8,455 research outputs found

    An Efficient Cell List Implementation for Monte Carlo Simulation on GPUs

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    Maximizing the performance potential of the modern day GPU architecture requires judicious utilization of available parallel resources. Although dramatic reductions can often be obtained through straightforward mappings, further performance improvements often require algorithmic redesigns to more closely exploit the target architecture. In this paper, we focus on efficient molecular simulations for the GPU and propose a novel cell list algorithm that better utilizes its parallel resources. Our goal is an efficient GPU implementation of large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for the grand canonical ensemble. This is a particularly challenging application because there is inherently less computation and parallelism than in similar applications with molecular dynamics. Consistent with the results of prior researchers, our simulation results show traditional cell list implementations for Monte Carlo simulations of molecular systems offer effectively no performance improvement for small systems [5, 14], even when porting to the GPU. However for larger systems, the cell list implementation offers significant gains in performance. Furthermore, our novel cell list approach results in better performance for all problem sizes when compared with other GPU implementations with or without cell lists.Comment: 30 page

    A sparse octree gravitational N-body code that runs entirely on the GPU processor

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    We present parallel algorithms for constructing and traversing sparse octrees on graphics processing units (GPUs). The algorithms are based on parallel-scan and sort methods. To test the performance and feasibility, we implemented them in CUDA in the form of a gravitational tree-code which completely runs on the GPU.(The code is publicly available at: http://castle.strw.leidenuniv.nl/software.html) The tree construction and traverse algorithms are portable to many-core devices which have support for CUDA or OpenCL programming languages. The gravitational tree-code outperforms tuned CPU code during the tree-construction and shows a performance improvement of more than a factor 20 overall, resulting in a processing rate of more than 2.8 million particles per second.Comment: Accepted version. Published in Journal of Computational Physics. 35 pages, 12 figures, single colum

    A portable platform for accelerated PIC codes and its application to GPUs using OpenACC

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    We present a portable platform, called PIC_ENGINE, for accelerating Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes on heterogeneous many-core architectures such as Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The aim of this development is efficient simulations on future exascale systems by allowing different parallelization strategies depending on the application problem and the specific architecture. To this end, this platform contains the basic steps of the PIC algorithm and has been designed as a test bed for different algorithmic options and data structures. Among the architectures that this engine can explore, particular attention is given here to systems equipped with GPUs. The study demonstrates that our portable PIC implementation based on the OpenACC programming model can achieve performance closely matching theoretical predictions. Using the Cray XC30 system, Piz Daint, at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), we show that PIC_ENGINE running on an NVIDIA Kepler K20X GPU can outperform the one on an Intel Sandybridge 8-core CPU by a factor of 3.4

    Multi-Architecture Monte-Carlo (MC) Simulation of Soft Coarse-Grained Polymeric Materials: SOft coarse grained Monte-carlo Acceleration (SOMA)

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    Multi-component polymer systems are important for the development of new materials because of their ability to phase-separate or self-assemble into nano-structures. The Single-Chain-in-Mean-Field (SCMF) algorithm in conjunction with a soft, coarse-grained polymer model is an established technique to investigate these soft-matter systems. Here we present an im- plementation of this method: SOft coarse grained Monte-carlo Accelera- tion (SOMA). It is suitable to simulate large system sizes with up to billions of particles, yet versatile enough to study properties of different kinds of molecular architectures and interactions. We achieve efficiency of the simulations commissioning accelerators like GPUs on both workstations as well as supercomputers. The implementa- tion remains flexible and maintainable because of the implementation of the scientific programming language enhanced by OpenACC pragmas for the accelerators. We present implementation details and features of the program package, investigate the scalability of our implementation SOMA, and discuss two applications, which cover system sizes that are difficult to reach with other, common particle-based simulation methods

    Large-scale Ferrofluid Simulations on Graphics Processing Units

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    We present an approach to molecular-dynamics simulations of ferrofluids on graphics processing units (GPUs). Our numerical scheme is based on a GPU-oriented modification of the Barnes-Hut (BH) algorithm designed to increase the parallelism of computations. For an ensemble consisting of one million of ferromagnetic particles, the performance of the proposed algorithm on a Tesla M2050 GPU demonstrated a computational-time speed-up of four order of magnitude compared to the performance of the sequential All-Pairs (AP) algorithm on a single-core CPU, and two order of magnitude compared to the performance of the optimized AP algorithm on the GPU. The accuracy of the scheme is corroborated by comparing the results of numerical simulations with theoretical predictions
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