23 research outputs found

    Selection combining of two amplify-forward relay branches with individual links experiencing Nakagami fading

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    Abstract:Relay based communication has gained considerable importance in the recent years. In this paper we find out the endto- end statistics of a two hop non-regenerative relay branch, with each hop being Nakagami-m distributed. A closed form expression for the statistics of the signal envelope at the output of a selection combiner in the destination node is also derived and compared with the simulation results. These statistics are useful in understanding the system performance in terms of bit error rate and outage probability

    Maximal Ratio combining In N Dual-hop Nakagami-m faded relay branches

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    Abstract: In recent years relay based communication has gained attention of researchers and the scientific community. In this paper the source-to-destination statistics of a two hop amplify-forward relay branch, with the channel fading statistics of each hop being Nakagami-m distributed has been evaluated. The expression for the statistics of the signal envelope at the output of a maximal ratio combiner in the destination node of a N-path dual-hop relay braches is derived and compared with the simulation results. The statistics are helpful in evaluating the performance of systems using co-operative dual hop relaying and employing maximal ratio combining at the receiver terminal

    Maximal ratio combining of two amplify-forward relay branches with individual links experiencing Nakagami fading

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    Abstract;Relay based communication has gained considerable importance in the recent years. In this paper we find the end-toend statistics of a two hop non-regenerative relay branch, with each hop being Nakagami-m distributed. Analytical expression for the density function of the signal envelope at the output of a maximal ratio combiner in the destination node is also derived and compared with the simulation results, assuming that the destination node receives the signal through two independent relay paths. These statistics are useful in evaluating the system performance

    Performance analysis of selection combining in N Dual-hop relay branches with individual links experiencing nakaganmi-m fading

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    Abstract: In recent years relay based communication has gained attention researchers and the scientific community. In this paper the source-to-destination statistics of a two hop amplify-forward relay branch, with the channel fading statistics of each hop being Nakagami-m distributed has been evaluated. The expression for the statistics of the signal envelope at the output of a selection combiner in the destination node of a N-path dual-hop relay braches is derived and compared with the simulation results. The statistics are helpful in evaluating the system performance in terms of bit error rat

    Analysis of different combining schemes of two amplify-forward relay branches with individual links experiencing Nakagami fading

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    Abstract: Relay based communication has gained considerable importance in the recent years. In this paper we find the end-toend statistics of a two hop non-regenerative relay branch, each hop being Nakagami-m faded. Closed form expressions for the probability density functions of the signal envelope at the output of a selection combiner and a maximal ratio combiner at the destination node are also derived and analytical formulations are verified through computer simulation. These density functions are useful in evaluating the system performance in terms of bit error rate and outage probability

    Almost rejectionless sampling from Nakagami-m distributions (m ≥ 1)

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    The Nakagami-m distribution is widely used for the simulation of fading channels in wireless communications. A novel, simple and extremely efficient acceptance-rejection algorithm is introduced for the generation of independent Nakagami-m random variables. The proposed method uses another Nakagami density with a half-integer value of the fading parameter, mp ¼ n/2 ≤ m, as proposal function, from which samples can be drawn exactly and easily. This novel rejection technique is able to work with arbitrary values of m ≥ 1, average path energy, V, and provides a higher acceptance rate than all currently available methods. RESUMEN. Método extremadamente eficiente para generar variables aleatorias de Nakagami (utilizadas para modelar el desvanecimiento en canales de comunicaciones móviles) basado en "rejection sampling"