68 research outputs found

    Enabling Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Stored Video Streaming Service with QoS Support

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    This research aims to enable a large-scale, high-volume, peer-to-peer, stored-video streaming service over the Internet, such as on-line DVD rentals. P2P allows a group of dynamically organized users to cooperatively support content discovery and distribution services without needing to employ a central server. P2P has the potential to overcome the scalability issue associated with client-server based video distribution networks; however, it brings a new set of challenges. This research addresses the following five technical challenges associated with the distribution of streaming video over the P2P network: 1) allow users with limited transmit bandwidth capacity to become contributing sources, 2) support the advertisement and discovery of time-changing and time-bounded video frame availability, 3) Minimize the impact of distribution source losses during video playback, 4) incorporate user mobility information in the selection of distribution sources, and 5) design a streaming network architecture that enables above functionalities.To meet the above requirements, we propose a video distribution network model based on a hybrid architecture between client-server and P2P. In this model, a video is divided into a sequence of small segments and each user executes a scheduling algorithm to determine the order, the timing, and the rate of segment retrievals from other users. The model also employs an advertisement and discovery scheme which incorporates parameters of the scheduling algorithm to allow users to share their life-time of video segment availability information in one advertisement and one query. An accompanying QoS scheme allows reduction in the number of video playback interruptions while one or more distribution sources depart from the service prematurely.The simulation study shows that the proposed model and associated schemes greatly alleviate the bandwidth requirement of the video distribution server, especially when the number of participating users grows large. As much as 90% of load reduction was observed in some experiments when compared to a traditional client-server based video distribution service. A significant reduction is also observed in the number of video presentation interruptions when the proposed QoS scheme is incorporated in the distribution process while certain percentages of distribution sources depart from the service unexpectedly

    WIC midwintermeeting on IP-television (IP-TV):proceedings of a one-day workshop, Eindhoven, January 19, 2007

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    Diseño centrado en calidad para la difusión Peer-to-Peer de video en vivo

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    El uso de redes Peer-to-Peer (P2P) es una forma escalable para ofrecer servicios de video sobre Internet. Este documento hace foco en la definición, desarrollo y evaluación de una arquitectura P2P para distribuir video en vivo. El diseño global de la red es guiado por la calidad de experiencia (Quality of Experience - QoE), cuyo principal componente en este caso es la calidad del video percibida por los usuarios finales, en lugar del tradicional diseño basado en la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service - QoE) de la mayoría de los sistemas. Para medir la calidad percibida del video, en tiempo real y automáticamente, extendimos la recientemente propuesta metodología Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA). Dos grandes líneas de investigación son desarrolladas. Primero, proponemos una técnica de distribución de video desde múltiples fuentes con las características de poder ser optimizada para maximizar la calidad percibida en contextos de muchas fallas y de poseer muy baja señalización (a diferencia de los sistemas existentes). Desarrollamos una metodología, basada en PSQA, que nos permite un control fino sobre la forma en que la señal de video es dividida en partes y la cantidad de redundancia agregada, como una función de la dinámica de los usuarios de la red. De esta forma es posible mejorar la robustez del sistema tanto como sea deseado, contemplando el límite de capacidad en la comunicación. En segundo lugar, presentamos un mecanismo estructurado para controlar la topología de la red. La selección de que usuarios servirán a que otros es importante para la robustez de la red, especialmente cuando los usuarios son heterogéneos en sus capacidades y en sus tiempos de conexión.Nuestro diseño maximiza la calidad global esperada (evaluada usando PSQA), seleccionado una topología que mejora la robustez del sistema. Además estudiamos como extender la red con dos servicios complementarios: el video bajo demanda (Video on Demand - VoD) y el servicio MyTV. El desafío en estos servicios es como realizar búsquedas eficientes sobre la librería de videos, dado al alto dinamismo del contenido. Presentamos una estrategia de "caching" para las búsquedas en estos servicios, que maximiza el número total de respuestas correctas a las consultas, considerando una dinámica particular en los contenidos y restricciones de ancho de banda. Nuestro diseño global considera escenarios reales, donde los casos de prueba y los parámetros de configuración surgen de datos reales de un servicio de referencia en producción. Nuestro prototipo es completamente funcional, de uso gratuito, y basado en tecnologías bien probadas de código abierto

