2,724 research outputs found

    Progressive construction of a parametric reduced-order model for PDE-constrained optimization

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    An adaptive approach to using reduced-order models as surrogates in PDE-constrained optimization is introduced that breaks the traditional offline-online framework of model order reduction. A sequence of optimization problems constrained by a given Reduced-Order Model (ROM) is defined with the goal of converging to the solution of a given PDE-constrained optimization problem. For each reduced optimization problem, the constraining ROM is trained from sampling the High-Dimensional Model (HDM) at the solution of some of the previous problems in the sequence. The reduced optimization problems are equipped with a nonlinear trust-region based on a residual error indicator to keep the optimization trajectory in a region of the parameter space where the ROM is accurate. A technique for incorporating sensitivities into a Reduced-Order Basis (ROB) is also presented, along with a methodology for computing sensitivities of the reduced-order model that minimizes the distance to the corresponding HDM sensitivity, in a suitable norm. The proposed reduced optimization framework is applied to subsonic aerodynamic shape optimization and shown to reduce the number of queries to the HDM by a factor of 4-5, compared to the optimization problem solved using only the HDM, with errors in the optimal solution far less than 0.1%

    Constrained Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comprehensive Review

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    Global optimization is an essential part of any kind of system. Various algorithms have been proposed that try to imitate the learning and problem solving abilities of the nature up to certain level. The main idea of all nature-inspired algorithms is to generate an interconnected network of individuals, a population. Although most of unconstrained optimization problems can be easily handled with Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), constrained optimization problems (COPs) are very complex. In this paper, a comprehensive literature review will be presented which summarizes the constraint handling techniques for COP

    Adaptiver Suchansatz zur multidisziplinären Optimierung von Leichtbaustrukturen unter Verwendung hybrider Metaheuristik

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    Within the last few years environmental regulations, safety requirements and market competitions forced the automotive industry to open up a wide range of new technologies. Lightweight design is considered as one of the most innovative concepts to fulfil environmental, safety and many other objectives at competitive prices. Choosing the best design and production process in the development period is the most significant link in the automobile production chain. A wide range of design and process parameters needs to be evaluated to achieve numerous goals of production. These goals often stand in conflict with each other. In addition to the variation of the concepts and following the objectives, some limitations such as manufacturing restrictions, financial limits, and deadlines influence the choice of the best combination of variables. This study introduces a structural optimization tool for assemblies made of sheet metal, e.g. the automobile body, based on parametrization and evaluation of concepts in CAD and CAE. This methodology focuses on those concepts, which leads to the use of the right amount of light and strong material in the right place, instead of substituting the whole structure with the new material. An adaptive hybrid metaheuristic algorithm is designed to eliminate all factors that would lead to a local minimum instead of global optimum. Finding the global optimum is granted by using some explorative and exploitative search heuristics, which are intelligently organized by a central controller. Reliability, accuracy and the speed of the proposed algorithm are validated via a comparative study with similar algorithms for an academic optimization problem, which shows valuable results. Since structures might be subject to a wide range of load cases, e.g. static, cyclic, dynamic, temperature-dependent etc., these requirements need to be addressed by a multidisciplinary optimization algorithm. To handle the nonlinear response of objectives and to tackle the time-consuming FEM analyses in crash situations, a surrogate model is implemented in the optimization tool. The ability of such tool to present the optimum results in multi-objective problems is improved by using some user-selected fitness functions. Finally, an exemplary sub-assembly made of sheet metal parts from a car body is optimized to enhance both, static load case and crashworthiness.Die Automobilindustrie hat in den letzten Jahren unter dem Druck von Umweltvorschriften, Sicherheitsanforderungen und wettbewerbsfähigem Markt neue Wege auf dem Gebiet der Technologien eröffnet. Leichtbau gilt als eine der innovativsten und offenkundigsten Lösungen, um Umwelt- und Sicherheitsziele zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen zu erreichen. Die Wahl des besten Designs und Verfahrens für Produktionen in der Entwicklungsphase ist der wichtigste Ring der Automobilproduktionskette. Um unzählige Produktionsziele zu erreichen, müssen zahlreiche Design- und Prozessparameter bewertet werden. Die Anzahl und Variation der Lösungen und Ziele sowie einige Einschränkungen wie Fertigungsbeschränkungen, finanzielle Grenzen und Fristen beeinflussen die Auswahl einer guten Kombination von Variablen. In dieser Studie werden strukturelle Optimierungswerkzeuge für aus Blech gefertigte Baugruppen, z. Karosserie, basierend auf Parametrisierung und Bewertung von Lösungen in CAD bzw. CAE. Diese Methodik konzentriert sich auf die Lösungen, die dazu führen, dass die richtige Menge an leichtem / festem Material an der richtigen Stelle der Struktur verwendet wird, anstatt vollständig ersetzt zu werden. Eine adaptive Hybrid-Metaheuristik soll verhindern, dass alle Faktoren, die Bedrohungsoptimierungstools in einem lokalen Minimum konvergieren, anstelle eines globalen Optimums. Das Auffinden des globalen Optimums wird durch einige explorative und ausbeuterische Such Heuristiken gewährleistet. Die Zuverlässigkeit, Genauigkeit und Geschwindigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Algorithmus wird mit ähnlichen Algorithmen in akademischen Optimierungsproblemen validiert und führt zu respektablen Ergebnissen. Da Strukturen möglicherweise einem weiten Bereich von Lastfällen unterliegen, z. statische, zyklische, dynamische, Temperatur usw. Möglichkeit der multidisziplinären Optimierung wurde in Optimierungswerkzeugen bereitgestellt. Um die nichtlineare Reaktion von Zielen zu überwinden und um den hohen Zeitverbrauch von FEM-Analysen in Absturzereignissen zu bewältigen, könnte ein Ersatzmodell vom Benutzer verwendet werden. Die Fähigkeit von Optimierungswerkzeugen, optimale Ergebnisse bei Problemen mit mehreren Zielsetzungen zu präsentieren, wird durch die Verwendung einiger vom Benutzer ausgewählten Fitnessfunktionen verbessert. Eine Unterbaugruppe aus Blechteilen, die zur Automobilkarosserie gehören, ist optimiert, um beide zu verbessern; statischer Lastfall und Crashsicherheit

