9 research outputs found

    Restorable Shortest Path Tiebreaking for Edge-Faulty Graphs

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    The restoration lemma by Afek, Bremler-Barr, Kaplan, Cohen, and Merritt [Dist. Comp. '02] proves that, in an undirected unweighted graph, any replacement shortest path avoiding a failing edge can be expressed as the concatenation of two original shortest paths. However, the lemma is tiebreaking-sensitive: if one selects a particular canonical shortest path for each node pair, it is no longer guaranteed that one can build replacement paths by concatenating two selected shortest paths. They left as an open problem whether a method of shortest path tiebreaking with this desirable property is generally possible. We settle this question affirmatively with the first general construction of restorable tiebreaking schemes. We then show applications to various problems in fault-tolerant network design. These include a faster algorithm for subset replacement paths, more efficient fault-tolerant (exact) distance labeling schemes, fault-tolerant subset distance preservers and +4+4 additive spanners with improved sparsity, and fast distributed algorithms that construct these objects. For example, an almost immediate corollary of our restorable tiebreaking scheme is the first nontrivial distributed construction of sparse fault-tolerant distance preservers resilient to three faults

    New Fault Tolerant Subset Preservers

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    Near-Optimal Deterministic Single-Source Distance Sensitivity Oracles

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    Given a graph with a source vertex ss, the Single Source Replacement Paths (SSRP) problem is to compute, for every vertex tt and edge ee, the length d(s,t,e)d(s,t,e) of a shortest path from ss to tt that avoids ee. A Single-Source Distance Sensitivity Oracle (Single-Source DSO) is a data structure that answers queries of the form (t,e)(t,e) by returning the distance d(s,t,e)d(s,t,e). We show how to deterministically compress the output of the SSRP problem on nn-vertex, mm-edge graphs with integer edge weights in the range [1,M][1,M] into a Single-Source DSO of size O(M1/2n3/2)O(M^{1/2}n^{3/2}) with query time O~(1)\widetilde{O}(1). The space requirement is optimal (up to the word size) and our techniques can also handle vertex failures. Chechik and Cohen [SODA 2019] presented a combinatorial, randomized O~(mn+n2)\widetilde{O}(m\sqrt{n}+n^2) time SSRP algorithm for undirected and unweighted graphs. Grandoni and Vassilevska Williams [FOCS 2012, TALG 2020] gave an algebraic, randomized O~(Mnω)\widetilde{O}(Mn^\omega) time SSRP algorithm for graphs with integer edge weights in the range [1,M][1,M], where ω<2.373\omega<2.373 is the matrix multiplication exponent. We derandomize both algorithms for undirected graphs in the same asymptotic running time and apply our compression to obtain deterministic Single-Source DSOs. The O~(mn+n2)\widetilde{O}(m\sqrt{n}+n^2) and O~(Mnω)\widetilde{O}(Mn^\omega) preprocessing times are polynomial improvements over previous o(n2)o(n^2)-space oracles. On sparse graphs with m=O(n5/4−Δ/M7/4)m=O(n^{5/4-\varepsilon}/M^{7/4}) edges, for any constant Δ>0\varepsilon > 0, we reduce the preprocessing to randomized O~(M7/8m1/2n11/8)=O(n2−Δ/2)\widetilde{O}(M^{7/8}m^{1/2}n^{11/8})=O(n^{2-\varepsilon/2}) time. This is the first truly subquadratic time algorithm for building Single-Source DSOs on sparse graphs.Comment: Full version of a paper to appear at ESA 2021. Abstract shortened to meet ArXiv requirement

    Fault-Tolerant ST-Diameter Oracles

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    We study the problem of estimating the ST-diameter of a graph that is subject to a bounded number of edge failures. An f-edge fault-tolerant ST-diameter oracle (f-FDO-ST) is a data structure that preprocesses a given graph G, two sets of vertices S,T, and positive integer f. When queried with a set F of at most f edges, the oracle returns an estimate D? of the ST-diameter diam(G-F,S,T), the maximum distance between vertices in S and T in G-F. The oracle has stretch ? ? 1 if diam(G-F,S,T) ? D? ? ? diam(G-F,S,T). If S and T both contain all vertices, the data structure is called an f-edge fault-tolerant diameter oracle (f-FDO). An f-edge fault-tolerant distance sensitivity oracles (f-DSO) estimates the pairwise graph distances under up to f failures. We design new f-FDOs and f-FDO-STs by reducing their construction to that of all-pairs and single-source f-DSOs. We obtain several new tradeoffs between the size of the data structure, stretch guarantee, query and preprocessing times for diameter oracles by combining our black-box reductions with known results from the literature. We also provide an information-theoretic lower bound on the space requirement of approximate f-FDOs. We show that there exists a family of graphs for which any f-FDO with sensitivity f ? 2 and stretch less than 5/3 requires ?(n^{3/2}) bits of space, regardless of the query time

    Network creation games: anarchy and dynamics

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    En aquest projecte hem dut a terme recerca teĂČrica i empĂ­rica de propietats topolĂČgiques sobre el model clĂ ssic de Jocs de CreaciĂł de Xarxes introduĂŻt per Fabrikant et al. al voltant de la conjectura de l'arbre i la conjectura del PoA constant.In this project we conduct theoretical and empirical research of topological properties for the classic model of Network Creation Games introduced by Fabrikant et al. around the Tree Conjecture and the Constat PoA Conjecture

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum