5 research outputs found

    HeteroCore GPU to exploit TLP-resource diversity

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    Classification-driven search for effective sm partitioning in multitasking GPUs

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    Graphics processing units (GPUs) feature an increasing number of streaming multiprocessors (SMs) with each successive generation. At the same time, GPUs are increasingly widely adopted in cloud services and data centers to accelerate general-purpose workloads. Running multiple applications on a GPU in such environments requires effective multitasking support. Spatial multitasking in which independent applications co-execute on different sets of SMs is a promising solution to share GPU resources. Unfortunately, how to effectively partition SMs is an open problem. In this paper, we observe that compared to widely-used even partitioning, dynamic SM partitioning based on the characteristics of the co-executing applications can significantly improve performance and power efficiency. Unfortunately, finding an effective SM partition is challenging because the number of possible combinations increases exponentially with the number of SMs and co-executing applications. Through offline analysis, we find that first classifying workloads, and then searching an effective SM partition based on the workload characteristics can significantly reduce the search space, making dynamic SM partitioning tractable. Based on these insights, we propose Classification-Driven search (CD-search) for low-overhead dynamic SM partitioning in multitasking GPUs. CD-search first classifies workloads using a novel off-SM bandwidth model, after which it enters the performance mode or power mode depending on the workload's characteristics. Both modes follow a specific search strategy to quickly determine the optimum SM partition. Our evaluation shows that CD-search improves system throughput by 10.4% on average (and up to 62.9%) over even partitioning for workloads that are classified for the performance mode. For workloads classified for the power mode, CD-search reduces power consumption by 25% on average (and up to 41.2%). CD-search incurs limited runtime overhead

    HSM : a hybrid slowdown model for multitasking GPUs

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are increasingly widely used in the cloud to accelerate compute-heavy tasks. However, GPU-compute applications stress the GPU architecture in different ways - leading to suboptimal resource utilization when a single GPU is used to run a single application. One solution is to use the GPU in a multitasking fashion to improve utilization. Unfortunately, multitasking leads to destructive interference between co-running applications which causes fairness issues and Quality-of-Service (QoS) violations. We propose the Hybrid Slowdown Model (HSM) to dynamically and accurately predict application slowdown due to interference. HSM overcomes the low accuracy of prior white-box models, and training and implementation overheads of pure black-box models, with a hybrid approach. More specifically, the white-box component of HSM builds upon the fundamental insight that effective bandwidth utilization is proportional to DRAM row buffer hit rate, and the black-box component of HSM uses linear regression to relate row buffer hit rate to performance. HSM accurately predicts application slowdown with an average error of 6.8%, a significant improvement over the current state-of-the-art. In addition, we use HSM to guide various resource management schemes in multitasking GPUs: HSM-Fair significantly improves fairness (by 1.59x on average) compared to even partitioning, whereas HSM-QoS improves system throughput (by 18.9% on average) compared to proportional SM partitioning while maintaining the QoS target for the high-priority application in challenging mixed memory/compute-bound multi-program workloads

    Data Resource Management in Throughput Processors

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are becoming common in data centers for tasks like neural network training and image processing due to their high performance and efficiency. GPUs maintain high throughput by running thousands of threads simultaneously, issuing instructions from ready threads to hide latency in others that are stalled. While this is effective for keeping the arithmetic units busy, the challenge in GPU design is moving the data for computation at the same high rate. Any inefficiency in data movement and storage will compromise the throughput and energy efficiency of the system. Since energy consumption and cooling make up a large part of the cost of provisioning and running and a data center, making GPUs more suitable for this environment requires removing the bottlenecks and overheads that limit their efficiency. The performance of GPU workloads is often limited by the throughput of the memory resources inside each GPU core, and though many of the power-hungry structures in CPUs are not found in GPU designs, there is overhead for storing each thread's state. When sharing a GPU between workloads, contention for resources also causes interference and slowdown. This thesis develops techniques to manage and streamline the data movement and storage resources in GPUs in each of these places. The first part of this thesis resolves data movement restrictions inside each GPU core. The GPU memory system is optimized for sequential accesses, but many workloads load data in irregular or transposed patterns that cause a throughput bottleneck even when all loads are cache hits. This work identifies and leverages opportunities to merge requests across threads before sending them to the cache. While requests are waiting for merges, they can be reordered to achieve a higher cache hit rate. These methods yielded a 38% speedup for memory throughput limited workloads. Another opportunity for optimization is found in the register file. Since it must store the registers for thousands of active threads, it is the largest on-chip data storage structure on a GPU. The second work in this thesis replaces the register file with a smaller, more energy-efficient register buffer. Compiler directives allow the GPU to know ahead of time which registers will be accessed, allowing the hardware to store only the registers that will be imminently accessed in the buffer, with the rest moved to main memory. This technique reduced total GPU energy by 11%. Finally, in a data center, many different applications will be launching GPU jobs, and just as multiple processes can share the same CPU to increase its utilization, running multiple workloads on the same GPU can increase its overall throughput. However, co-runners interfere with each other in unpredictable ways, especially when sharing memory resources. The final part of this thesis controls this interference, allowing a GPU to be shared between two tiers of workloads: one tier with a high performance target and another suitable for batch jobs without deadlines. At a 90% performance target, this technique increased GPU throughput by 9.3%. GPUs' high efficiency and performance makes them a valuable accelerator in the data center. The contributions in this thesis further increase their efficiency by removing data movement and storage overheads and unlock additional performance by enabling resources to be shared between workloads while controlling interference.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146122/1/jklooste_1.pd