8 research outputs found

    A Fisher Information Analysis of Joint Localization and Synchronization in Near Field

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    In 5G communication, arrays are used for both positioning and communication. As the arrays become larger, the far-field assumption is increasingly being violated and curvature of the wavefront should be taken into account. We explicitly contrast near-field and far-field uplink localization performance in the presence of a clock bias from a Fisher information perspective and show how a simple algorithm can provide a coarse estimate of a user's location and clock bias.Comment: Submitted to IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop

    A Fisher information analysis of joint localization and synchronization in near field

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    In 5G communication, arrays are used for both positioning and communication. As the arrays become larger, the far-field assumption is increasingly being violated and curvature of the wavefront should be taken into account. In this paper, we use a single large linear array and relative phase measurements to perform the localization and synchronization. We explicitly contrast near-field and far-field uplink localization performance in the presence of a clock bias from a Fisher information perspective and show how a simple algorithm can provide a coarse estimate of a user\u27s location and clock bias

    Precise positioning systems for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is a very promising research venue that can offers many useful and critical applications including the safety applications. Most of these applications require that each vehicle knows precisely its current position in real time. GPS is the most common positioning technique for VANET. However, it is not accurate. Moreover, the GPS signals cannot be received in the tunnels, undergrounds, or near tall buildings. Thus, no positioning service can be obtained in these locations. Even if the Deferential GPS (DGPS) can provide high accuracy, but still no GPS converge in these locations. In this paper, we provide positioning techniques for VANET that can provide accurate positioning service in the areas where GPS signals are hindered by the obstacles. Experimental results show significant improvement in the accuracy. This allows when combined with DGPS the continuity of a precise positioning service that can be used by most of the VANET applications.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol. 4, No. 2, April 201

    Why The Accuracy Of The Received Signal Strengths As A Positioning Technique Was Not Accurate?

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    Efficient and Robust Signal Detection Algorithms for the Communication Applications

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    Signal detection and estimation has been prevalent in signal processing and communications for many years. The relevant studies deal with the processing of information-bearing signals for the purpose of information extraction. Nevertheless, new robust and efficient signal detection and estimation techniques are still in demand since there emerge more and more practical applications which rely on them. In this dissertation work, we proposed several novel signal detection schemes for wireless communications applications, such as source localization algorithm, spectrum sensing method, and normality test. The associated theories and practice in robustness, computational complexity, and overall system performance evaluation are also provided

    Wireless Localization Systems: Statistical Modeling and Algorithm Design

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    Wireless localization systems are essential for emerging applications that rely on context-awareness, especially in civil, logistic, and security sectors. Accurate localization in indoor environments is still a challenge and triggers a fervent research activity worldwide. The performance of such systems relies on the quality of range measurements gathered by processing wireless signals within the sensors composing the localization system. Such range estimates serve as observations for the target position inference. The quality of range estimates depends on the network intrinsic properties and signal processing techniques. Therefore, the system design and analysis call for the statistical modeling of range information and the algorithm design for ranging, localization and tracking. The main objectives of this thesis are: (i) the derivation of statistical models and (ii) the design of algorithms for different wire- less localization systems, with particular regard to passive and semi-passive systems (i.e., active radar systems, passive radar systems, and radio frequency identification systems). Statistical models for the range information are derived, low-complexity algorithms with soft-decision and hard-decision are proposed, and several wideband localization systems have been analyzed. The research activity has been conducted also within the framework of different projects in collaboration with companies and other universities, and within a one-year-long research period at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. The analysis of system performance, the derived models, and the proposed algorithms are validated considering different case studies in realistic scenarios and also using the results obtained under the aforementioned projects