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Planetary Gearbox with Adaptive Hybrid Particle Swarm Differential Evolution Algorithm

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    This paper considers the problem of constrained multi-objective non-linear optimization of planetary gearbox based on hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. Optimal design of planetary gear trains requires simultaneous minimization of multiple conflicting objectives, such as gearbox volume, center distance, contact ratio, power loss, etc. In this regard, the theoretical formulation and numerical procedure for the calculation of the planetary gearbox power efficiency has been developed. To successfully solve the stated constrained multi-objective optimization problem, in this paper a hybrid algorithm between particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms has been proposed and applied to considered problem. Here, the mutation operators from the differential evolution algorithm have been incorporated into the velocity update equation of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, with the adaptive population spacing parameter employed to select the appropriate mutation operator for the current optimization condition. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm successfully obtains the solutions of the non-convex Pareto set, and reveals key insights in reducing the weight, improving efficiency and preventing premature failure of gears. Compared to other well-known algorithms, the numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm shows improved optimization performance in terms of the quality of the obtained Pareto solutions

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Planetary Gearbox with Adaptive Hybrid Particle Swarm Differential Evolution Algorithm

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    This paper considers the problem of constrained multi-objective non-linear optimization of planetary gearbox based on hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. Optimal design of planetary gear trains requires simultaneous minimization of multiple conflicting objectives, such as gearbox volume, center distance, contact ratio, power loss, etc. In this regard, the theoretical formulation and numerical procedure for the calculation of the planetary gearbox power efficiency has been developed. To successfully solve the stated constrained multi-objective optimization problem, in this paper a hybrid algorithm between particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms has been proposed and applied to considered problem. Here, the mutation operators from the differential evolution algorithm have been incorporated into the velocity update equation of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, with the adaptive population spacing parameter employed to select the appropriate mutation operator for the current optimization condition. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm successfully obtains the solutions of the non-convex Pareto set, and reveals key insights in reducing the weight, improving efficiency and preventing premature failure of gears. Compared to other well-known algorithms, the numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm shows improved optimization performance in terms of the quality of the obtained Pareto solutions

    Populational adaptive evolution, chemotherapeutic resistance and multiple anti-cancer therapies

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    Resistance to chemotherapies, particularly to anticancer treatments, is an increasing medical concern. Among the many mechanisms at work in cancers, one of the most important is the selection of tumor cells expressing resistance genes or phenotypes. Motivated by the theory of mutation-selection in adaptive evolution, we propose a model based on a continuous variable that represents the expression level of a resistance gene (or genes, yielding a phenotype) influencing in healthy and tumor cells birth/death rates, effects of chemotherapies (both cytotoxic and cytostatic) and mutations. We extend previous work by demonstrating how qualitatively different actions of chemotherapeutic and cytostatic treatments may induce different levels of resistance. The mathematical interest of our study is in the formalism of constrained Hamilton-Jacobi equations in the framework of viscosity solutions. We derive the long-term temporal dynamics of the fittest traits in the regime of small mutations. In the context of adaptive cancer management, we also analyse whether an optimal drug level is better than the maximal tolerated dose