1,196 research outputs found

    Efficient Methods for Multigram Compound Discovery

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    Multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a novel multitarget anti-Alzheimer's compound

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    We describe the multigram synthesis and in vivo efficacy studies of a donepezil‒huprine hybrid that has been found to display a promising in vitro multitarget profile of interest for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Its synthesis features as the key step a novel multigram preparative chromatographic resolution of intermediate racemic huprine Y by chiral HPLC. Administration of this compound to transgenic CL4176 and CL2006 Caenorhabditis elegans strains expressing human Aβ42, here used as simplified animal models of AD, led to a significant protection from the toxicity induced by Aβ42. However, this protective effect was not accompanied, in CL2006 worms, by a reduction of amyloid deposits. Oral administration for 3 months to transgenic APPSL mice, a well-established animal model of AD, improved short-term memory, but did not alter brain levels of Aβ peptides nor cortical and hippocampal amyloid plaque load. Despite the clear protective and cognitive effects of AVCRI104P4, the lack of Aβ lowering effect in vivo might be related to its lower in vitro potency toward Aβ aggregation and formation as compared with its higher anticholinesterase activities. Further lead optimization in this series should thus focus on improving the anti-amyloid/anticholinesterase activity ratio

    An improved, scalable synthesis of Notum inhibitor LP-922056 using 1-chloro-1,2-benziodoxol-3-one as a superior electrophilic chlorinating agent

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    Background: The carboxylesterase Notum has been shown to act as a key negative regulator of the Wnt signalling pathway by mediating the depalmitoleoylation of Wnt proteins. LP-922056 (1) is an orally active inhibitor of Notum. We are investigating the role of Notum in modulating Wnt signalling in the central nervous system and wished to establish if 1 would serve as a peripherally restricted control. An accessible and improved synthetic route would allow 1 to become more readily available as a chemical tool to explore the fundamental biology of Notum and build target validation to underpin new drug discovery programs. / Results: An improved, scalable synthesis of 1 is reported. Key modifications include: (1) the introduction of the C7-cyclopropyl group was most effectively achieved with a Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction with MIDA-boronate 11 (5 → 6); and (2) C6 chlorination was performed with 1-chloro-1,2-benziodoxol-3-one (12) (6 → 7) as a mild selective electrophilic chlorination agent. This 7-step route has been reliably performed on large scale to produce multigram quantities of 1 in good efficiency and high purity. Pharmacokinetic studies in mouse showed CNS penetration of 1 is very low with brain:plasma concentration ratio of just 0.01. A small library of amides 17 were prepared from acid 1 to explore if 1 could be modified to deliver a CNS penetrant tool by capping off the acid as an amide. Although significant Notum inhibition activity could be achieved, none of these amides demonstrated the required combination of metabolic stability along with cell permeability without evidence of P-gp mediated efflux. / Conclusion: Mouse pharmacokinetic studies demonstrate that 1 is unsuitable for use in models of disease where brain penetration is an essential requirement of the compound but would be an ideal peripherally restricted control. These data will contribute to the understanding of drug levels of 1 to overlay with appropriate in vivo efficacy endpoints, i.e. the PK-PD relationship. The identification of a suitable analogue of 1 (or 17) which combines Notum inhibition with CNS penetration would be a valuable chemical probe for investigating the role of Notum in disease models

    Синтез та кислотно-основні властивості α-(флуорометил)- та α-(дифлуорометил)заміщених циклобутанових будівельних блоків