    Videosisällön jakelu Internetin välityksellä

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    Popularity of multimedia streaming services has created great demand for reliable and effective content delivery over unreliable networks, such as the Internet. Currently, a significant part of the Internet data traffic is generated by video streaming applications. The multimedia streaming services are often bandwidth-heavy and are prone to delays or any other varying network conditions. In order to address high demands of real-time multimedia streaming applications, specialized solutions called content delivery networks, have emerged. A content delivery network consists of many geographically distributed replica servers, often deployed close to the end-users. This study consists of two parts and a set of interviews. First part explores development of video technologies and their relation to network bandwidth requirements. Second part proceeds to present the content delivery mechanisms related to video distribution over the Internet. Lastly, the interviews of selected experts was used to gain more relevant and realistic insights for two first parts. The results offer a wide overview of content delivery related findings ranging from streaming techniques to quality of experience. How the video related development progress would affect the future networks and what kind of content delivery models are mostly used in the modern Internet.Multimediapalveluiden suosio on noussut huomattavasti viime vuosina. Videoliikenteen osuus kaikesta tiedonsiirrosta Internetissä on kasvanut merkittävästi. Tämä on luonut suuren tarpeen luotettaville ja tehokkaille videosisällön siirtämisen keinoille epäluotettavien verkkojen yli. Videon suoratoistopalvelut ovat herkkiä verkossa tapahtuville häiriöille ja lisäksi ne vaativat usein verkolta paljon tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia. Ratkaistakseen multimedian reaaliaikaisen tiedonsiirron vaatimukset on kehitetty sisällönsiirtoon erikoistuneita verkkoja (eng. content deliver network - CDN). Nämä sisällönjakoon erikoistuneet verkot ovat fyysisesti hajautettuja kokonaisuuksia. Yleensä ne sijoitetaan mahdollisimman lähelle kohdekäyttäjäryhmää. Tämä työ koostuu kahdesta osasta ja asiantuntijahaastatteluista. Ensimmäinen osa keskittyy taustatietojen keräämiseen, videotekniikoiden kehitykseen ja sen siirtoon liittyviin haasteisiin. Toinen osa esittelee sisällönjaon toiminnot liittyen suoratoistopalveluiden toteutukseen. Haastatteluiden tarkoitus on tuoda esille asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tueksi. Tulokset tarjoavat laajan katsauksen suoratoistopalveluiden sisällönjakotekniikoista, aina videon kehityksestä palvelun käyttökokemukseen saakka. Miten videon kuvanlaadun ja pakkaamisen kehitys voisi vaikuttaa tulevien verkkoteknologioiden kehitykseen Internet-pohjaisessa sisällönjakelussa

    Mathematical analysis of scheduling policies in peer-to-peer video streaming networks

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    Las redes de pares son comunidades virtuales autogestionadas, desarrolladas en la capa de aplicación sobre la infraestructura de Internet, donde los usuarios (denominados pares) comparten recursos (ancho de banda, memoria, procesamiento) para alcanzar un fin común. La distribución de video representa la aplicación más desafiante, dadas las limitaciones de ancho de banda. Existen básicamente tres servicios de video. El más simple es la descarga, donde un conjunto de servidores posee el contenido original, y los usuarios deben descargar completamente este contenido previo a su reproducción. Un segundo servicio se denomina video bajo demanda, donde los pares se unen a una red virtual siempre que inicien una solicitud de un contenido de video, e inician una descarga progresiva en línea. El último servicio es video en vivo, donde el contenido de video es generado, distribuido y visualizado simultáneamente. En esta tesis se estudian aspectos de diseño para la distribución de video en vivo y bajo demanda. Se presenta un análisis matemático de estabilidad y capacidad de arquitecturas de distribución bajo demanda híbridas, asistidas por pares. Los pares inician descargas concurrentes de múltiples contenidos, y se desconectan cuando lo desean. Se predice la evolución esperada del sistema asumiendo proceso Poisson de arribos y egresos exponenciales, mediante un modelo determinístico de fluidos. Un sub-modelo de descargas secuenciales (no simultáneas) es globalmente y estructuralmente estable, independientemente de los parámetros de la red. Mediante la Ley de Little se determina el tiempo medio de residencia de usuarios en un sistema bajo demanda secuencial estacionario. Se demuestra teóricamente que la filosofía híbrida de cooperación entre pares siempre desempeña mejor que la tecnología pura basada en cliente-servidor

    Video On Demand System For Heterogeneous Wireless Mobile Networks

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    In recent years, the services of the Video on Demand (VOD) system have taken place with the improvement of the high-speed networking and enhancement of the digital video technology. The VOD system allows users to select their desired videos from a remote server, so that they can watch them instantly anytime and anywhere through public communication networks. Currently the challenge of the VOD system is to provide a seamless video access to different type of devices with a small service delay in the existing heterogeneous network environments, such as WIMAX network. There are many issues need to be tackled in designing a VOD system including the system architectures, broadcasting techniques, caching techniques, transitions between different networks, and heterogeneous mobile devices. This thesis presents a new system architecture called Video on Demand system architecture for Heterogeneous Mobile Network (VODHMN) environment. This system architecture supports VOD services for heterogeneous devices with a different capability through different networks with a limited broadcasting bandwidth. The VODHMN system architecture introduces two new components that are consist of Local Media Forwarder (LMF) and Global Media Forwarder (GMF) components as compared to the existing architecture. Both of these components can cope with the wireless environment in term of connectivity

