4 research outputs found

    Efficient Top-k Shortest-Path Distance Queries on Large Networks by Pruned Landmark Labeling

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    We propose an indexing scheme for top-k shortest-path distance queries on graphs, which is useful in a wide range of important applications such as network-aware search and link prediction. While considerable effort has been made for efficiently answering standard (top-1) distance queries, none of previous methods can be directly extended for top-k distance queries. We propose a new framework for top-k distance queries based on 2-hop cover and then present an efficient indexing algorithm based on the simple but effective recent notion of pruned landmark labeling. Extensive experimental results on real social and web graphs show the scalability, efficiency and robustness of our method. Moreover, we demonstrate the usefulness of top-k distance queries through an application to link prediction

    A Gradual Approach for Multimodel Journey Planning: A Case Study in Izmir, Turkey

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    Planning a journey by integrating route and timetable information from diverse sources of transportation agencies such as bus, ferry, and train can be complicated. A user-friendly, informative journey planning system may simplify a plan by providing assistance in making better use of public transportation. In this study, we presented the service-oriented, multimodel Intelligent Journey Planning System, which we developed to assist travelers in journey planning. We selected Izmir, Turkey, as the pilot city for this system. The multicriteria problem is one of the well-known problems in transportation networks. Our study proposes a gradual path-finding algorithm to solve this problem by considering transfer count and travel time. The algorithm utilizes the techniques of efficient algorithms including round based public transit optimized router, transit node routing, and contraction hierarchies on transportation graph. We employed Dijkstra’s algorithm after the first stage of the path-finding algorithm by applying stage specific rules to reduce search space and runtime. The experimental results show that our path-finding algorithm takes 0.63 seconds of processing time on average, which is acceptable for the user experience

    A+ Indexes: Highly Flexible Adjacency Lists in Graph Database Management Systems

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    Adjacency lists are the most fundamental storage structure in existing graph database management systems (GDBMSs) to index input graphs. Adjacency lists are universally linked-list like per-vertex structures that allow access to a set of edges that are all adjacent to a vertex. In several systems, adjacency lists can also allow efficient access to subsets of a vertex’s adjacent edges that satisfy a fixed set of predicates, such as those that have the same label, and support a fixed set of ordering criteria, such as sorting by the ID of destination vertices of the edges. This thesis describes a highly-flexible indexing subsystem for GDBMSs, which consists of two components. The primary component called A+ indexes store adjacency lists, which compared to existing adjacency lists, provide flexibility to users in three aspects: (1) in addition to per-vertex adjacency lists, users can define per-edge adjacency lists; (2) users can define adjacency lists for sets of edges that satisfy a wide range of predicates; and (3) provide flexible sorting criteria. Indexes in existing GDBMS, such as adjacency list, B+ tree, or hash indexes, index as elements the vertices or edges in the input graph. The second component of our indexing sub-system is secondary B+ tree and bitmap indexes that index aggregate properties of adjacency lists in A+ indexes. Therefore, our secondary indexes effectively index adjacency lists as elements. We have implemented our indexing sub-system on top of the Graphflow GDBMS. We describe our indexes, the modifications we had to do to Graphflow’s optimizer, and our implementation. We provide extensive experiments demonstrating both the flexibility and efficiency of our indexes on a large suite of queries from several application domains