task.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for RA-L and IROS 202

    The Control Toolbox - An Open-Source C++ Library for Robotics, Optimal and Model Predictive Control

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    We introduce the Control Toolbox (CT), an open-source C++ library for efficient modeling, control, estimation, trajectory optimization and Model Predictive Control. The CT is applicable to a broad class of dynamic systems but features interfaces to modeling tools specifically designed for robotic applications. This paper outlines the general concept of the toolbox, its main building blocks, and highlights selected application examples. The library contains several tools to design and evaluate controllers, model dynamical systems and solve optimal control problems. The CT was designed for intuitive modeling of systems governed by ordinary differential or difference equations. It supports rapid prototyping of cost functions and constraints and provides standard interfaces for different optimal control solvers. To date, we support Single Shooting, the iterative Linear-Quadratic Regulator, Gauss-Newton Multiple Shooting and classical Direct Multiple Shooting. We provide interfaces to general purpose NLP solvers and Riccati-based linear-quadratic optimal control solvers. The CT was designed to solve large-scale optimal control and estimation problems efficiently and allows for online control of dynamic systems. Some of the key features to enable fast run-time performance are full compatibility with Automatic Differentiation, derivative code generation, and multi-threading. Still, the CT is designed as a modular framework whose building blocks can also be used for other control and estimation applications such as inverse dynamics control, extended Kalman filters or kinematic planning

    Automatic Differentiation of Rigid Body Dynamics for Optimal Control and Estimation

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    Many algorithms for control, optimization and estimation in robotics depend on derivatives of the underlying system dynamics, e.g. to compute linearizations, sensitivities or gradient directions. However, we show that when dealing with Rigid Body Dynamics, these derivatives are difficult to derive analytically and to implement efficiently. To overcome this issue, we extend the modelling tool `RobCoGen' to be compatible with Automatic Differentiation. Additionally, we propose how to automatically obtain the derivatives and generate highly efficient source code. We highlight the flexibility and performance of the approach in two application examples. First, we show a Trajectory Optimization example for the quadrupedal robot HyQ, which employs auto-differentiation on the dynamics including a contact model. Second, we present a hardware experiment in which a 6 DoF robotic arm avoids a randomly moving obstacle in a go-to task by fast, dynamic replanning