11 research outputs found

    NB-JNCD Coding and Iterative Joint Decoding Scheme for a Reliable communication in Wireless sensor Networks with results

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    Privacy threat is a very serious issue in multi-hop wireless networks (MWNs) since open wireless channels are vulnerable to malicious attacks. A distributed random linear network coding approach for transmission and compression of information in general multisource multicast networks. Network nodes independently and randomly select linear mappings from inputs onto output links over some field. Network coding has the potential to thwart traffic analysis attacks since the coding/mixing operation is encouraged at intermediate nodes. However, the simple deployment of network coding cannot achieve the goal once enough packets are collected by the adversaries. This paper proposes non-binary joint network-channel coding for reliable communication in wireless networks. NB-JNCC seamlessly combines non-binary channel coding and random linear network coding, and uses an iterative two-tier coding scheme that weproposed to jointly exploit redundancy inside packets and across packets for error recovery

    On modelling network coded ARQ-based channels

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    Network coding (NC) has been an attractive research topic in recent years as a means of offering a throughput improvement, especially in multicast scenarios. The throughput gain is achieved by introducing an algebraic method for combining multiple input streams of packets which are addressing one output port at an intermediate node. We present a practical implementation of network coding in conjunction with error control schemes, namely the Stop-and-Wait (SW) and Selective Repeat (SR) protocols. We propose a modified NC scheme and apply it at an intermediate SW ARQ-based link to reduce ARQ control signals at each transmission. We further extend this work to investigate the usefulness of NC in the Butterfly multicast network which adopts the SR ARQ protocol as an error control scheme. We validate our throughput analysis using a relatively recent discrete-event simulator, SimEvents®. The results show that the proposed scheme offers a throughput advantage of at least 50% over traditional SW ARQ, and that this is particularly noticeable in the presence of high error rates. In the multicast network, however, simulation results show that when compared with the traditional scheme, NC-SR ARQ can achieve a throughput gain of between 2% and 96% in a low bandwidth channel and up to 19% in a high bandwidth channel with errors

    Design and Reliability Performance Evaluation of Network Coding Schemes for Lossy Wireless Networks

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    This thesis investigates lossy wireless networks, which are wireless communication networks consisting of lossy wireless links, where the packet transmission via a lossy wireless link is successful with a certain value of probability. In particular, this thesis analyses all-to-all broadcast in lossy wireless networks, where every node has a native packet to transmit to all other nodes in the network. A challenge of all-to-all broadcast in lossy wireless networks is the reliability, which is defined as the probability that every node in the network successfully obtains a copy of the native packets of all other nodes. In this thesis, two novel network coding schemes are proposed, which are the neighbour network coding scheme and the random neighbour network coding scheme. In the two proposed network coding schemes, a node may perform a bit-wise exclusive or (XOR) operation to combine the native packet of itself and the native packet of its neighbour, called the coding neighbour, into an XOR coded packet. The reliability of all-to-all broadcast under both the proposed network coding schemes is investigated analytically using Markov chains. It is shown that the reliability of all-to-all broadcast can be improved considerably by employing the proposed network coding schemes, compared with non-coded networks with the same link conditions, i.e. same probabilities of successful packet transmission via wireless channels. Further, the proposed schemes take the link conditions of each node into account to maximise the reliability of a given network. To be more precise, the first scheme proposes the optimal coding neighbour selection method while the second scheme introduces a tuning parameter to control the probability that a node performs network coding at each transmission. The observation that channel condition can have a significant impact on the performance of network coding schemes is expected to be applicable to other network coding schemes for lossy wireless networks

    Design and Reliability Performance Evaluation of Network Coding Schemes for Lossy Wireless Networks

