17 research outputs found

    How context influences the segmentation of movement trajectories - an experimental approach for environmental and behavioral context

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    In the digital information age where large amounts of movement data are generated daily through technological devices, such as mobile phones, GPS, and digital navigation aids, the exploration of moving point datasets for identifying movement patterns has become a research focus in GIScience (Dykes and Mountain 2003). Visual analytics (VA) tools, such as GeoVISTA Studio (Gahegan 2001), have been developed to explore large amounts of movement data based on the contention that VA combine computational methods with the outstanding human capabilities for pattern recognition, imagination, association, and reasoning (Andrienko et al. 2008). However, exploring, extracting and understanding the meaning encapsulated in movement data from a user perspective has become a major bottleneck, not only in GIScience, but in all areas of science where this kind of data is collected (Holyoak et al. 2008). Specifically the inherent complex and multidimensional nature of spatio-temporal data has not been sufficiently integrated into visual analytics tools. To ensure the inclusion of cognitive principles for the integration of space-time data, visual analytics has to consider how users conceptualize and understand movement data (Fabrikant et al. 2008). A review on cognitively motivated work exemplifies the urgent need to identify how humans make inferences and derive knowledge from movement data. In order to enhance visual analytics tools by integrating cognitive principles we have to first ask to what extent cognitive factors influence our understanding, reasoning, and analysis of movement pattern extraction. It is especially important to comprehend human knowledge construction and reasoning about spatial and temporal phenomena and processes. This paper proposes an experimental approach with human subject testing to evaluate the importance of contextual information in visual displays of movement patterns. This research question is part of a larger research project, with two main objectives, namely * getting a better understanding of how humans process spatio-temporal information * and empirically validating guidelines to improve the design of visual analytics tools to enhance visual data exploration

    Key concepts of group pattern discovery algorithms from spatio-temporal trajectories

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    Over the years, the increasing development of location acquisition devices have generated a significant amount of spatio-temporal data. This data can be further analysed in search for some interesting patterns, new information, or to construct predictive models such as next location prediction. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the future research and development of group pattern discovery algorithms from spatio-temporal data by providing an insight into algorithms design in this research area which is based on a comprehensive classification of state-of-the-art models. This work includes static, big data as well as data stream processing models which to the best of authors’knowledge is the first attempt of presenting them in this context.Furthermore, the currently available surveys and taxonomies in this research area do not focus on group pattern mining algorithms nor include the state-of-the-art models. The authors conclude with the proposal of a conceptual model of Universal,Streaming, Distributed and Parameter-light (UDSP) algorithm that addresses current challenges in this research area

    Exploring movement – similarity analysis of moving objects

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    Extracting knowledge about the movement of different types of mobile agents (e.g. human, animals, vehicles) and dynamic phenomena (e.g. hurricanes) requires new exploratory data analysis methods for massive movement datasets. Different types of moving objects share similarities but also express differences in terms of their dynamic behavior and the nature of their movement. Extracting such similarities can significantly contribute to the prediction, modeling and simulation dynamic phenomena. Therefore, with the development of a quantitative methodology this research intends to investigate and explore similarities in the dynamics of moving objects by using methods of GIScience in knowledge discovery. This paper presents a summary of the ongoing Ph.D. research project

    k/2-hop: Fast Mining of Convoy Patterns With Effective Pruning

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    With the increase of devices equipped with location sensors, mining spatio-temporal data for interesting behavioral patterns has gained attention in recent years. One of such well-known patterns is the convoy pattern which can be used, e.g. to find groups of people moving together in public transport or to prevent traffic jams. A convoy consists of at least m objects moving together for at least k consecutive time instants where m and k are user-defined parameters. Convoy mining is an expensive task and existing sequential algorithms do not scale to real-life dataset sizes. Existing sequential as well as parallel algorithms require a complex set of data-dependent parameters which are hard to set and tune. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new fast exact sequential convoy pattern mining algorithm \k/2-hop" that is free of data-dependent parameters. The proposed algorithm processes the data corresponding to a few specific key timestamps at each step and quickly prunes objects with no possibility of forming a convoy. Thus, only a very small portion of the complete dataset is considered for mining convoys. Our experimental results show that k/2-hop outperforms existing sequential as well as parallel convoy pattern mining algorithms by orders of magnitude, and scales to larger datasets which existing algorithms fail on.SCOPUS: cp.pDecretOANoAutActifinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Data Mining in Data Stream

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    Tato práce pojednává o dolování v proudu dat, což představuje v současné době velice rychle se rozvíjející oblast informačních technologií. Jsou vysvětleny obecné principy dolování v datech, pojem proud dat, a jsou popsány metody jeho předzpracování a následně algoritmy pro dolování v proudu dat. Podrobně jsou rozebrány algoritmy VFDT a CVFDT pro klasifikaci. Dále je pozornost věnována časoprostorovým datům a možnostem jejich dolování. V rámci praktické části práce byla navrhnuta a implementována aplikace pro klasifikaci a predikci časoprostorových událostí (dopravních zácep) v proudu dat ze silničního provozu. Pro klasifikaci byly použity algoritmy VFDT a CVFDT. Program byl otestován na datech generovaných simulačním nástrojem SUMO.This thesis deals with the data mining in data stream which represents fast developing area of information technology. The text describes common principles of data mining, explains what data stream is and shows methods for its preprocessing and algorithms for following data mining. The special attention is given to the VFDT and the CVDT algorithm. The next mentioned are the spatiotemporal data and related data mining. The second part describes the design and implementation of the application for classification over spatiotemporal data stream represented by road traffic data and following prediction of spatiotemporal events (traffic-jams). The classification is performed by the VFDT and CVFDT algorithm. The application has been tested on the data set obtained by the simulation tool SUMO.

    From Pattern Discovery to Pattern Interpretation of Semantically-Enriched Trajectory Data

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    The widespread use of positioning technologies ranging from GSM and GPS to WiFi devices tend to produce large-scale datasets of trajectories, which represent the movement of travelling entities. Several application domains, such as recreational area management, may benefit from analysing such datasets. However, analysis results only become truly useful and meaningful for the end user when the intrinsically complex nature of the movement data in terms of context is taken into account during the knowledge discovery process. For this reason we propose a pattern interpretation framework that consists of three main steps, namely, pattern discovery, semantic annotation and pattern analysis. The framework supports the understanding of movement patterns that were extracted using some trajectory mining algorithm. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the framework, we have specifically applied it for understanding moving flock patterns in pedestrian movement. For the pattern discovery step, we have formally defined the concept of moving flock, distinguishing it from stationary flock, and developed a detection algorithm for it. A set of guidelines for setting the parameters of the algorithm is provided and a specific technique is implemented for the radius parameter.As for the semantic annotation step, we have proposed a guideline for selecting appropriate attributes for semantic enrichment of individual entities and of moving flocks. Two levels of annotation, which are at individual and pattern level, were also described. Finally, for the pattern interpretation step, we have combined the results obtained using hierarchichal clustering and decision tree classification in order to analyse the attributes of flock members and of the flocks, and the flocks themselves. The entire framework was tested on the Dwingelderveld National Park (DNP) dataset and the Delft dataset, both of which are pedestrian datasets based in the Netherlands. The DNP dataset contains records of observations on the movement of visitors in the park while the Delft dataset describes movement of the pedestrians in the city. As a result, some forms of interactions, such as certain groups of visitors following the most popular path in the park, were inferred. Furthermore, some flocks were linked with specific attractions of the park