    Compressive Acquisition and Processing of Sparse Analog Signals

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    Since the advent of the first digital processing units, the importance of digital signal processing has been steadily rising. Today, most signal processing happens in the digital domain, requiring that analog signals be first sampled and digitized before any relevant data can be extracted from them. The recent explosion of the demands for data acquisition, storage and processing, however, has pushed the capabilities of conventional acquisition systems to their limits in many application areas. By offering an alternative view on the signal acquisition process, ideas from sparse signal processing and one of its main beneficiaries compressed sensing (CS), aim at alleviating some of these problems. In this thesis, we look into the ways the application of a compressive measurement kernel impacts the signal recovery performance and investigate methods to infer the current signal complexity from the compressive observations. We then study a particular application, namely that of sub-Nyquist sampling and processing of sparse analog multiband signals in spectral, angular and spatial domains.Seit dem Aufkommen der ersten digitalen Verarbeitungseinheiten hat die Bedeutung der digitalen Signalverarbeitung stetig zugenommen. Heutzutage findet die meiste Signalverarbeitung im digitalen Bereich statt, was erfordert, dass analoge Signale zuerst abgetastet und digitalisiert werden, bevor relevante Daten daraus extrahiert werden können. Jahrzehntelang hat die herkömmliche äquidistante Abtastung, die durch das Nyquist-Abtasttheorem bestimmt wird, zu diesem Zweck ein nahezu universelles Mittel bereitgestellt. Der kürzliche explosive Anstieg der Anforderungen an die Datenerfassung, -speicherung und -verarbeitung hat jedoch die Fähigkeiten herkömmlicher Erfassungssysteme in vielen Anwendungsbereichen an ihre Grenzen gebracht. Durch eine alternative Sichtweise auf den Signalerfassungsprozess können Ideen aus der sparse Signalverarbeitung und einer ihrer Hauptanwendungsgebiete, Compressed Sensing (CS), dazu beitragen, einige dieser Probleme zu mindern. Basierend auf der Annahme, dass der Informationsgehalt eines Signals oft viel geringer ist als was von der nativen Repräsentation vorgegeben, stellt CS ein alternatives Konzept für die Erfassung und Verarbeitung bereit, das versucht, die Abtastrate unter Beibehaltung des Signalinformationsgehalts zu reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir einige der Grundlagen des endlichdimensionalen CSFrameworks und seine Verbindung mit Sub-Nyquist Abtastung und Verarbeitung von sparsen analogen Signalen. Obwohl es seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt ein Schwerpunkt aktiver Forschung ist, gibt es noch erhebliche Lücken beim Verständnis der Auswirkungen von komprimierenden Ansätzen auf die Signalwiedergewinnung und die Verarbeitungsleistung, insbesondere bei rauschbehafteten Umgebungen und in Bezug auf praktische Messaufgaben. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir, wie sich die Anwendung eines komprimierenden Messkerns auf die Signal- und Rauschcharakteristiken auf die Signalrückgewinnungsleistung auswirkt. Wir erforschen auch Methoden, um die aktuelle Signal-Sparsity-Order aus den komprimierten Messungen abzuleiten, ohne auf die Nyquist-Raten-Verarbeitung zurückzugreifen, und zeigen den Vorteil, den sie für den Wiederherstellungsprozess bietet. Nachdem gehen wir zu einer speziellen Anwendung, nämlich der Sub-Nyquist-Abtastung und Verarbeitung von sparsen analogen Multibandsignalen. Innerhalb des Sub-Nyquist-Abtastung untersuchen wir drei verschiedene Multiband-Szenarien, die Multiband-Sensing in der spektralen, Winkel und räumlichen-Domäne einbeziehen.Since the advent of the first digital processing units, the importance of digital signal processing has been steadily rising. Today, most signal processing happens in the digital domain, requiring that analog signals be first sampled and digitized before any relevant data can be extracted from them. For decades, conventional uniform sampling that is governed by the Nyquist sampling theorem has provided an almost universal means to this end. The recent explosion of the demands for data acquisition, storage and processing, however, has pushed the capabilities of conventional acquisition systems to their limits in many application areas. By offering an alternative view on the signal acquisition process, ideas from sparse signal processing and one of its main beneficiaries compressed sensing (CS), have the potential to assist alleviating some of these problems. Building on the premise that the signal information rate is often much lower than what is dictated by its native representation, CS provides an alternative acquisition and processing framework that attempts to reduce the sampling rate while preserving the information content of the signal. In this thesis, we explore some of the basic foundations of the finite-dimensional CS framework and its connection to sub-Nyquist sampling and processing of sparse continuous analog signals with application to multiband sensing. Despite being a focus of active research for over a decade, there still remain signi_cant gaps in understanding the implications that compressive approaches have on the signal recovery and processing performance, especially against noisy settings and in relation to practical sampling problems. This dissertation aims at filling some of these gaps. More specifically, we look into the ways the application of a compressive measurement kernel impacts signal and noise characteristics and the relation it has to the signal recovery performance. We also investigate methods to infer the current complexity of the signal scene from the reduced-rate compressive observations without resorting to Nyquist-rate processing and show the advantage this knowledge offers to the recovery process. Having considered some of the universal aspects of compressive systems, we then move to studying a particular application, namely that of sub-Nyquist sampling and processing of sparse analog multiband signals. Within the sub-Nyquist sampling framework, we examine three different multiband scenarios that involve multiband sensing in spectral, angular and spatial domains. For each of them, we provide a sub-Nyquist receiver architecture, develop recovery methods and numerically evaluate their performance