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    This thesis investigates lossy wireless networks, which are wireless communication networks consisting of lossy wireless links, where the packet transmission via a lossy wireless link is successful with a certain value of probability. In particular, this thesis analyses all-to-all broadcast in lossy wireless networks, where every node has a native packet to transmit to all other nodes in the network. A challenge of all-to-all broadcast in lossy wireless networks is the reliability, which is defined as the probability that every node in the network successfully obtains a copy of the native packets of all other nodes. In this thesis, two novel network coding schemes are proposed, which are the neighbour network coding scheme and the random neighbour network coding scheme. In the two proposed network coding schemes, a node may perform a bit-wise exclusive or (XOR) operation to combine the native packet of itself and the native packet of its neighbour, called the coding neighbour, into an XOR coded packet. The reliability of all-to-all broadcast under both the proposed network coding schemes is investigated analytically using Markov chains. It is shown that the reliability of all-to-all broadcast can be improved considerably by employing the proposed network coding schemes, compared with non-coded networks with the same link conditions, i.e. same probabilities of successful packet transmission via wireless channels. Further, the proposed schemes take the link conditions of each node into account to maximise the reliability of a given network. To be more precise, the first scheme proposes the optimal coding neighbour selection method while the second scheme introduces a tuning parameter to control the probability that a node performs network coding at each transmission. The observation that channel condition can have a significant impact on the performance of network coding schemes is expected to be applicable to other network coding schemes for lossy wireless networks

    Efficient Error Recovery with Network Coding in Underwater Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks usually suffer higher error probability and loss rate than wired networks, especially in Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN). We have noticed that network coding could bring us benefits in both wired and wireless networks, e.g., increasing the throughput. Because of the special conditions of UWSN, we find applying network coding and multi-path routing in UWSN could provide efficient robustness. This is based on the natural physical broadcast property in shared media and multiple interleaved paths provided. We compare our approach with ordinary single path forwarding, multi path, end-to-end FEC and even hop-by-hop FEC, our approach achieves a better efficient error recovery. I

    Application du Codage Réseau aux Architectures à Garanties de Qualité de Service (QoS)

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    L'intérêt du codage réseau (network coding) pour améliorer le débit ou optimiser l'utilisation de la capacité du réseau a été clairement démontré dans différents contextes. Certains travaux ont notamment montré que le codage réseau permet de diminuer le délai (maximal et moyen) de transmission de bout-en-bout d'un paquet. Ceci est dû au fait que le traitement simultané de plusieurs paquets dans un noeud de codage permet de réduire le temps passé par les paquets dans les files d'attente par rapport au routage classique. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons l'application du codage réseau dans le contexte des réseaux proposant des garanties de qualité de service (QoS). Notre principale contribution est la proposition de trois stratégies de codage réseau assurant un niveau de QoS garantie exprimé en termes de délai de bout-en-bout. La première stratégie, appelée "stratégie orientée réseau" est une stratégie de codage aléatoire, en termes de dates d'arrivée des paquets, permettant de réduire au maximum le temps passé par les paquets dans les files d'attente des routeurs. Le point faible de cette approche, comme toute approche aléatoire, est qu'elle n'est pas totalement fiable. Les deux autres stratégies proposées implémentent une stratégie fiable en utilisant le concept de code en bloc. La première, appelée "stratégie orientée flux" est basée sur la définition classique du codage réseau alors que la seconde, appelée "stratégie de transfert rapide", permet de réduire les temps d'attente des paquets dans les files d'attente en les transférant sans attendre tous les paquets du même bloc. Les délais maximums engendrés par les différentes stratégies ont été évalués au niveau d'un noeud de codage en utilisant le calcul réseau (network calculus). Les bornes de délais de bout-de-bout ont ensuite été calculées pour plusieurs types de réseaux. Dans la plupart des cas, ces bornes sont meilleures que celles obtenues pour le routage classique. Les stratégies de codage réseau fiables et la stratégie de routage ont été implémentées et évaluées par simulation sur les réseaux étudiés précédemment. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les pires cas de délais de bout-en-bout observés ont les mêmes comportements que les bornes maximales théoriques calculées, validant ainsi les stratégies proposées. ABSTRACT : The Interest of network coding to improve the throughput or to optimize the use of the network capacity was clearly shown in various contexts. Certain work in particular showed that network coding allows to decrease the end-to-end transmission delay (maximum and average) of a package. This is due to the fact that the processing simultaneous of several packages in a coding node allows to reduce the maximum time spent by the packets in the buffers compared to a classical routing. In this thesis, we consider the application of network coding in the context of the networks providing quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees. Our contributions include the following. First, we propose three network coding strategies ensuring a level of QoS guaranteed expressed in terms of end-in-end delay. The first strategy, called "Network-Oriented Strategy (NOS)", is a random coding strategy. This coding strategy simply consists in combining the inputs packets present in the buffer of a node. It allows minimizing the time spent by the packets in the router's buffers. The weak point of this approach, as any random approach, is that it is not completely reliable. The two other strategies suggested implement a reliable strategy by using the concept of generation. The first, called "Flow-Oriented Strategy (FOS)" is based on the traditional definition of network coding whereas the second, called "Fast Forwarding Strategy (FFS)", allows reducing the packet's buffering delays by transferring them without awaiting all packets of the same generation. The maximum delays generated by different strategies have been evaluated at a coding node level by using network calculus. The end-to-end delay bounds have been then calculated for several types of networks. In most cases, these bounds are better than those obtained for the classical routing. The reliable network coding strategies and the routing strategy have been implemented and evaluated by simulation on networks studied previously. The results obtained show that the worst cases of end-in-end delays observed have the same behaviors as the calculated maximum theoretical bounds, thus validating the suggested strategie

