194 research outputs found

    Brief Announcement: Minimizing Congestion in Hybrid Demand-Aware Network Topologies

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    Emerging reconfigurable optical communication technologies enable demand-aware networks: networks whose static topology can be enhanced with demand-aware links optimized towards the traffic pattern the network serves. This paper studies the algorithmic problem of how to jointly optimize the topology and the routing in such demand-aware networks, to minimize congestion. We investigate this problem along two dimensions: (1) whether flows are splittable or unsplittable, and (2) whether routing on the hybrid topology is segregated or not, i.e., whether or not flows either have to use exclusively either the static network or the demand-aware connections. For splittable and segregated routing, we show that the problem is 2-approximable in general, but APX-hard even for uniform demands induced by a bipartite demand graph. For unsplittable and segregated routing, we show an upper bound of O(log m/ log log m) and a lower bound of ?(log m/ log log m) for polynomial-time approximation algorithms, where m is the number of static links. Under splittable (resp., unsplittable) and non-segregated routing, even for demands of a single source (resp., destination), the problem cannot be approximated better than ?(c_{max}/c_{min}) unless P=NP, where c_{max} (resp., c_{min}) denotes the maximum (resp., minimum) capacity. It is still NP-hard for uniform capacities, but can be solved efficiently for a single commodity and uniform capacities

    Load-optimization in reconfigurable data-center networks: algorithms and complexity of flow routing

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    Emerging reconfigurable data centers introduce unprecedented flexibility in how the physical layer can be programmed to adapt to current traffic demands. These reconfigurable topologies are commonly hybrid, consisting of static and reconfigurable links, enabled by e.g., an Optical Circuit Switch (OCS) connected to top-of-rack switches in Clos networks. Even though prior work has showcased the practical benefits of hybrid networks, several crucial performance aspects are not well understood. For example, many systems enforce artificial segregation of the hybrid network parts, leaving money on the table. In this article, we study the algorithmic problem of how to jointly optimize topology and routing in reconfigurable data centers, in order to optimize a most fundamental metric, maximum link load. The complexity of reconfiguration mechanisms in this space is unexplored at large, especially for the following cross-layer network-design problem: given a hybrid network and a traffic matrix, jointly design the physical layer and the flow routing in order to minimize the maximum link load. We chart the corresponding algorithmic landscape in our work, investigating both un-/splittable flows and (non-)segregated routing policies. A topological complexity classification of the problem reveals NP-hardness in general for network topologies that are trees of depth at least two, in contrast to the tractability on trees of depth one. We moreover prove that the problem is not submodular for all these routing policies, even in multi-layer trees. However, networks that can be abstracted by a single packet switch (e.g., nonblocking Fat-Tree topologies) can be optimized efficiently, and we present optimal polynomial-time algorithms accordingly. We complement our theoretical results with trace-driven simulation studies, where our algorithms can significantly improve the network load in comparison to the state-of-the-art

    Reconfigurable routing in data center networks

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    The Reconfigurable Routing Problem (RRP) in hybrid networks is, in short, the problem of finding settings for optical switches augmenting a static network so as to achieve optimal delivery of some given workload. The problem has previously been studied in various scenarios with both tractable and NP-hardness results obtained. However, the data center and interconnection networks to which the problem is most relevant are almost always such that the static network is highly structured whereas all previous results assume that the static network can be arbitrary (which makes existing computational hardness results less technologically relevant and also easier to obtain). In this paper, and for the first time, we prove various intractability results for RRP where the underlying static network is highly structured, for example consisting of a hypercube, and also extend some existing tractability results.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    A QoS based Routing Approach using Genetic Algorithms for Bandwidth Maximization in Network

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    This paper addresses the path selection problem from a known source to the destination in dense networks. The proposed solution for route discovery uses the genetic algorithm approach for a QoS based network. The multi point crossover and mutation helps in determining the optimal path and alternate path when required. The input to the genetic algorithm is a learnt module which is a part of the cognitive router that takes care of four QoS parameters. Here the set of nodes selected for routing is determined by delay, jitter and loss. On this graded surface of nodes selected, the bandwidth parameter is considered for path selection. The aim of the approach is to occupy the maximized bandwidth along the forward channels and minimize the route length. The population size is considered as fixed nodes participating in the network scenario, which will be limited to a known size of topology. The simulated results show that by using genetic algorithm (GA) approach the probability of convergence to shortest path is higher.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables,. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1001.3920, arXiv:1408.1358; also substantial text overlap with http://cs-wwwarchiv.cs.unibas.ch/personen/sifalakis_manos/research/ms_setn2004.pdf and other sources without attributio

    Scheduling for Weighted Flow and Completion Times in Reconfigurable Networks

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    New optical technologies offer the ability to reconfigure network topologies dynamically, rather than setting them once and for all. This is true in both optical wide area networks (optical WANs) and in datacenters, despite the many differences between these two settings. Because of these new technologies, there has been a surge of both practical and theoretical research on algorithms to take advantage of them. In particular, Jia et al. [INFOCOM '17] designed online scheduling algorithms for dynamically reconfigurable topologies for both the makespan and sum of completion times objectives. In this paper, we work in the same setting but study an objective that is more meaningful in an online setting: the sum of flow times. The flow time of a job is the total amount of time that it spends in the system, which may be considerably smaller than its completion time if it is released late. We provide competitive algorithms for the online setting with speed augmentation, and also give a lower bound proving that speed augmentation is in fact necessary. As a side effect of our techniques, we also improve and generalize the results of Jia et al. on completion times by giving an O(1)O(1)-competitive algorithm for arbitrary sizes and release times even when nodes have different degree bounds, and moreover allow for the weighted sum of completion times (or flow times).Comment: 10 pages. Appears in INFOCOM 202

    Broadcasting methods in mobile ad hoc networks: Taxonomy and current state of the art

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    Flooding also known as broadcasting is one of the most primitive methodologies that focus on investigating searches concerning mobile ad hoc networking due to poorer network procedures which is a main feature in the concept of broadcasting which provides implications to superior applications that includes routing. Broadcasting means in conventional ways transmitting messages from a given branch to all other branches present in a network. The whole grid of the network is manned to ensure that the transmitted data is uniformly ported to the remaining nodes in a decentralized type of network setup. The two issues that renders nodes out of reach all the time are limited radio range and their immovability which assists in concluding that te issue of data transmission covering all networks is assumed to be a multi-objective issue that aims at increasing the count of number of nodules and also decreasing the time taken to reach the specified nodules and also reducing the network overhead which is a crucial characteristic because of the fact that this may direct to congestion also known as broadcast storm issue. This article aims at giving an insight of the taxonomy of transmitting methodologies in MANETS and current state of the art

    Chopin: Combining Distributed and Centralized Schedulers for Self-Adjusting Datacenter Networks

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