117 research outputs found

    Public-Key Based Authentication Architecture for IoT Devices Using PUF

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    Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) is a trending topic in the computing world. Notably, IoT devices have strict design requirements and are often referred to as constrained devices. Therefore, security techniques and primitives that are lightweight are more suitable for such devices, e.g., Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). SRAM PUF is an intrinsic security primitive that is seeing widespread adoption in the IoT segment. ECC is a public-key algorithm technique that has been gaining popularity among constrained IoT devices. The popularity is due to using significantly smaller operands when compared to other public-key techniques such as RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). This paper shows the design, development, and evaluation of an application-specific secure communication architecture based on SRAM PUF technology and ECC for constrained IoT devices. More specifically, it introduces an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) public-key based cryptographic protocol that utilizes PUF-derived keys as the root-of-trust for silicon authentication. Also, it proposes a design of a modular hardware architecture that supports the protocol. Finally, to analyze the practicality as well as the feasibility of the proposed protocol, we demonstrate the solution by prototyping and verifying a protocol variant on the commercial Xilinx Zynq-7000 APSoC device

    Hardware authentication based on PUFs and SHA-3 2nd round candidates

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    Security features are getting a growing interest in microelectronics. Not only entities have to authenticate in the context of a high secure communication but also the hardware employed has to be trusted. Silicon Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) or Physical Random Functions, which exploits manufacturing process variations in integrated circuits, have been used to authenticate the hardware in which they are included and, based on them, several cryptographic protocols have been reported. This paper describes the hardware implementation of a symmetric-key authentication protocol in which a PUF is one of the relevant blocks. The second relevant block is a SHA-3 2nd round candidate, a Secure Hash Algorithm (in particular Keccak), which has been proposed to replace the SHA-2 functions that have been broken no long time ago. Implementation details are discussed in the case of Xilinx FPGAs.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-03674Comunidad Europea FP7-INFSO-ICT-248858Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC2008-04920 y DPI2008-0384

    Segurança de computadores por meio de autenticação intrínseca de hardware

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    Orientadores: Guido Costa Souza de Araújo, Mario Lúcio Côrtes e Diego de Freitas AranhaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho apresentamos Computer Security by Hardware-Intrinsic Authentication (CSHIA), uma arquitetura de computadores segura para sistemas embarcados que tem como objetivo prover autenticidade e integridade para código e dados. Este trabalho está divido em três fases: Projeto da Arquitetura, sua Implementação, e sua Avaliação de Segurança. Durante a fase de projeto, determinamos como integridade e autenticidade seriam garantidas através do uso de Funções Fisicamente Não Clonáveis (PUFs) e propusemos um algoritmo de extração de chaves criptográficas de memórias cache de processadores. Durante a implementação, flexibilizamos o projeto da arquitetura para fornecer diferentes possibilidades de configurações sem comprometimento da segurança. Então, avaliamos seu desempenho levando em consideração o incremento em área de chip, aumento de consumo de energia e memória adicional para diferentes configurações. Por fim, analisamos a segurança de PUFs e desenvolvemos um novo ataque de canal lateral que circunvê a propriedade de unicidade de PUFs por meio de seus elementos de construçãoAbstract: This work presents Computer Security by Hardware-Intrinsic Authentication (CSHIA), a secure computer architecture for embedded systems that aims at providing authenticity and integrity for code and data. The work encompassed three phases: Design, Implementation, and Security Evaluation. In design, we laid out the basic ideas behind CSHIA, namely, how integrity and authenticity are employed through the use of Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), and we proposed an algorithm to extract cryptographic keys from the intrinsic memories of processors. In implementation, we made CSHIA¿s design more flexible, allowing different configurations without compromising security. Then, we evaluated CSHIA¿s performance and overheads, such as area, energy, and memory, for multiple configurations. Finally, we evaluated security of PUFs, which led us to develop a new side-channel-based attack that enabled us to circumvent PUFs¿ uniqueness property through their architectural elementsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2015/06829-2; 2016/25532-3147614/2014-7FAPESPCNP

    End-to-end Design of a PUF-based Privacy Preserving Authentication Protocol

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    We demonstrate a prototype implementation of a provably secure protocol that supports privacy-preserving mutual authentication between a server and a constrained device. Our proposed protocol is based on a physically unclonable function (PUF) and it is optimized for resource-constrained platforms. The reported results include a full protocol analysis, the design of its building blocks, their integration into a constrained device, and finally its performance evaluation. We show how to obtain efficient implementations for each of the building blocks of the protocol, including a fuzzy extractor with a novel helper-data construction technique, a truly random number generator (TRNG), and a pseudo-random function (PRF). The prototype is implemented on a SASEBO-GII board, using the on-board SRAM as the source of entropy for the PUF and the TRNG. We present three different implementations. The first two execute on a MSP430 soft-core processor and have a security level of 64-bit and 128-bit respectively. The third uses a hardware accelerator and has 128-bit security level. To our best knowledge, this work is the first effort to describe the end-to-end design and evaluation of a privacy-preserving PUF-based authentication protocol

    Trusted and Privacy-preserving Embedded Systems: Advances in Design, Analysis and Application of Lightweight Privacy-preserving Authentication and Physical Security Primitives

