96 research outputs found

    Towards effective planning strategies for robots in recycling

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    This work presents several ideas for planning under uncertainty. We seek to recycle electromechanical devices with a robotic arm. We resort to the Markov Decision Process formulation. In order to avoid scalability issues, we employ determinization techniques and hierarchical planning

    Constructing Abstraction Hierarchies Using a Skill-Symbol Loop

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    We describe a framework for building abstraction hierarchies whereby an agent alternates skill- and representation-acquisition phases to construct a sequence of increasingly abstract Markov decision processes. Our formulation builds on recent results showing that the appropriate abstract representation of a problem is specified by the agent's skills. We describe how such a hierarchy can be used for fast planning, and illustrate the construction of an appropriate hierarchy for the Taxi domain

    Decision-theoretic planning with non-Markovian rewards

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    A decision process in which rewards depend on history rather than merely on the current state is called a decision process with non-Markovian rewards (NMRDP). In decision-theoretic planning, where many desirable behaviours are more naturally expressed a

    Decision-Theoretic Planning with non-Markovian Rewards

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    A decision process in which rewards depend on history rather than merely on the current state is called a decision process with non-Markovian rewards (NMRDP). In decision-theoretic planning, where many desirable behaviours are more naturally expressed as properties of execution sequences rather than as properties of states, NMRDPs form a more natural model than the commonly adopted fully Markovian decision process (MDP) model. While the more tractable solution methods developed for MDPs do not directly apply in the presence of non-Markovian rewards, a number of solution methods for NMRDPs have been proposed in the literature. These all exploit a compact specification of the non-Markovian reward function in temporal logic, to automatically translate the NMRDP into an equivalent MDP which is solved using efficient MDP solution methods. This paper presents NMRDPP (Non-Markovian Reward Decision Process Planner), a software platform for the development and experimentation of methods for decision-theoretic planning with non-Markovian rewards. The current version of NMRDPP implements, under a single interface, a family of methods based on existing as well as new approaches which we describe in detail. These include dynamic programming, heuristic search, and structured methods. Using NMRDPP, we compare the methods and identify certain problem features that affect their performance. NMRDPPs treatment of non-Markovian rewards is inspired by the treatment of domain-specific search control knowledge in the TLPlan planner, which it incorporates as a special case. In the First International Probabilistic Planning Competition, NMRDPP was able to compete and perform well in both the domain-independent and hand-coded tracks, using search control knowledge in the latter

    A proposal for a global task planning architecture using the RoboEarth cloud based framework

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    As robotic systems become more and more capable of assisting in human domains, methods are sought to compose robot executable plans from abstract human instructions. To cope with the semantically rich and highly expressive nature of human instructions, Hierarchical Task Network planning is often being employed along with domain knowledge to solve planning problems in a pragmatic way. Commonly, the domain knowledge is specific to the planning problem at hand, impeding re-use. Therefore this paper conceptualizes a global planning architecture, based on the worldwide accessible RoboEarth cloud framework. This architecture allows environmental state inference and plan monitoring on a global level. To enable plan re-use for future requests, the RoboEarth action language has been adapted to allow semantic matching of robot capabilities with previously composed plans

    Fast approximate hierarchical solution of MDPs

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-91).In this thesis, we present an efficient algorithm for creating and solving hierarchical models of large Markov decision processes (MDPs). As the size of the MDP increases, finding an exact solution becomes intractable, so we expect only to find an approximate solution. We also assume that the hierarchies we create are not necessarily applicable to more than one problem so that we must be able to construct and solve the hierarchical model in less time than it would have taken to simply solve the original, flat model. Our approach works in two stages. We first create the hierarchical MDP by forming clusters of states that can transition easily among themselves. We then solve the hierarchical MDP. We use a quick bottom-up pass based on a deterministic approximation of expected costs to move from one state to another to derive a policy from the top down, which avoids solving low-level MDPs for multiple objectives. The resulting policy may be suboptimal but it is guaranteed to reach a goal state in any problem in which it is reachable under the optimal policy. We have two versions of this algorithm, one for enumerated-state MDPs and one for factored MDPs. We have tested the enumerated-state algorithm on classic problems and shown that it is better than or comparable to current work in the field. Factored MDPs are a way of specifying extremely large MDPs without listing all of the states. Because the problem has a compact representation, we suspect that the solution should, in many cases, also have a compact representation. We have an implementation for factored MDPs and have shown that it can find solutions for large, factored problems.by Jennifer L. Barry.S.M

    Egocentric Planning for Scalable Embodied Task Achievement

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    Embodied agents face significant challenges when tasked with performing actions in diverse environments, particularly in generalizing across object types and executing suitable actions to accomplish tasks. Furthermore, agents should exhibit robustness, minimizing the execution of illegal actions. In this work, we present Egocentric Planning, an innovative approach that combines symbolic planning and Object-oriented POMDPs to solve tasks in complex environments, harnessing existing models for visual perception and natural language processing. We evaluated our approach in ALFRED, a simulated environment designed for domestic tasks, and demonstrated its high scalability, achieving an impressive 36.07% unseen success rate in the ALFRED benchmark and winning the ALFRED challenge at CVPR Embodied AI workshop. Our method requires reliable perception and the specification or learning of a symbolic description of the preconditions and effects of the agent's actions, as well as what object types reveal information about others. It is capable of naturally scaling to solve new tasks beyond ALFRED, as long as they can be solved using the available skills. This work offers a solid baseline for studying end-to-end and hybrid methods that aim to generalize to new tasks, including recent approaches relying on LLMs, but often struggle to scale to long sequences of actions or produce robust plans for novel tasks
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