6 research outputs found

    Social Network Games with Obligatory Product Selection

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    Recently, Apt and Markakis introduced a model for product adoption in social networks with multiple products, where the agents, influenced by their neighbours, can adopt one out of several alternatives (products). To analyze these networks we introduce social network games in which product adoption is obligatory. We show that when the underlying graph is a simple cycle, there is a polynomial time algorithm allowing us to determine whether the game has a Nash equilibrium. In contrast, in the arbitrary case this problem is NP-complete. We also show that the problem of determining whether the game is weakly acyclic is co-NP hard. Using these games we analyze various types of paradoxes that can arise in the considered networks. One of them corresponds to the well-known Braess paradox in congestion games. In particular, we show that social networks exist with the property that by adding an additional product to a specific node, the choices of the nodes will unavoidably evolve in such a way that everybody is strictly worse off.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416

    Paradoxes in Social Networks with Multiple Products

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    Recently, we introduced in arXiv:1105.2434 a model for product adoption in social networks with multiple products, where the agents, influenced by their neighbours, can adopt one out of several alternatives. We identify and analyze here four types of paradoxes that can arise in these networks. To this end, we use social network games that we recently introduced in arxiv:1202.2209. These paradoxes shed light on possible inefficiencies arising when one modifies the sets of products available to the agents forming a social network. One of the paradoxes corresponds to the well-known Braess paradox in congestion games and shows that by adding more choices to a node, the network may end up in a situation that is worse for everybody. We exhibit a dual version of this, where removing available choices from someone can eventually make everybody better off. The other paradoxes that we identify show that by adding or removing a product from the choice set of some node may lead to permanent instability. Finally, we also identify conditions under which some of these paradoxes cannot arise.Comment: 22 page

    Resolving Braess's Paradox in Random Networks

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    Braess’s paradox states that removing a part of a network may improve the players’ latency at equilibrium. In this work, we study the approximability of the best subnetwork problem for the class of random Gn,p instances proven prone to Braess’s paradox by Valiant and Roughgarden RSA ’10 (Random Struct Algorithms 37(4):495–515, 2010), Chung and Young WINE ’10 (LNCS 6484:194–208, 2010) and Chung et al. RSA ’12 (Random Struct Algorithms 41(4):451–468, 2012). Our main contribution is a polynomial-time approximation-preserving reduction of the best subnetwork problem for such instances to the corresponding problem in a simplified network where all neighbors of source s and destination t are directly connected by 0 latency edges. Building on this, we consider two cases, either when the total rate r is sufficiently low, or, when r is sufficiently high. In the first case of low r=O(n+), here n+ is the maximum degree of {s,t}, we obtain an approximation scheme that for any constant ε>0 and with high probability, computes a subnetwork and an ε-Nash flow with maximum latency at most (1+ε)L∗+ε, where L∗ is the equilibrium latency of the best subnetwork. Our approximation scheme runs in polynomial time if the random network has average degree O(poly(lnn)) and the traffic rate is O(poly(lnlnn)), and in quasipolynomial time for average degrees up to o(n) and traffic rates of O(poly(lnn)). Finally, in the second case of high r=Ω(n+), we compute in strongly polynomial time a subnetwork and an ε-Nash flow with maximum latency at most (1+2ε+o(1))L∗

    Efficient methods for selfish network design

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    AbstractIntuitively, Braess’s paradox states that destroying a part of a network may improve the common latency of selfish flows at Nash equilibrium. Such a paradox is a pervasive phenomenon in real-world networks. Any administrator who wants to improve equilibrium delays in selfish networks, is facing some basic questions:–Is the network paradox-ridden?–How can we delete some edges to optimize equilibrium flow delays?–How can we modify edge latencies to optimize equilibrium flow delays? Unfortunately, such questions lead to NP-hard problems in general. In this work, we impose some natural restrictions on our networks, e.g. we assume strictly increasing linear latencies. Our target is to formulate efficient algorithms for the three questions above. We manage to provide: –A polynomial-time algorithm that decides if a network is paradox-ridden, when latencies are linear and strictly increasing.–A reduction of the problem of deciding if a network with (arbitrary) linear latencies is paradox-ridden to the problem of generating all optimal basic feasible solutions of a Linear Program that describes the optimal traffic allocations to the edges with constant latency.–An algorithm for finding a subnetwork that is almost optimal wrt equilibrium latency. Our algorithm is subexponential when the number of paths is polynomial and each path is of polylogarithmic length.–A polynomial-time algorithm for the problem of finding the best subnetwork which outperforms any known approximation for the case of strictly increasing linear latencies.–A polynomial-time method that turns the optimal flow into a Nash flow by deleting the edges not used by the optimal flow, and performing minimal modifications on the latencies of the remaining ones. Our results provide a deeper understanding of the computational complexity of recognizing the most severe manifestations of Braess’s paradox, and our techniques show novel ways of using the probabilistic method and of exploiting convex separable quadratic programs

    Efficient methods for selfish network design

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