1,317 research outputs found

    Learning from distributed data sources using random vector functional-link networks

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    One of the main characteristics in many real-world big data scenarios is their distributed nature. In a machine learning context, distributed data, together with the requirements of preserving privacy and scaling up to large networks, brings the challenge of designing fully decentralized training protocols. In this paper, we explore the problem of distributed learning when the features of every pattern are available throughout multiple agents (as is happening, for example, in a distributed database scenario). We propose an algorithm for a particular class of neural networks, known as Random Vector Functional-Link (RVFL), which is based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers optimization algorithm. The proposed algorithm allows to learn an RVFL network from multiple distributed data sources, while restricting communication to the unique operation of computing a distributed average. Our experimental simulations show that the algorithm is able to achieve a generalization accuracy comparable to a fully centralized solution, while at the same time being extremely efficient

    Network based scoring models to improve credit risk management in peer to peer lending platforms

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    Financial intermediation has changed extensively over the course of the last two decades. One of the most significant change has been the emergence of FinTech. In the context of credit services, fintech peer to peer lenders have introduced many opportunities, among which improved speed, better customer experience, and reduced costs. However, peer-to-peer lending platforms lead to higher risks, among which higher credit risk: not owned by the lenders, and systemic risks: due to the high interconnectedness among borrowers generated by the platform. This calls for new and more accurate credit risk models to protect consumers and preserve financial stability. In this paper we propose to enhance credit risk accuracy of peer-to-peer platforms by leveraging topological information embedded into similarity networks, derived from borrowers' financial information. Topological coefficients describing borrowers' importance and community structures are employed as additional explanatory variables, leading to an improved predictive performance of credit scoring models

    Gossip Learning with Linear Models on Fully Distributed Data

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    Machine learning over fully distributed data poses an important problem in peer-to-peer (P2P) applications. In this model we have one data record at each network node, but without the possibility to move raw data due to privacy considerations. For example, user profiles, ratings, history, or sensor readings can represent this case. This problem is difficult, because there is no possibility to learn local models, the system model offers almost no guarantees for reliability, yet the communication cost needs to be kept low. Here we propose gossip learning, a generic approach that is based on multiple models taking random walks over the network in parallel, while applying an online learning algorithm to improve themselves, and getting combined via ensemble learning methods. We present an instantiation of this approach for the case of classification with linear models. Our main contribution is an ensemble learning method which---through the continuous combination of the models in the network---implements a virtual weighted voting mechanism over an exponential number of models at practically no extra cost as compared to independent random walks. We prove the convergence of the method theoretically, and perform extensive experiments on benchmark datasets. Our experimental analysis demonstrates the performance and robustness of the proposed approach.Comment: The paper was published in the journal Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291532-0634 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpe.2858). The modifications are based on the suggestions from the reviewer

    Proceedings of the 2nd Computer Science Student Workshop: Microsoft Istanbul, Turkey, April 9, 2011

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