19 research outputs found

    XPloreRank: exploring XML data via you may also like queries

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    In many cases, users are not familiar with their exact information needs while searching complicated data sources. This lack of understanding may cause the users to feel dissatisfaction when the system retrieves insufficient results after they issue queries. However, using their original query results, we may recommend additional queries which are highly relevant to the original query. This paper presents XPloreRank to recommend top-l highly relevant keyword queries called “You May Also Like” (YMAL) queries to the users in XML keyword search. To generate such queries, we firstly analyze the original keyword query results content and construct a weighted co-occurring keyword graph. Then, we generate the YMAL queries by traversing the co-occurring keyword graph and rank them based on the following correlation aspects: (a) external correlation, which measures the similarity of the YMAL query to the original query and (b) internal correlation, which measures the capability of the YMAL query keywords in producing meaningful results with respect to the data source. Due to the complexity of generating YMAL queries, we propose a novel A* search-based technique to generate top-l YMAL queries efficiently. We also present a greedy-based approximation for it to improve the performance further. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    XSnippets : exploring semi-structured data via snippets

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    Users are usually not familiar with the content and structure of the data when they explore the data source. However, to improve the exploration usability, they need some primary hints about the data source. These hints should represent the overall picture of the data source and include the trending issues that can be extracted from the query log. In this paper, we propose a two-phase interactive exploratory search framework for the clueless users that exploits the snippets for conducting the search on the XML data. In the first phase, we present the primary snippets that are generated from the keywords of the query log to start the exploration. To retrieve the primary snippets, we develop an A* search-based technique on the keyword space of the query log. To improve the performance of computations, we store the primary snippet computations in an index data structure to reuse it for the next steps. In the second phase, we exploit the co-occurring content of the snippets to generate more specific snippets with the user interaction. To expedite the performance, we design two pruning techniques called inter-snippet and intra-snippet pruning to stop unnecessary computations. Finally, we discuss a termination condition that checks the cardinality of the snippets to stop the interactive phase and present the final Top-l snippets to the user. Our experiments on real datasets verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    Interpreting XML keyword query using hidden Markov model

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    Pretraživanje ključne riječi na XML bazi podataka privuklo je prilično zanimanja. Kako se XML dokumenti vrlo razlikuju od plošnih (flat) dokumenata, učinkovita pretraga XML dokumenata zahtijeva posebno razmatranje. Tradicionalni model vreće riječi (bag-of-words) ne uzima u obzir uloge ključnih riječi i odnos između ključnih riječi pa prema tome nije pogodan za XML pretragu ključne riječi. U ovom radu predstavljamo novi model, nazvan polu-strukturno pretraživanje ključne riječi (SSQ), koji podrazumijeva pretraživanje ključne riječi na različit način; to se pretraživanje sastoji od nekoliko cjelina pretrage i svaka cjelina predstavlja stanje pretrage (query condition). Za interpretaciju pretrage po tom modelu, potrebna su dva koraka. Prvo, predlažemo probabilistički pristup zasnovan na skrivenom Markovljevom modelu za izračunavanje najboljeg uklapanja traženih ključnih riječi u termine baze podataka, tj. elemenata, atributa i vrijednosti. Drugo, generiramo konstrukcije ključnih riječi (SSQs) na osnovu uklapanja. Eksperimentalni rezultati potvrđuju učinkovitost naših metoda.Keyword search on XML database has attracted a lot of research interests. As XML documents are very different from flat documents, effective search of XML documents needs special considerations. Traditional bag-of-words model does not take the roles of keywords and the relationship between keywords into consideration, and thus is not suited for XML keyword search. In this paper, we present a novel model, called semi-structured keyword query (SSQ), which understands a keyword query in a different way: a keyword query is composed of several query units, where each unit represents query condition. To interpret a keyword query under this model, we take two steps. First, we propose a probabilistic approach based on a Hidden Markov Model for computing the best mapping of the query keywords into the database terms, i.e., elements, attributes and values. Second, we generate SSQs based on the mapping. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of our methods

    Organizational search in email systems

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