23 research outputs found

    Foraging behavior analysis of swarm robotics system

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    Quality-sensitive foraging by a robot swarm through virtual pheromone trails

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    Large swarms of simple autonomous robots can be employed to find objects clustered at random locations, and transport them to a central depot. This solution offers system parallelisation through concurrent environment exploration and object collection by several robots, but it also introduces the challenge of robot coordination. Inspired by ants’ foraging behaviour, we successfully tackle robot swarm coordination through indirect stigmergic communication in the form of virtual pheromone trails. We design and implement a robot swarm composed of up to 100 Kilobots using the recent technology Augmented Reality for Kilobots (ARK). Using pheromone trails, our memoryless robots rediscover object sources that have been located previously. The emerging collective dynamics show a throughput inversely proportional to the source distance. We assume environments with multiple sources, each providing objects of different qualities, and we investigate how the robot swarm balances the quality-distance trade-off by using quality-sensitive pheromone trails. To our knowledge this work represents the largest robotic experiment in stigmergic foraging, and is the first complete demonstration of ARK, showcasing the set of unique functionalities it provides

    An Energy-Aware Algorithm for Large Scale Foraging Systems

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    International audienceThe foraging task is one of the canonical testbeds for cooperative robotics, in which a collection of coordinated robots have to find and transport one or more objects to one or more specific storage points. Swarm robotics has been widely considered in such situations, due to its strengths such as robustness, simplicity and scalability. Typical multi-robot foraging systems currently consider tens to hundreds of agents. This paper presents a new algorithm called Energy-aware Cooperative Switching Algorithm for Foraging (EC-SAF) that manages thousands of robots. We investigate therefore the scalability of EC-SAF algorithm and the parameters that can affect energy efficiency overtime. Results indicate that EC-SAF is scalable and effective in reducing swarm energy consumption compared to an energy-aware version of the reference well-known c-marking algorithm (Ec-marking)

    Adaptive foraging in dynamic environments using scale-free interaction networks

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    Group interactions are widely observed in nature to optimize a set of critical collective behaviors, most notably sensing and decision making in uncertain environments. Nevertheless, these interactions are commonly modeled using local (proximity) networks, in which individuals interact within a certain spatial range. Recently, other interaction topologies have been revealed to support the emergence of higher levels of scalability and rapid information exchange. One prominent example is scale-free networks. In this study, we aim to examine the impact of scale-free communication when implemented for a swarm foraging task in dynamic environments. We model dynamic (uncertain) environments in terms of changes in food density and analyze the collective response of a simulated swarm with communication topology given by either proximity or scale-free networks. Our results suggest that scale-free networks accelerate the process of building up a rapid collective response to cope with the environment changes. However, this comes at the cost of lower coherence of the collective decision. Moreover, our findings suggest that the use of scale-free networks can improve swarm performance due to two side-effects introduced by using long-range interactions and frequent network regeneration. The former is a topological consequence, while the latter is a necessity due to robot motion. These two effects lead to reduced spatial correlations of a robot's behavior with its neighborhood and to an enhanced opinion mixing, i.e., more diversified information sampling. These insights were obtained by comparing the swarm performance in presence of scale-free networks to scenarios with alternative network topologies, and proximity networks with and without packet loss

    The Ant and the Trap: Evolution of Ant-Inspired Obstacle Avoidance in a Multi-Agent Robotic System

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    Interest in swarm robotics, particularly those modeled on biological systems, has been increasing with each passing year. We created the iAnt robot as a platform to test how well an ant-inspired robotic swarm could collect resources in an unmapped environment. Although swarm robotics is still a loosely defined field, one of the included hallmarks is multiple robots cooperating to complete a given task. The use of multiple robots means increased cost for research, scaling often linearly with the number of robots. We set out to create a system with the previously described capabilities while lowering the entry cost by building simple, cheap robots able to operate outside of a dedicated lab environment. Obstacle avoidance has long been a necessary component of robot systems. Avoiding collisions is also a difficult problem and has been studied for many years. As part of moving the iAnt further towards the real-world we needed a method of obstacle avoidance. Our hypothesis is that use of biological methods including evolution, stochastic movements and stygmergic trails into the iAnt Central Place Foraging Algorithm (CPFA) could result in robot behaviors suited to navigating obstacle-filled environments. The result is a modification of the CPFA to include pheromone trails, CPFA-Trails or CPFAT. This thesis first demonstrates the low-cost, simple and robust design of the physical iAnt robot. Secondly we will demonstrate the adaptability of the the system to evolve and succeed in an obstacle-laden environment

    Ant-based Swarming with Positionless Micro Air Vehicles for Communication Relay

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    Swarming without positioning information is interesting in application- oriented systems because it alleviates the need for sensors which are dependent on the environment, expensive in terms of energy, cost, size and weight, or unusable at useful ranges for real-life scenarios. This principle is applied to the development of a swarm of micro air vehicles (SMAVs) for the deployment of ad hoc wireless communication networks (SMAVNETs) between ground users in disaster areas. Rather than relying on positioning information, MAVs rely on local communication with immediate neighbors and proprioceptive sensors which provide heading, speed and altitude. To solve the challenging task of designing agent controllers to achieve the swarm behavior of the SMAVNET, inspiration is taken from army ants which are capable of laying and maintaining pheromone paths leading from their nest to food sources in nature. This is analogous to the deployment of communication pathways between multiple ground users. However, instead of being physically deposited in the air or on a map, pheromone is virtually deposited on the MAVs using local communication. This approach is investigated in 3D simulation in a simplified scenario with two ground users

    Sophisticated collective foraging with minimalist agents: a swarm robotics test

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    How groups of cooperative foragers can achieve efficient and robust collective foraging is of interest both to biologists studying social insects and engineers designing swarm robotics systems. Of particular interest are distance-quality trade-offs and swarm-size-dependent foraging strategies. Here we present a collective foraging system based on virtual pheromones, tested in simulation and in swarms of up to 200 physical robots. Our individual agent controllers are highly simplified, as they are based on binary pheromone sensors. Despite being simple, our individual controllers are able to reproduce classical foraging experiments conducted with more capable real ants that sense pheromone concentration and follow its gradient. One key feature of our controllers is a control parameter which balances the trade-off between distance selectivity and quality selectivity of individual foragers. We construct an optimal foraging theory model that accounts for distance and quality of resources, as well as overcrowding, and predicts a swarmsize-dependent strategy. We test swarms implementing our controllers against our optimality model and find that, for moderate swarm sizes, they can be parameterised to approximate the optimal foraging strategy. This study demonstrates the sufficiency of simple individual agent rules to generate sophisticated collective foraging behaviour