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    Aim. To synthesize cyclobutane-derived amines and carboxylic acids bearing CH2F or CHF2 groups in the α position; to determine the regularities of the effect of fluoroalkyl substituents on the acid-base properties of the title compounds.Results and discussion. Synthetic approaches to 1-(fluoromethyl)- and 1-(difluoromethyl)cyclobutanamines, 1-(fluoromethyl)- and 1-(difluoromethyl)cyclobutanecarboxylic acids have been developed. It has been found that the pKa (pKa(H)) values measured for the title compounds, as well as for their non-substituted and CF3-substituted analogues, are consistent with the electron-withdrawing effect of the corresponding fluoroalkyl substituents.Experimental part. The synthesis of the title compounds commenced from the known ethyl 1-(hydroxymethyl)cyclobutanecarboxylate or the product of its Swern oxidation (the corresponding aldehyde) and included fluorination, alkaline ester hydrolysis (for carboxylic acids), and modified Curtius rearrangement (for amines). The pKa value was determined from the pre-equivalence point part of the titration curve using the standard acid-base titration.Conclusions. A newly developed synthetic approach to 1-(fluoromethyl)- and 1-(difluoromethyl)cyclobutanamines, 1-(fluoromethyl)- and 1-(difluoromethyl)cyclobutanecarboxylic acids allows to obtain the title compounds in multigram quantities (up to 97 g). With a single exception, the acid-base properties of these products, as well as their parent non-substituted and CF3-substituted analogues, change in a monotonous manner in accordance with inductive electronic effect of the fluorine atom(s).Мета. Синтезувати аміни та карбонові кислоти на основі циклобутану із групами CH2F або CHF2 в α-положенні; визначити закономірності впливу флуороалкільних замісників на кислотно-основні властивості цільових сполук.Результати та їх обговорення. Було розроблено синтетичні підходи до 1-(флуорометил)- та 1-(дифлуорометил)циклобутанамінів, 1-(флуорометил)- та 1-(дифлуорометил)циклобутанкарбонових кислот. Було визначено, що виміряні показники pKa (pKa(H)) одержаних сполук, а також їх незаміщених та CF3-заміщених аналогів узгоджуються з електроноакцепторним ефектом відповідних фтороалкільних замісників.Експериментальна частина. Синтез цільових сполук виходив з відомого етил-1-(гідроксиметил)циклобутанкарбоксилату або продукту його окиснення за Сверном (відповідного альдегіду) та передбачав флуорування, лужний гідроліз естеру (для карбонових кислот) та модифіковане перегрупування Курціуса (для амінів). Показники pKa було визначено із частини кривої титрування до точки еквівалентності шляхом стандартного кислотно-основного титрування.Висновки. Новий розроблений синтетичний підхід до 1-(флуорометил)- та 1-(дифлуорометил)циклобутанамінів, 1-(флуорометил)- та 1-(дифлуорометил)циклобутанкарбонових кислот дозволяє одержувати цільові сполуки в багатограмових кількостях (аж до 97 г). За єдиним винятком – кислотно-основні властивості цих продуктів, а також відповідних родоначальних незаміщених та CF3-заміщених аналогів змінюються монотонним чином згідно з індуктивним електронним ефектом атому(ів) фтору

    Functionalized Derivatives of 2-azaspiro[3.3]heptane-1-carboxylic Acid and 7-oxa-2-azaspiro[3.5]nonane-1-carboxylic Acid for Drug Design

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    2-azaspiro[3.3]heptane-1-carboxylic acid and 7-oxa-2-azaspiro[3.5]nonane-1-carboxylic acid, which had been reported as bioisoster of well-known pipecolic acid, were subjected to chemical transformations, resulting in a number of functionalized derivatives. The obtained molecules contained diversified functional groups, allowing their incorporation in bioactive compounds in versatile modes. Described synthetic approaches afforded multigram-scaled synthesis of the desired compounds with good yields, thus being applicable in drug desig

    Combining High-Throughput Synthesis and High-Throughput Protein Crystallography for Accelerated Hit Identification

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    Protein crystallography (PX) is widely used to drive advanced stages of drug optimization or to discover medicinal chemistry starting points by fragment soaking. However, recent progress in PX could allow for a more integrated role into early drug discovery. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the interplay of high throughput synthesis and high throughput PX. We describe a practical multicomponent reaction approach to acrylamides and ‐esters from diverse building blocks suitable for mmol scale synthesis on 96‐well format and on a high‐throughput nanoscale format in a highly automated fashion. High‐throughput PX of our libraries efficiently yielded potent covalent inhibitors of the main protease of the COVID‐19 causing agent, SARS‐CoV‐2. Our results demonstrate, that the marriage of in situ HT synthesis of (covalent) libraires and HT PX has the potential to accelerate hit finding and to provide meaningful strategies for medicinal chemistry projects

    Microwave-mediated synthesis of N-methyliminodiacetic acid (MIDA) boronates

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    A library of over 20, mainly aryl or heteroaryl, N-methyliminodiacetic acid (MIDA) boronates have been synthesised. A rapid microwave-mediated (MW) method (5–10 min) has been developed using polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG 300) as solvent. However, acetonitrile (MeCN) and dimethylformamide (DMF) were found to be alternative solvents, the latter especially for 2-substituted aryl boronic acids

    Syntheses of (+)-30-epi-, (-)-6-epi-, (±)-6,30-epi-13,14-didehydroxyisogarcinol and (±)-6,30-epi-garcimultiflorone A utilizing highly diastereoselective, Lewis acid-controlled cyclizations

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    The first syntheses of 13,14-didehydroxyisogarcinol (6) and garcimultiflorone A (5) stereoisomers are reported in six steps from a commercially available phloroglucinol. Lewis acid-controlled, diastereoselective cationic oxycyclizations enabled asymmetric syntheses of (-)-6-epi-6 and (+)-30-epi-6. A similar strategy enabled production of the meso-dervied isomers (±)-6,30-epi-6 and (±)-6,30-epi-5. Finally, a convenient strategy for gram scale synthesis was developed utilizing diastereomer separation at a later stage in the synthesis that minimized the number of necessary synthetic operations to access all possible stereoisomers.R01 GM073855 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R24 GM111625 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R35 GM118173 - NIGMS NIH HH