16,106 research outputs found

    Optimisation for Large-scale Maintenance, Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problems

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    Solving real-world combinatorial problems is involved in many industry fields to minimise operational cost or to maximise profit, or both. Along with continuous growth in computing power, many asset management decision-making processes that were originally solved by hand now tend to be based on big data analysis. Larger scale problem can be solved and more detailed operation instructions can be delivered. In this thesis, we investigate models and algorithms to solve large scale Geographically Distributed asset Maintenance Problems (GDMP). Our study of the problem was motivated by our business partner, Gaist solutions Ltd., to optimise scheduling of maintenance actions for a drainage system in an urban area. The models and solution methods proposed in the thesis can be applied to many similar issues arising in other industry fields. The thesis contains three parts. We firstly built a risk driven model considering vehicle routing problems and the asset degradation information. A hyperheuristic method embedded with customised low-level heuristics is employed to solve our real-world drainage maintenance problem in Blackpool. Computational results show that our hyperheuristic approach can, within reasonable CPU time, produce much higher quality solutions than the scheduling strategy currently implemented by Blackpool council. We then attempt to develop more efficient solution approaches to tackle our GDMP. We study various hyperheuristics and propose efficient local search strategies in part II. We present computational results on standard periodic vehicle routing problem instances and our GDMP instances. Based on manifold experimental evidences, we summarise the principles of designing heuristic based solution approaches to solve combinatorial problems. Last bu not least, we investigate a related decision making problem from highway maintenance, that is again of interest to Gaist solutions Ltd. We aim to make a strategical decision to choose a cost effective method of delivering the road inspection at a national scale. We build the analysis based on the Chinese Postman Problem and theoretically proof the modelling feasibility in real-world road inspection situations. We also propose a novel graph reduction process to allow effective computation over very large data sets

    Modelling Planner-Carrier Interactions in Road Freight Transport: Optimization of Road Maintenance Costs Via Overloading Control

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    A bi-level modelling approach is proposed to represent the interaction between the vehicle loading practices of road freight transport carriers, and the decisions of a road planning authority responsible both for road maintenance and for the enforcement of overloading control. At the lower (reactive) level, the overloading decisions of the carriers impact on road maintenance expenditure, while at the upper (anticipatory) level the planner decides fine and enforcement levels by anticipating the responses of the carriers. A case study using data from Mexico is used to illustrate the method

    Sustaining the Internet with Hyperbolic Mapping

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    The Internet infrastructure is severely stressed. Rapidly growing overheads associated with the primary function of the Internet---routing information packets between any two computers in the world---cause concerns among Internet experts that the existing Internet routing architecture may not sustain even another decade. Here we present a method to map the Internet to a hyperbolic space. Guided with the constructed map, which we release with this paper, Internet routing exhibits scaling properties close to theoretically best possible, thus resolving serious scaling limitations that the Internet faces today. Besides this immediate practical viability, our network mapping method can provide a different perspective on the community structure in complex networks

    Bicycle traffic and its interaction with motorized traffic in an agent-based transport simulation framework

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    Cycling as an inexpensive, healthy, and efficient mode of transport for everyday traveling is becoming increasingly popular. While many cities are promoting cycling, it is rarely included in transport models and systematic policy evaluation procedures. The purpose of this study is to extend the agent-based transport simulation framework MATSim to be able to model bicycle traffic more realistically. The network generation procedure is enriched to include attributes that are relevant for cyclists (e.g. road surfaces, slopes). Travel speed computations, plan scoring, and routing are enhanced to take into account these infrastructure attributes. The scoring, i.e. the evaluation of simulated daily travel plans, is furthermore enhanced to account for traffic events that emerge in the simulation (e.g. passings by cars), which have an additional impact on cyclists’ decisions. Inspired by an evolutionary computing perspective, a randomizing router was implemented to enable cyclists to find realistic routes. It is discussed in detail why this approach is both feasible in practical terms and also conceptually consistent with MATSim’s co-evolutionary simulation approach. It is shown that meaningful simulation results are obtained for an illustrative scenario, which indicates that the developed methods will make real-world scenarios more realistic in terms of the representation of bicycle traffic. Based on the exclusive reliance on open data, the approach is spatially transferable