327 research outputs found

    Cloud Security using Image based Attribute Encryption Scheme

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    In the realm of specialized life distributed computing has turned out to be fundamental part and furthermore understanding the method for business is changing and is probably going to keep changing into what's to come. Utilizing distributed storage administrations implies that you and others can get to and share records over a scope of gadgets and position. Records, for example, photographs and recordings can now and then be unmanageable to email on the off chance that they are too enormous or you have designate of information. You can transfer your information to a distributed storage supplier implies you can quickly flow your information with the assistance of cloud administration and you can impart your information documents to anybody you pick. Since distributed computing offers dispersed assets by means of system in the open condition hence it makes less secured. Information security has turned into a noteworthy issue in information sharing on cloud. The primary maxim behind our framework is that it secures the information and creates the key for every exchange so every client can secure our mutual information by the outsider i.e. untrustworthy programmer

    Coop-DAAB : cooperative attribute based data aggregation for Internet of Things applications

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    The deployment of IoT devices is gaining an expanding interest in our daily life. Indeed, IoT networks consist in interconnecting several smart and resource constrained devices to enable advanced services. Security management in IoT is a big challenge as personal data are shared by a huge number of distributed services and devices. In this paper, we propose a Cooperative Data Aggregation solution based on a novel use of Attribute Based signcryption scheme (Coop - DAAB). Coop - DAAB consists in distributing data signcryption operation between different participating entities (i.e., IoT devices). Indeed, each IoT device encrypts and signs in only one step the collected data with respect to a selected sub-predicate of a general access predicate before forwarding to an aggregating entity. This latter is able to aggregate and decrypt collected data if a sufficient number of IoT devices cooperates without learning any personal information about each participating device. Thanks to the use of an attribute based signcryption scheme, authenticity of data collected by IoT devices is proved while protecting them from any unauthorized access

    Attribute-Based Signatures

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    We introduce Attribute-Based Signatures (ABS), a versatile primitive that allows a party to sign a message with fine-grained control over identifying information. In ABS, a signer, who possesses a set of attributes from the authority, can sign a message with a predicate that is satisfied by his attributes. The signature reveals no more than the fact that a single user with some set of attributes satisfying the predicate has attested to the message. In particular, the signature hides the attributes used to satisfy the predicate and any identifying information about the signer (that could link multiple signatures as being from the same signer). Furthermore, users cannot collude to pool their attributes together. We give a general framework for constructing ABS schemes, then show several practical instantia-tions based on groups with bilinear pairing operations, under standard assumptions. We describe several practical problems that motivated this work, and how ABS can be used to solve them

    Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Bilinear Map

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    In attribute-based signatures, each signer receives a signing key from the authority, which is associated with the signer\u27s attribute, and using the signing key, the signer can issue a signature on any message under a predicate, if his attribute satisfies the predicate. One of the ultimate goals in this area is to support a wide class of predicates, such as the class of \emph{arbitrary circuits}, with \emph{practical efficiency} from \emph{a simple assumption}, since these three aspects determine the usefulness of the scheme. We present an attribute-based signature scheme which allows us to use an arbitrary circuit as the predicate with practical efficiency from the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption. We achieve this by combining the efficiency of Groth-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove algebraic equations efficiently, and the expressiveness of Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove any NP relation via circuit satisfiability

    Efficient Attribute-Based Signatures for Non-Monotone Predicates in the Standard Model

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    This paper presents a fully secure (adaptive-predicate unforgeable and private) attribute-based signature (ABS) scheme in the standard model. The security of the proposed ABS scheme is proven under standard assumptions, the decisional linear (DLIN) assumption and the existence of collision resistant (CR) hash functions. The admissible predicates of the proposed ABS scheme are more general than those of the existing ABS schemes, i.e., the proposed ABS scheme is the first to support general non-monotone predicates, which can be expressed using NOT gates as well as AND, OR, and Threshold gates, while the existing ABS schemes only support monotone predicates. The proposed ABS scheme is comparably as efficient as (several times worse than) one of the most efficient ABS schemes, which is proven to be secure in the generic group model

    Attribute-Based Signcryption : Signer Privacy, Strong Unforgeability and IND-CCA2 Security in Adaptive-Predicates Attack

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    An Attribute-Based Signcryption (ABSC) is a natural extension of Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), where we have the message confidentiality and authenticity together. Since the signer privacy is captured in security of ABS, it is quite natural to expect that the signer privacy will also be preserved in ABSC. In this paper, first we propose an ABSC scheme which is \textit{weak existential unforgeable, IND-CCA2} secure in \textit{adaptive-predicates} attack and achieves \textit{signer privacy}. Secondly, by applying strongly unforgeable one-time signature (OTS), the above scheme is lifted to an ABSC scheme to attain \textit{strong existential unforgeability} in \textit{adaptive-predicates} model. Both the ABSC schemes are constructed on common setup, i.e the public parameters and key are same for both the encryption and signature modules. Our first construction is in the flavor of CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S} paradigm, except one extra component that will be computed using both signature components and ciphertext components. The second proposed construction follows a new paradigm (extension of CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S}), we call it ``Commit then Encrypt and Sign then Sign (CtE&StS\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S}{t}\mathcal{S}). The last signature is done using a strong OTS scheme. Since the non-repudiation is achieved by CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S} paradigm, our systems also achieve the same

    Proofs of Knowledge on Monotone Predicates and its Application to Attribute-Based Identifications and Signatures

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    We propose a concrete procedure of the Σ\Sigma-protocol introduced by Cramer, Damgård and Schoenmakers at CRYPTO \u2794, which is for proving knowledge that a set of witnesses satisfies a monotone predicate in witness-indistinguishable way; that is, hiding the assignment of truth in the predicate. We provide a detailed procedure by extending the so-called OR-proof

    Stronger security notions for decentralized traceable attribute-based signatures and more efficient constructions

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    We revisit the notion of Decentralized Traceable Attribute-Based Signatures (DTABS) introduced by El Kaafarani et al. (CT-RSA 2014) and improve the state-of-the-art in three dimensions: Firstly, we provide a new stronger security model which circumvents some shortcomings in existing models. Our model minimizes the trust placed in attribute authorities and hence provides, among other things, a stronger definition for non-frameability. In addition, our model captures the notion of tracing soundness which is important for many applications of the primitive. Secondly, we provide a generic construction that is secure w.r.t. our strong security model and show two example instantiations in the standard model which are more efficient than existing constructions (secure under weaker security definitions). Finally, we dispense with the need for the expensive zero-knowledge proofs required for proving tracing correctness by the tracing authority. As a result, tracing a signature in our constructions is significantly more efficient than existing constructions, both in terms of the size of the tracing proof and the computational cost required to generate and verify it. For instance, verifying tracing correctness in our constructions requires only 4 pairings compared to 34 pairings in the most efficient existing construction