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enables RFID readers to perform fully automatic wireless identification of objects labeled with RFID tags and is widely deployed to many applications, such as access control, electronic tickets and payment as well as electronic passports. This prevalence of RFID technology introduces various risks, in particular concerning the privacy of its users and holders. Despite the privacy risk, classical threats to authentication and identification systems must be considered to prevent the adversary from impersonating or copying (cloning) a tag. This thesis summarizes the state of the art in secure and privacy-preserving authentication for RFID tags with a particular focus on solutions based on Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). It presents advancements in the design, analysis and evaluation of secure and privacy-preserving authentication protocols for RFID systems and PUFs. Formalizing the security and privacy requirements on RFID systems is essential for the design of provably secure and privacy-preserving RFID protocols. However, existing RFID security and privacy models in the literature are often incomparable and in part do not reflect the capabilities of real-world adversaries. We investigate subtle issues such as tag corruption aspects that lead to the impossibility of achieving both mutual authentication and any reasonable notion of privacy in one of the most comprehensive security and privacy models, which is the basis of many subsequent works. Our results led to the refinement of this privacy model and were considered in subsequent works on privacy-preserving RFID systems. A promising approach to enhance the privacy in RFID systems without lifting the computational requirements on the tags are anonymizers. These are special devices that take off the computational workload from the tags. While existing anonymizer-based protocols are subject to impersonation and denial-of-service attacks, existing RFID security and privacy models do not include anonymizers. We present the first security and privacy framework for anonymizer-enabled RFID systems and two privacy-preserving RFID authentication schemes using anonymizers. Both schemes achieve several appealing features that were not simultaneously achieved by any previous proposal. The first protocol is very efficient for all involved entities, achieves privacy under tag corruption. It is secure against impersonation attacks and forgeries even if the adversary can corrupt the anonymizers. The second scheme provides for the first time anonymity and untraceability of tags against readers as well as secure tag authentication against collisions of malicious readers and anonymizers using tags that cannot perform public-key cryptography (i.e., modular exponentiations). The RFID tags commonly used in practice are cost-efficient tokens without expensive hardware protection mechanisms. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) promise to provide an effective security mechanism for RFID tags to protect against basic hardware attacks. However, existing PUF-based RFID authentication schemes are not scalable, allow only for a limited number of authentications and are subject to replay, denial-of-service and emulation attacks. We present two scalable PUF-based authentication schemes that overcome these problems. The first protocol supports tag and reader authentication, is resistant to emulation attacks and highly scalable. The second protocol uses a PUF-based key storage and addresses an open question on the feasibility of destructive privacy, i.e., the privacy of tags that are destroyed during tag corruption. The security of PUFs relies on assumptions on physical properties and is still under investigation. PUF evaluation results in the literature are difficult to compare due to varying test conditions and different analysis methods. We present the first large-scale security analysis of ASIC implementations of the five most popular electronic PUF types, including Arbiter, Ring Oscillator, SRAM, Flip-Flop and Latch PUFs. We present a new PUF evaluation methodology that allows a more precise assessment of the unpredictability properties than previous approaches and we quantify the most important properties of PUFs for their use in cryptographic schemes. PUFs have been proposed for various applications, including anti-counterfeiting and authentication schemes. However, only rudimentary PUF security models exist, limiting the confidence in the security claims of PUF-based security mechanisms. We present a formal security framework for PUF-based primitives, which has been used in subsequent works to capture the properties of image-based PUFs and in the design of anti-counterfeiting mechanisms and physical hash functions

    An Efficient Authentication Protocol for Smart Grid Communication Based on On-Chip-Error-Correcting Physical Unclonable Function

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    Security has become a main concern for the smart grid to move from research and development to industry. The concept of security has usually referred to resistance to threats by an active or passive attacker. However, since smart meters (SMs) are often placed in unprotected areas, physical security has become one of the important security goals in the smart grid. Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) have been largely utilized for ensuring physical security in recent years, though their reliability has remained a major problem to be practically used in cryptographic applications. Although fuzzy extractors have been considered as a solution to solve the reliability problem of PUFs, they put a considerable computational cost to the resource-constrained SMs. To that end, we first propose an on-chip-error-correcting (OCEC) PUF that efficiently generates stable digits for the authentication process. Afterward, we introduce a lightweight authentication protocol between the SMs and neighborhood gateway (NG) based on the proposed PUF. The provable security analysis shows that not only the proposed protocol can stand secure in the Canetti-Krawczyk (CK) adversary model but also provides additional security features. Also, the performance evaluation demonstrates the significant improvement of the proposed scheme in comparison with the state-of-the-art

    Efficient and Secure Group Key Management in IoT using Multistage Interconnected PUF

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    Secure group-oriented communication is crucial to a wide range of applications in Internet of Things (IoT). Security problems related to group-oriented communications in IoT-based applications placed in a privacy-sensitive environment have become a major concern along with the development of the technology. Unfortunately, many IoT devices are designed to be portable and light-weight; thus, their functionalities, including security modules, are heavily constrained by the limited energy resources (e.g., battery capacity). To address these problems, we propose a group key management scheme based on a novel physically unclonable function (PUF) design: multistage interconnected PUF (MIPUF) to secure group communications in an energy-constrained environment. Our design is capable of performing key management tasks such as key distribution, key storage and rekeying securely and efficiently. We show that our design is secure against multiple attack methods and our experimental results show that our design saves 47.33% of energy globally comparing to state-of-the-art Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC)-based key management scheme on average.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Desig