1,940 research outputs found

    Dynamic Memory Optimization using Pool Allocation and Prefetching

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    Heap memory allocation plays an important role in modern applications. Conventional heap allocators, however, generally ignore the underlying memory hierarchy of the system, favoring instead a low runtime overhead and fast response times. Unfortunately, with little concern for the memory hierarchy, the data layout may exhibit poor spatial locality, and degrade cache performance. In this paper, we describe a dynamic heap allocation scheme called pool allocation. The strategy aims to improve cache performance by inspecting memory allocation requests, and allocating memory from appropriate heap pools as dictated by the requesting context. The advantages are two fold. First, by pooling together data with a common context, we expect to improve spatial locality, as data fetched to the caches will contain fewer items from different contexts. If the allocation patterns are closely matched to the traversal patterns, the end result is faster memory performance. Second, by pooling heap objects, we expect access patterns to exhibit more regularity, thus creating more opportunities for data prefetching. Our dynamic memory optimizer exploits the increased regularity to insert prefetch instructions at runtime. The optimizations are implemented in DynamoRIO, a dynamic optimization framework. We evaluate the work using various benchmarks, and measure a 17% speedup over gcc -O3 on an Athlon MP, and a 13% speedup on a Pentium 4.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Inter-workgroup barrier synchronisation on graphics processing units

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    GPUs are parallel devices that are able to run thousands of independent threads concurrently. Traditional GPU programs are data-parallel, requiring little to no communication, i.e. synchronisation, between threads. However, classical concurrency in the context of CPUs often exploits synchronisation idioms that are not supported on GPUs. By studying such idioms on GPUs, with an aim to facilitate them in a portable way, a wider and more generic space of GPU applications can be made possible. While the breadth of this thesis extends to many aspects of GPU systems, the common thread throughout is the global barrier: an execution barrier that synchronises all threads executing a GPU application. The idea of such a barrier might seem straightforward, however this investigation reveals many challenges and insights. In particular, this thesis includes the following studies: Execution models: while a general global barrier can deadlock due to starvation on GPUs, it is shown that the scheduling guarantees of current GPUs can be used to dynamically create an execution environment that allows for a safe and portable global barrier across a subset of the GPU threads. Application optimisations: a set GPU optimisations are examined that are tailored for graph applications, including one optimisation enabled by the global barrier. It is shown that these optimisations can provided substantial performance improvements, e.g. the barrier optimisation achieves over a 10X speedup on AMD and Intel GPUs. The performance portability of these optimisations is investigated, as their utility varies across input, application, and architecture. Multitasking: because many GPUs do not support preemption, long-running GPU compute tasks (e.g. applications that use the global barrier) may block other GPU functions, including graphics. A simple cooperative multitasking scheme is proposed that allows graphics tasks to meet their deadlines with reasonable overheads.Open Acces

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMemory access irregularities are a major bottleneck for bandwidth limited problems on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) architectures. GPU memory systems are designed to allow consecutive memory accesses to be coalesced into a single memory access. Noncontiguous accesses within a parallel group of threads working in lock step may cause serialized memory transfers. Irregular algorithms may have data-dependent control flow and memory access, which requires runtime information to be evaluated. Compile time methods for evaluating parallelism, such as static dependence graphs, are not capable of evaluating irregular algorithms. The goals of this dissertation are to study irregularities within the context of unstructured mesh and sparse matrix problems, analyze the impact of vectorization widths on irregularities, and present data-centric methods that improve control flow and memory access irregularity within those contexts. Reordering associative operations has often been exploited for performance gains in parallel algorithms. This dissertation presents a method for associative reordering of stencil computations over unstructured meshes that increases data reuse through caching. This novel parallelization scheme offers considerable speedups over standard methods. Vectorization widths can have significant impact on performance in vectorized computations. Although the hardware vector width is generally fixed, the logical vector width used within a computation can range from one up to the width of the computation. Significant performance differences can occur due to thread scheduling and resource limitations. This dissertation analyzes the impact of vectorization widths on dense numerical computations such as 3D dG postprocessing. It is difficult to efficiently perform dynamic updates on traditional sparse matrix formats. Explicitly controlling memory segmentation allows for in-place dynamic updates in sparse matrices. Dynamically updating the matrix without rebuilding or sorting greatly improves processing time and overall throughput. This dissertation presents a new sparse matrix format, dynamic compressed sparse row (DCSR), which allows for dynamic streaming updates to a sparse matrix. A new method for parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpMM) that uses dynamic updates is also presented

    Just-In-Time Locality and Percolation for Optimizing Irregular Applications on a Manycore Architecture

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    A RISC-V simulator and benchmark suite for designing and evaluating vector architectures

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    Vector architectures lack tools for research. Consider the gem5 simulator, which is possibly the leading platform for computer-system architecture research. Unfortunately, gem5 does not have an available distribution that includes a flexible and customizable vector architecture model. In consequence, researchers have to develop their own simulation platform to test their ideas, which consume much research time. However, once the base simulator platform is developed, another question is the following: Which applications should be tested to perform the experiments? The lack of Vectorized Benchmark Suites is another limitation. To face these problems, this work presents a set of tools for designing and evaluating vector architectures. First, the gem5 simulator was extended to support the execution of RISC-V Vector instructions by adding a parameterizable Vector Architecture model for designers to evaluate different approaches according to the target they pursue. Second, a novel Vectorized Benchmark Suite is presented: a collection composed of seven data-parallel applications from different domains that can be classified according to the modules that are stressed in the vector architecture. Finally, a study of the Vectorized Benchmark Suite executing on the gem5-based Vector Architecture model is highlighted. This suite is the first in its category that covers the different possible usage scenarios that may occur within different vector architecture designs such as embedded systems, mainly focused on short vectors, or High-Performance-Computing (HPC), usually designed for large vectors.This work is partially supported by CONACyT Mexico under Grant No. 472106 and the DRAC project, which is co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of total cost eligible.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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