    Network coding for computer networking

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    Conventional communication networks route data packets in a store-and-forward mode. A router buffers received packets and forwards them intact towards their intended destination. Network Coding (NC), however, generalises this method by allowing the router to perform algebraic operations on the packets before forwarding them. The purpose of NC is to improve the network performance to achieve its maximum capacity also known as max-flow min-cut bound. NC has become very well established in the field of information theory, however, practical implementations in real-world networks is yet to be explored. In this thesis, new implementations of NC are brought forward. The effect of NC on flow error control protocols and queuing over computer networks is investigated by establishing and designing a mathematical and simulation framework. One goal of such investigation is to understand how NC technique can reduce the number of packets required to acknowledge the reception of those sent over the network while error-control schemes are employed. Another goal is to control the network queuing stability by reducing the number of packets required to convey a set of information. A custom-built simulator based on SimEvents® has been developed in order to model several scenarios within this approach. The work in this thesis is divided into two key parts. The objective of the first part is to study the performance of communication networks employing error control protocols when NC is adopted. In particular, two main Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) schemes are invoked, namely the Stop-and-Wait (SW) and Selective Repeat (SR) ARQ. Results show that in unicast point-to point communication, the proposed NC scheme offers an increase in the throughput over traditional SW ARQ between 2.5% and 50.5% at each link, with negligible decoding delay. Additionally, in a Butterfly network, SR ARQ employing NC achieves a throughput gain between 22% and 44% over traditional SR ARQ when the number of incoming links to the intermediate node varies between 2 and 5. Moreover, in an extended Butterfly network, NC offered a throughput increase of up to 48% under an error-free scenario and 50% in the presence of errors. Despite the extensive research on synchronous NC performance in various fields, little has been said about its queuing behaviour. One assumption is that packets are served following a Poisson distribution. The packets from different streams are coded prior to being served and then exit through only one stream. This study determines the arrival distribution that coded packets follow at the serving node. In general this leads to study general queuing systems of type G/M/1. Hence, the objective of the second part of this study is twofold. The study aims to determine the distribution of the coded packets and estimate the waiting time faced by coded packets before their complete serving process. Results show that NC brings a new solution for queuing stability as evidenced by the small waiting time the coded packets spend in the intermediate node queue before serving. This work is further enhanced by studying the server utilization in traditional routing and NC scenarios. NC-based M/M/1 with finite capacity K is also analysed to investigate packet loss probability for both scenarios. Based on the results achieved, the utilization of NC in error-prone and long propagation delay networks is recommended. Additionally, since the work provides an insightful prediction of particular networks queuing behaviour, employing synchronous NC can bring a solution for systems’ stability with packet-controlled sources and limited input buffers

    Opportunistische Weiterleitung von netzwerkcodierten Multicast-Ăśbertragungen in drahtlosen Sensornetzen

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    In dieser Dissertation wird ein Kommunikationsschema für drahtlose Sensornetze entwickelt, welches die Multicast-Kommunikation unterschiedlicher Anwendungen mittels Netzwerkcodierung überlagert. Eine besondere Herausforderungen stellen hierbei die Eigenschaften drahtloser Sensornetze dar. Die eingeschränkte Netzwerkkapazität beschränkt zugleich das erreichbare Maximum der handhabbaren Datenmenge