73 research outputs found

    Infocast: A New Paradigm for Collaborative Content Distribution from Roadside Units to Vehicular Networks Using Rateless Codes

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    In this paper, we address the problem of distributing a large amount of bulk data to a sparse vehicular network from roadside infostations, using efficient vehicle-to-vehicle collaboration. Due to the highly dynamic nature of the underlying vehicular network topology, we depart from architectures requiring centralized coordination, reliable MAC scheduling, or global network state knowledge, and instead adopt a distributed paradigm with simple protocols. In other words, we investigate the problem of reliable dissemination from multiple sources when each node in the network shares a limited amount of its resources for cooperating with others. By using \emph{rateless} coding at the Road Side Unit (RSU) and using vehicles as data carriers, we describe an efficient way to achieve reliable dissemination to all nodes (even disconnected clusters in the network). In the nutshell, we explore vehicles as mobile storage devices. We then develop a method to keep the density of the rateless codes packets as a function of distance from the RSU at the desired level set for the target decoding distance. We investigate various tradeoffs involving buffer size, maximum capacity, and the mobility parameter of the vehicles

    V2X Content Distribution Based on Batched Network Coding with Distributed Scheduling

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    Content distribution is an application in intelligent transportation system to assist vehicles in acquiring information such as digital maps and entertainment materials. In this paper, we consider content distribution from a single roadside infrastructure unit to a group of vehicles passing by it. To combat the short connection time and the lossy channel quality, the downloaded contents need to be further shared among vehicles after the initial broadcasting phase. To this end, we propose a joint infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication scheme based on batched sparse (BATS) coding to minimize the traffic overhead and reduce the total transmission delay. In the I2V phase, the roadside unit (RSU) encodes the original large-size file into a number of batches in a rateless manner, each containing a fixed number of coded packets, and sequentially broadcasts them during the I2V connection time. In the V2V phase, vehicles perform the network coded cooperative sharing by re-encoding the received packets. We propose a utility-based distributed algorithm to efficiently schedule the V2V cooperative transmissions, hence reducing the transmission delay. A closed-form expression for the expected rank distribution of the proposed content distribution scheme is derived, which is used to design the optimal BATS code. The performance of the proposed content distribution scheme is evaluated by extensive simulations that consider multi-lane road and realistic vehicular traffic settings, and shown to significantly outperform the existing content distribution protocols.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    Network coding meets multimedia: a review

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    While every network node only relays messages in a traditional communication system, the recent network coding (NC) paradigm proposes to implement simple in-network processing with packet combinations in the nodes. NC extends the concept of "encoding" a message beyond source coding (for compression) and channel coding (for protection against errors and losses). It has been shown to increase network throughput compared to traditional networks implementation, to reduce delay and to provide robustness to transmission errors and network dynamics. These features are so appealing for multimedia applications that they have spurred a large research effort towards the development of multimedia-specific NC techniques. This paper reviews the recent work in NC for multimedia applications and focuses on the techniques that fill the gap between NC theory and practical applications. It outlines the benefits of NC and presents the open challenges in this area. The paper initially focuses on multimedia-specific aspects of network coding, in particular delay, in-network error control, and mediaspecific error control. These aspects permit to handle varying network conditions as well as client heterogeneity, which are critical to the design and deployment of multimedia systems. After introducing these general concepts, the paper reviews in detail two applications that lend themselves naturally to NC via the cooperation and broadcast models, namely peer-to-peer multimedia streaming and wireless networkin

    Network Coding for Cooperation in Wireless Networks

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    Applications of graph-based codes in networks: analysis of capacity and design of improved algorithms

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    The conception of turbo codes by Berrou et al. has created a renewed interest in modern graph-based codes. Several encouraging results that have come to light since then have fortified the role these codes shall play as potential solutions for present and future communication problems. This work focuses on both practical and theoretical aspects of graph-based codes. The thesis can be broadly categorized into three parts. The first part of the thesis focuses on the design of practical graph-based codes of short lengths. While both low-density parity-check codes and rateless codes have been shown to be asymptotically optimal under the message-passing (MP) decoder, the performance of short-length codes from these families under MP decoding is starkly sub-optimal. This work first addresses the structural characterization of stopping sets to understand this sub-optimality. Using this characterization, a novel improved decoder that offers several orders of magnitude improvement in bit-error rates is introduced. Next, a novel scheme for the design of a good rate-compatible family of punctured codes is proposed. The second part of the thesis aims at establishing these codes as a good tool to develop reliable, energy-efficient and low-latency data dissemination schemes in networks. The problems of broadcasting in wireless multihop networks and that of unicast in delay-tolerant networks are investigated. In both cases, rateless coding is seen to offer an elegant means of achieving the goals of the chosen communication protocols. It was noticed that the ratelessness and the randomness in encoding process make this scheme specifically suited to such network applications. The final part of the thesis investigates an application of a specific class of codes called network codes to finite-buffer wired networks. This part of the work aims at establishing a framework for the theoretical study and understanding of finite-buffer networks. The proposed Markov chain-based method extends existing results to develop an iterative Markov chain-based technique for general acyclic wired networks. The framework not only estimates the capacity of such networks, but also provides a means to monitor network traffic and packet drop rates on various links of the network.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Fekri, Faramarz; Committee Member: Li, Ye; Committee Member: McLaughlin, Steven; Committee Member: Sivakumar, Raghupathy; Committee Member: Tetali, Prasa

    Performance Analysis of NOMA Multicast Systems Based on Rateless Codes with Delay Constraints

