87 research outputs found

    Hiding secrets in public random functions

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    Constructing advanced cryptographic applications often requires the ability of privately embedding messages or functions in the code of a program. As an example, consider the task of building a searchable encryption scheme, which allows the users to search over the encrypted data and learn nothing other than the search result. Such a task is achievable if it is possible to embed the secret key of an encryption scheme into the code of a program that performs the "decrypt-then-search" functionality, and guarantee that the code hides everything except its functionality. This thesis studies two cryptographic primitives that facilitate the capability of hiding secrets in the program of random functions. 1. We first study the notion of a private constrained pseudorandom function (PCPRF). A PCPRF allows the PRF master secret key holder to derive a public constrained key that changes the functionality of the original key without revealing the constraint description. Such a notion closely captures the goal of privately embedding functions in the code of a random function. Our main contribution is in constructing single-key secure PCPRFs for NC^1 circuit constraints based on the learning with errors assumption. Single-key secure PCPRFs were known to support a wide range of cryptographic applications, such as private-key deniable encryption and watermarking. In addition, we build reusable garbled circuits from PCPRFs. 2. We then study how to construct cryptographic hash functions that satisfy strong random oracle-like properties. In particular, we focus on the notion of correlation intractability, which requires that given the description of a function, it should be hard to find an input-output pair that satisfies any sparse relations. Correlation intractability captures the security properties required for, e.g., the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, where the Fiat-Shamir transformation is a practical method of building signature schemes from interactive proof protocols. However, correlation intractability was shown to be impossible to achieve for certain length parameters, and was widely considered to be unobtainable. Our contribution is in building correlation intractable functions from various cryptographic assumptions. The security analyses of the constructions use the techniques of secretly embedding constraints in the code of random functions

    Asymmetric cryptography and practical security, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2002, nr 4

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    Since the appearance of public-key cryptography in Diffie-Hellman seminal paper, many schemes have been proposed, but many have been broken. Indeed, for many people, the simple fact that a cryptographic algorithm withstands cryptanalytic attacks for several years is considered as a kind of validation. But some schemes took a long time before being widely studied, and maybe thereafter being broken. A much more convincing line of research has tried to provide “provable” security for cryptographic protocols, in a complexity theory sense: if one can break the cryptographic protocol, one can efficiently solve the underlying problem. Unfortunately, very few practical schemes can be proven in this so-called “standard model” because such a security level rarely meets with efficiency. A convenient but recent way to achieve some kind of validation of efficient schemes has been to identify some concrete cryptographic objects with ideal random ones: hash functions are considered as behaving like random functions, in the so-called “random oracle model”, block ciphers are assumed to provide perfectly independent and random permutations for each key in the “ideal cipher model”, and groups are used as black-box groups in the “generic model”.In this paper, we focus on practical asymmetric protocols together with their “reductionist” security proofs. We cover the two main goals that public-key cryptography is devoted to solve: authentication with digital signatures, and confidentiality with public-key encryption schemes

    Toward RSA-OAEP without Random Oracles

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    We show new partial and full instantiation results under chosen-ciphertext security for the widely implemented and standardized RSA-OAEP encryption scheme of Bellare and Rogaway (EUROCRYPT 1994) and two variants. Prior work on such instantiations either showed negative results or settled for ``passive\u27\u27 security notions like IND-CPA. More precisely, recall that RSA-OAEP adds redundancy and randomness to a message before composing two rounds of an underlying Feistel transform, whose round functions are modeled as random oracles (ROs), with RSA. Our main results are: \begin{itemize} \item Either of the two oracles (while still modeling the other as a RO) can be instantiated in RSA-OAEP under IND-CCA2 using mild standard-model assumptions on the round functions and generalizations of algebraic properties of RSA shown by Barthe, Pointcheval, and Báguelin (CCS 2012). The algebraic properties are only shown to hold at practical parameters for small encryption exponent (e=3e=3), but we argue they have value for larger ee as well. \item Both oracles can be instantiated simultaneously for two variants of RSA-OAEP, called ``tt-clear\u27\u27 and ``ss-clear\u27\u27 RSA-OAEP. For this we use extractability-style assumptions in the sense of Canetti and Dakdouk (TCC 2010) on the round functions, as well as novel yet plausible ``XOR-type\u27\u27 assumptions on RSA. While admittedly strong, such assumptions may nevertheless be necessary at this point to make positive progress. \end{itemize} In particular, our full instantiations evade impossibility results of Shoup (J.~Cryptology 2002), Kiltz and Pietrzak (EUROCRYPT 2009), and Bitansky et al. (STOC 2014). Moreover, our results for ss-clear RSA-OAEP yield the most efficient RSA-based encryption scheme proven IND-CCA2 in the standard model (using bold assumptions on cryptographic hashing) to date

    Assorted algorithms and protocols for secure computation

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    Assorted algorithms and protocols for secure computation

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    Provably secure digital signatures with additional property

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:乙2108号 ; 学位の種類:博士(理学) ; 授与年月日:2007/7/26 ; 早大学位記番号:新460

    Combined schemes for signature and encryption: The public-key and the identity-based setting

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    Consider a scenario in which parties use a public-key encryption scheme and a signature scheme with a single public key/private key pair-so the private key sk is used for both signing and decrypting. Such a simultaneous use of a key is in general considered poor cryptographic practice, but from an efficiency point of view looks attractive. We offer security notions to analyze such violations of key separation. For both the identity-and the non-identity-based setting, we show that-although being insecure in general-for schemes of interest the resulting combined scheme can offer strong security guarantees.First and last author were supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the project grant MTM-2012-15167

    Functional Commitments for All Functions, with Transparent Setup and from SIS

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    A *functional commitment* scheme enables a user to concisely commit to a function from a specified family, then later concisely and verifiably reveal values of the function at desired inputs. Useful special cases, which have seen applications across cryptography, include vector commitments and polynomial commitments. To date, functional commitments have been constructed (under falsifiable assumptions) only for functions that are essentially *linear*, with one recent exception that works for arbitrarily complex functions. However, that scheme operates in a strong and non-standard model, requiring an online, trusted authority to generate special keys for any opened function inputs. In this work, we give the first functional commitment scheme for nonlinear functions---indeed, for *all functions* of any bounded complexity---under a standard setup and a falsifiable assumption. Specifically, the setup is ``transparent,\u27\u27 requiring only public randomness (and not any trusted entity), and the assumption is the hardness of the standard Short Integer Solution (SIS) lattice problem. Our construction also has other attractive features, including: *stateless updates* via generic composability; excellent *asymptotic efficiency* for the verifier, and also for the committer in important special cases like vector and polynomial commitments, via preprocessing; and *post-quantum security*, since it is based on SIS