35,808 research outputs found

    Climate-Related Investing Across Asset Classes

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    Responsible investment -- understood as the incorporation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information into investment analysis -- is a discipline that allows investors to:- Better assess long-term risks and opportunities in their portfolios; and- Better align their investment strategies with opportunities to create longterm wealth for investors and society alike.It is a tool for investors who seek to improve long-term financial returns through enhanced ESG analysis. It also appeals to mission or impact investors, who seek to achieve defined social and/or environmental goals while achieving targeted rates of return. In both cases, investors use responsible investment as a tool to improve their ability to achieve their goals.Climate change is among the most important issues addressed by today's responsible investment universe. The physical risks of climate change, the likelihood of major changes in political and regulatory investment environments as a result of climate change, the opportunities associated with a radical global transformation to a low-carbon economy -- these issues create far-reaching implications for investors as they make decisions about their investment strategies, and as they evaluate particular fund managers and investment opportunities. New ideas, products, and methods have entered the market to address the long-term implications of climate change.This short handbook takes as its premise that a climate lens reveals risks and opportunities across all elements of an investor's portfolio. Every asset class offers investors an opportunity to pursue climate-friendly investments, to mitigate exposure to climate risk, and to engage stakeholders to improve climate-related performance across the range of investment opportunities

    Investing in the Clean Trillion: Closing the Clean Energy Investment Gap

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    In 2010 world governments agreed to limit the increase in global temperature to two degrees Celsius (2 °C) above pre-industrial levels to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. To have an 80 percent chance of maintaining this 2 °C limit, the IEA estimates an additional 36trillionincleanenergyinvestmentisneededthrough2050−−oranaverageof36 trillion in clean energy investment is needed through 2050 -- or an average of 1 trillion more per year compared to a "business as usual" scenario over the next 36 years.This report provides 10 recommendations for investors, companies and policymakers to increase annual global investment in clean energy to at least $1 trillion by 2030 -- roughly a four-fold jump from current investment levels

    Impact at Scale: Policy Innovation for Institutional Investment With Social and Environmental Benefit

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    Explores policy options to maximize impact investing opportunities for institutional investors and accelerate the development of impact investing practices and products. Presents case studies of and insights from investors and service providers

    Maximizing Impact: An Integrated Strategy for Grantmaking and Mission Investing in Climate Change

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    With funding from The Surdna Foundation, FSG has developed this report to help foundations identify how various mission investing instruments and opportunities can help them create greater impact. Guided by an expert Advisory Board and based on interviews with more than 50 practitioners from the field, the report provides a framework for foundations to think about how mission investments can create the greatest impact when combined with grants in an integrated program portfolio, with a specific focus on climate change

    Blended Value Investing: Capital Opportunities for Social and Environmental Impact

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    This paper is offered not as a fully comprehensive survey of the emerging area of blended value investing, but rather as a set of examples of how such investing practices are being developed and applied around the world. The paper's intent is not to provide a single answer for all investment challenges, but to demonstrate how groups of investors are mobilizing capital on new terms to meet the challenges of emerging investment opportunities, as well as the demands of investors seeking out new asset classes in which to place their capital.This paper presents innovations in capital finance that promise to bridge market-rate interests with strategic opportunities to create blended value that benefits shareholder and stakeholder alike. The following examples speak to an evolving capital convergence wherein mainstream capital markets and investing will increasingly become drivers of new solutions to historic problems. Blended value investing funds and instruments offer financing strategies a set of tools that go beyond traditional philanthropy or market rate investing and which complement the vision we all share of a world with greater equity and opportunity for its members.This paper also identifies several areas of research that would help advance the field of blended value investing. Finally, the paper concludes with words of caution that suggest a prudent approach to developing blended value capital markets. It offers a critique of the state of the markets, presents a strategic vision for the blended value capital markets, and suggests specific steps that participants might take in moving toward the ideal

    Managing biodiversity correctly - Efficient portfolio management as an effective way of protecting species