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    To achieve an efficient and reliable data transmission in time-varying conditions, a novel non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) transmission scheme based on rateless codes (NOMA-RC) is proposed in the multicast system in this paper. Using rateless codes at the packet level, the system can generate enough encoded data packets according to users’ requirements to cope with adverse environments. The performance of the NOMA-RC multicast system with delay constraints is analyzed over Rayleigh fading channels. The closed-form expressions for the frame error ratio and the average transmission time are derived for two cases which are a broadcast communication scenario (Scenario 1) and a relay communication scenario (Scenario 2). Under the condition that the quality of service for the edge user is satisfied, an optimization model of power allocation is established to maximize the sum rate. Simulation results show that Scenario 2 can provide better block error ratio performance and exhibit less transmission time than Scenario 1. When compared with orthogonal multiple access (OMA) with rateless codes system, the proposed system can save on the transmission time and improve the system throughput

    Joint source-channel-network coding in wireless mesh networks with temporal reuse

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    Technological innovation that empowers tiny low-cost transceivers to operate with a high degree of utilisation efficiency in multihop wireless mesh networks is contributed in this dissertation. Transmission scheduling and joint source-channel-network coding are two of the main aspects that are addressed. This work focuses on integrating recent enhancements such as wireless network coding and temporal reuse into a cross-layer optimisation framework, and to design a joint coding scheme that allows for space-optimal transceiver implementations. Link-assigned transmission schedules with timeslot reuse by multiple links in both the space and time domains are investigated for quasi-stationary multihop wireless mesh networks with both rate and power adaptivity. Specifically, predefined cross-layer optimised schedules with proportionally fair end-to-end flow rates and network coding capability are constructed for networks operating under the physical interference model with single-path minimum hop routing. Extending transmission rights in a link-assigned schedule allows for network coding and temporal reuse, which increases timeslot usage efficiency when a scheduled link experiences packet depletion. The schedules that suffer from packet depletion are characterised and a generic temporal reuse-aware achievable rate region is derived. Extensive computational experiments show improved schedule capacity, quality of service, power efficiency and benefit from opportunistic bidirectional network coding accrued with schedules optimised in the proposed temporal reuse-aware convex capacity region. The application of joint source-channel coding, based on fountain codes, in the broadcast timeslot of wireless two-way network coding is also investigated. A computationally efficient subroutine is contributed to the implementation of the fountain compressor, and an error analysis is done. Motivated to develop a true joint source-channel-network code that compresses, adds robustness against channel noise and network codes two packets on a single bipartite graph and iteratively decodes the intended packet on the same Tanner graph, an adaptation of the fountain compressor is presented. The proposed code is shown to outperform a separated joint source-channel and network code in high source entropy and high channel noise regions, in anticipated support of dense networks that employ intelligent signalling. AFRIKAANS : Tegnologiese innovasie wat klein lae-koste kommunikasie toestelle bemagtig om met ’n hoë mate van benuttings doeltreffendheid te werk word bygedra in hierdie proefskrif. Transmissie-skedulering en gesamentlike bron-kanaal-netwerk kodering is twee van die belangrike aspekte wat aangespreek word. Hierdie werk fokus op die integrasie van onlangse verbeteringe soos draadlose netwerk kodering en temporêre herwinning in ’n tussen-laag optimaliserings raamwerk, en om ’n gesamentlike kodering skema te ontwerp wat voorsiening maak vir spasie-optimale toestel implementerings. Skakel-toegekende transmissie skedules met tydgleuf herwinning deur veelvuldige skakels in beide die ruimte en tyd domeine word ondersoek vir kwasi-stilstaande, veelvuldige-sprong draadlose rooster netwerke met beide transmissie-spoed en krag aanpassings. Om spesifiek te wees, word vooraf bepaalde tussen-laag geoptimiseerde skedules met verhoudings-regverdige punt-tot-punt vloei tempo’s en netwerk kodering vermoë saamgestel vir netwerke wat bedryf word onder die fisiese inmengings-model met enkel-pad minimale sprong roetering. Die uitbreiding van transmissie-regte in ’n skakel-toegekende skedule maak voorsiening vir netwerk kodering en temporêre herwinning, wat tydgleuf gebruiks-doeltreffendheid verhoog wanneer ’n geskeduleerde skakel pakkie-uitputting ervaar. Die skedules wat ly aan pakkie-uitputting word gekenmerk en ’n generiese temporêre herwinnings-bewuste haalbare transmissie-spoed gebied word afgelei. Omvattende berekenings-eksperimente toon verbeterde skedulerings kapasiteit, diensgehalte, krag doeltreffendheid asook verbeterde voordeel wat getrek word uit opportunistiese tweerigting netwerk kodering met die skedules wat geoptimiseer word in die temporêre herwinnings-bewuste konvekse transmissie-spoed gebied. Die toepassing van gesamentlike bron-kanaal kodering, gebaseer op fontein kodes, in die uitsaai-tydgleuf van draadlose tweerigting netwerk kodering word ook ondersoek. ’n Berekenings-effektiewe subroetine word bygedra in die implementering van die fontein kompressor, en ’n foutanalise word gedoen. Gemotiveer om ’n ware gesamentlike bron-kanaal-netwerk kode te ontwikkel, wat robuustheid byvoeg teen kanaal geraas en twee pakkies netwerk kodeer op ’n enkele bipartiete grafiek en die beoogde pakkie iteratief dekodeer op dieselfde Tanner grafiek, word ’n aanpassing van die fontein kompressor aangebied. Dit word getoon dat die voorgestelde kode ’n geskeide gesamentlike bron-kanaal en netwerk kode in hoë bron-entropie en ho¨e kanaal-geraas gebiede oortref in verwagte ondersteuning van digte netwerke wat van intelligente sein-metodes gebruik maak.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte
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