    Flexpop: A popularity-based caching strategy for multimedia applications in information-centric networking

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is the dominant architecture for the future Internet. In ICN, the content items are stored temporarily in network nodes such as routers. When the memory of routers becomes full and there is no room for a new arriving content, the stored contents are evicted to cope with the limited cache size of the routers. Therefore, it is crucial to develop an effective caching strategy for keeping popular contents for a longer period of time. This study proposes a new caching strategy, named Flexible Popularity-based Caching (FlexPop) for storing popular contents. The FlexPop comprises two mechanisms, i.e., Content Placement Mechanism (CPM), which is responsible for content caching, and Content Eviction Mechanism (CEM) that deals with content eviction when the router cache is full and there is no space for the new incoming content. Both mechanisms are validated using Fuzzy Set Theory, following the Design Research Methodology (DRM) to manifest that the research is rigorous and repeatable under comparable conditions. The performance of FlexPop is evaluated through simulations and the results are compared with those of the Leave Copy Everywhere (LCE), ProbCache, and Most Popular Content (MPC) strategies. The results show that the FlexPop strategy outperforms LCE, ProbCache, and MPC with respect to cache hit rate, redundancy, content retrieval delay, memory utilization, and stretch ratio, which are regarded as extremely important metrics (in various studies) for the evaluation of ICN caching. The outcomes exhibited in this study are noteworthy in terms of making FlexPop acceptable to users as they can verify the performance of ICN before selecting the right caching strategy. Thus FlexPop has potential in the use of ICN for the future Internet such as in deployment of the IoT technology

    A Framework For Efficient Data Distribution In Peer-to-peer Networks.

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    Peer to Peer (P2P) models are based on user altruism, wherein a user shares its content with other users in the pool and it also has an interest in the content of the other nodes. Most P2P systems in their current form are not fair in terms of the content served by a peer and the service obtained from swarm. Most systems suffer from free rider\u27s problem where many high uplink capacity peers contribute much more than they should while many others get a free ride for downloading the content. This leaves high capacity nodes with very little or no motivation to contribute. Many times such resourceful nodes exit the swarm or don\u27t even participate. The whole scenario is unfavorable and disappointing for P2P networks in general, where participation is a must and a very important feature. As the number of users increases in the swarm, the swarm becomes robust and scalable. Other important issues in the present day P2P system are below optimal Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of download time, end-to-end latency and jitter rate, uplink utilization, excessive cross ISP traffic, security and cheating threats etc. These current day problems in P2P networks serve as a motivation for present work. To this end, we present an efficient data distribution framework in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks for media streaming and file sharing domain. The experiments with our model, an alliance based peering scheme for media streaming, show that such a scheme distributes data to the swarm members in a near-optimal way. Alliances are small groups of nodes that share data and other vital information for symbiotic association. We show that alliance formation is a loosely coupled and an effective way to organize the peers and our model maps to a small world network, which form efficient overlay structures and are robust to network perturbations such as churn. We present a comparative simulation based study of our model with CoolStreaming/DONet (a popular model) and present a quantitative performance evaluation. Simulation results show that our model scales well under varying workloads and conditions, delivers near optimal levels of QoS, reduces cross ISP traffic considerably and for most cases, performs at par or even better than Cool-Streaming/DONet. In the next phase of our work, we focussed on BitTorrent P2P model as it the most widely used file sharing protocol. Many studies in academia and industry have shown that though BitTorrent scales very well but is far from optimal in terms of fairness to end users, download time and uplink utilization. Furthermore, random peering and data distribution in such model lead to suboptimal performance. Lately, new breed of BitTorrent clients like BitTyrant have shown successful strategic attacks against BitTorrent. Strategic peers configure the BitTorrent client software such that for very less or no contribution, they can obtain good download speeds. Such strategic nodes exploit the altruism in the swarm and consume resources at the expense of other honest nodes and create an unfair swarm. More unfairness is generated in the swarm with the presence of heterogeneous bandwidth nodes. We investigate and propose a new token-based anti-strategic policy that could be used in BitTorrent to minimize the free-riding by strategic clients. We also proposed other policies against strategic attacks that include using a smart tracker that denies the request of strategic clients for peer listmultiple times, and black listing the non-behaving nodes that do not follow the protocol policies. These policies help to stop the strategic behavior of peers to a large extent and improve overall system performance. We also quantify and validate the benefits of using bandwidth peer matching policy. Our simulations results show that with the above proposed changes, uplink utilization and mean download time in BitTorrent network improves considerably. It leaves strategic clients with little or no incentive to behave greedily. This reduces free riding and creates fairer swarm with very little computational overhead. Finally, we show that our model is self healing model where user behavior changes from selfish to altruistic in the presence of the aforementioned policies