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    Loss of biodiversity is regarded as one of the key problems affecting the environment. In order to demonstrate the significance of biodiversity, the value of individual species or ecosystems today is generally determined in science and practice. The underlying thought is that a species or ecosystem is worthy of being conserved provided its value exceeds the benefit of its loss. This is, at first glance, a rational line of thought typical of economists. As this study shows, however, this way of looking at the situation is inadequate. Biodiversity, rather like a share portfolio or a portfolio of insurance risks, is concerned with a portfolio of different genes, species or ecosystems. The finding from portfolio theory that in portfolios returns are additive whereas risks diversify and that well managed portfolios frequently also contain securities which, viewed in isolation, appear to hold little attraction, is now generally acknowledged in the management of securities. Portfolio theory is not currently brought into discussions on biodiversity issues, and that is regrettable. The way in which biodiversity is generally viewed at present lags more than fifty years behind securities management. This study shows how portfolio managers would look at and manage biodiversity. Probably the most surprising and provocative finding is that it may be assumed that portfolio managers would conserve more species than appears appropriate from the way the situation is usually viewed at present.Biodiversity, Portfolio Theory, Portfolio Management, Diversification, Asset Management

    Unleashing the Potential of US Foundation Endowments: Using Responsible Investment to Strengthen Endowment Oversight and Enhance Impact

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    A small but growing number of US foundations are investigating or pursuing sustainable and responsible investing approaches -- often employing such terms as mission-related investing or impact investing. They are embracing the notion that in addition to making grants, they can employ investment and shareowner strategies across their assets to help achieve positive societal outcomes and targeted financial returns. This report is designed for foundation staff and trustees who are interested in encouraging their institutions to align a broader portion of their assets under management with their programmatic goals or to factor environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues into their investment decisions to help fulfill fiduciary duties. Practitioners in the sustainable and responsible investment industry who serve foundations, including consultants, research providers, financial advisors, and investment managers, can also benefit from the information and resources in this paper.Using extensive data from primary and secondary resources, this paper presents the current range and state of involvement by foundations in sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) and profiles a number of foundations whose approaches to SRI have resulted in meaningful environmental, social or corporate governance outcomes. It demonstrates that it is feasible for foundations to invest their endowments in alignment with their mission and ESG issues of concern, while at the same time achieving their overall financial goals. This report also details a range of resources, including many that have emerged just in the past few years, available to foundations in their efforts to explore SRI. Last, the report offers recommendations and ideas for foundation officers and trustees to enable them to guide their institutions into this space

    Winning in the long run: a quantified approach to the drivers of sustainable financial value on real estate: Working Paper 2

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    This working paper describes the first empirical study measuring the impact of sustainability characteristics on the financial performance of European office and retail properties. The authors present the project, the issue and the approach of their ongoing search for a �Green Alpha�. In a joint effort, university experts at Danube University Krems are in cooperation with Kingston University London tackling a robust analysis on hard data from real properties of institutional investment portfolios in the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Their first results are expected by the end of 2010

    Granular technologies to accelerate decarbonization

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    Of the 45 energy technologies deemed critical by the International Energy Agency for meeting global climate targets, 38 need to improve substan- tially in cost and performance while accelerating deployment over the next decades.Low-carbon technological solutions vary in scale from solar panels, e-bikes, and smart thermostats to carbon capture and storage, light rail transit, and whole-building retrofits. We make three contributions to long-standing debates on the appropriate scale of technological responses in the energy system. First, we focus on the specific needs of accelerated low-carbon transformation: rapid technology deployment, escaping lock-in, and social legitimacy. Second, we synthesize evidence on energy end-use technologies in homes, transport, and industry, as well as electricity generation and energy supply. Third, we go beyond technical and economic considerations to include innovation, investment, deployment, social, and equity criteria for assessing the relative advantage of alternative technologies as a function of their scale. We suggest numerous potential advantages of more-granular energy technologies for accelerating progress toward climate targets, as well as the conditions on which such progress depends

    CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry - Plan of Work and Budget 2020

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    There were no significant changes in 2019 to FTA’s theory of change1. FTA plans all its work on the basis of its operational priorities. These, in turn, focusresearch towards major development demands and knowledge gaps, orienting FTA towards the implementation of the SDGs and other global commitments. Three operational priorities were added in 2020 (see list in Appendix 1) to better delineate pre-existing research areas addressing development bottlenecks needing dedicated investment and visibility: smallholder tree-crop commodities, tree seeds and seedlings delivery systems, and foresight. FTA organized in 2019, at the request of its ISC, a joint ISC-FTA workshop on impact assessment methods for the program. Based on the outcomes of this workshop FTA will, inter alia, revisit in 2020 its impact pathways and end of programme outcomes, and if need be, corresponding adjustments to the ToC of FTA and/or of its FPs will be made
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