26 research outputs found

    Streaming Maximum-Minimum Filter Using No More than Three Comparisons per Element

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    The running maximum-minimum (max-min) filter computes the maxima and minima over running windows of size w. This filter has numerous applications in signal processing and time series analysis. We present an easy-to-implement online algorithm requiring no more than 3 comparisons per element, in the worst case. Comparatively, no algorithm is known to compute the running maximum (or minimum) filter in 1.5 comparisons per element, in the worst case. Our algorithm has reduced latency and memory usage.Comment: to appear in Nordic Journal of Computin

    MREAK : Morphological Retina Keypoint Descriptor

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    A variety of computer vision applications depend on the efficiency of image matching algorithms used. Various descriptors are designed to detect and match features in images. Deployment of this algorithms in mobile applications creates a need for low computation time. Binary descriptors requires less computation time than float-point based descriptors because of the intensity comparison between pairs of sample points and comparing after creating a binary string. In order to decrease time complexity, quality of keypoints matched is often compromised. We propose a keypoint descriptor named Morphological Retina Keypoint Descriptor (MREAK) inspired by the function of human pupil which dilates and constricts responding to the amount of light. By using morphological operators of opening and closing and modifying the retinal sampling pattern accordingly, an increase in the number of accurately matched keypoints is observed. Our results show that matched keypoints are more efficient than FREAK descriptor and requires low computation time than various descriptors like SIFT, BRISK and SURF

    Effective Morphological Transformation and Sub-pixel Classification of Clustered Images

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    The main aim of this research work is to perform the morphological operations with reduced time complexity and area complexity. Morphological operation is the key element in any image processing. Finding the maximum and minimum using a window of defined size will imply to the morphological dilation and erosion respectively. So the proposed algorithm should be fast in the comparison and sorting, this way the time complexity could be reduced. It’s believed that the anchor concept will fetch this cause. The idea behind this is it fixes a pixel and setting it as the center pixel all the surrounding pixels will be processed. Moreover this is now been implemented for rectangular structuring element. This paper attempts the same for flat and 3D structuring elements. Hyper-spectral Imaging is a developing zone of remote detecting applications. Hyper-spectral pictures incorporate more extravagant and better otherworldly data than the multi-spectral pictures got previously. Hyper-otherworldly pictures are described by an exchange off between the unearthly and spatial resolution. The principle issue of the hyper-ghostly information is the generally low spatial goal. For arrangement, the serious issue brought about by low spatial goal is the blended pixels. Blended pixels alluded to the pixels which are involved by more than one land spread class. In the proposed procedure another strategy is utilized to address the issue of blended pixels and to get a better spatial goal of the land spread characterization maps. The strategy misuses the upsides of both picture bunching methods and phantom dimming calculations, so as to decide the fragmentary plenitudes of the classes at a sub-pixel scale. Spatial regularization by Flank planning method is at last performed to spatially find the got classes at sub-pixel level

    Morphological erosions and openings: fast algorithms based on anchors

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    Several efficient algorithms for computing erosions and openings have been proposed recently. They improve on VAN HERK's algorithm in terms of number of comparisons for large structuring elements. In this paper we introduce a theoretical framework of anchors that aims at a better understanding of the process involved in the computation of erosions and openings. It is shown that the knowledge of opening anchors of a signal f is sufficient to perform both the erosion and the opening of f. Then we propose an algorithm for one-dimensional erosions and openings which exploits opening anchors. This algorithm improves on the fastest algorithms available in literature by approximately 30% in terms of computation speed, for a range of structuring element sizes and image content

    Driving Assistance System with Lane Change Detection

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    In this study, a simple technology for a self-driving system called “driver assistance system” is developed based on embedded image identification. The system consists of a camera, a Raspberry Pi board, and OpenCV. The camera is used to capture lane images, and the image noise is overcome through color space conversion, grayscale, Otsu thresholding, binarization, erosion, and dilation. Subsequently, two horizontal lines parallel to the X-axis with a fixed range and interval are used to detect left and right lane lines. The intersection points between the left and right lane lines and the two horizontal lines can be obtained, and can be used to calculate the slopes of the left and right lanes. Finally, the slope change of the left and right lanes and the offset of the lane intersection are determined to detect the deviation. When the angle of lanes changes drastically, the driver receives a deviation warning. The results of this study suggest that the proposed algorithm is 1.96 times faster than the conventional algorithm

    Eye Detection using Helmholtz Principle

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                كشف العين استخدم في تطبيقات متعددة مثل تمييز الأنماط , البصمة, وأنظمة المراقبة والعديد من الأنظمة الأخرى. في هذه المقالة ,تم تقديم  طريقة جديدة لتحديد العين واستخلاص الشكل الخارجي لعين واحدة من الصورة بالأعتماد على مبدئين هما Helmholtz و Gestalt. وفقا لميدأ الأدراك ل Helmholtz  أنه أي شكل هندسي ملاحظ يكون ذو معنى أدراكيا أذا كان عدد مرات تكراره ضئيل جدا في صورة ذات توزيع عشوائي. لتحقيق هذا الهدف مبدأ Gestalt الذى ينص على أن الأنسان يلاحظ الأشياء أما عن طريق تجميع عناصره المتماثلة أو تمييز الأنماط . بصورة عامة وفقا  لمبدأ Gestalt ان الانسان يدرك الأشياء من خلال الوصف العام لهذه الاشياء . في هذه المقالة تم الأستفادة من هذين المبدئين لتمييز وأستخلاص جزء العين من الصورة. اللغة البرمجية جافا مع مكتبة opencv المتخصصة في معالجة الصور تم استخدامهما معا لهذا الغرض. نتائج جيدة تم الحصول عليها من هذه الطريقة المقترحة , حيث تم الحصول على 88.89% كنسبة الدقة أما بالنسبة لمعدل وقت التنفيذ يبلغ 0.23 من الثواني.            Eye Detection is used in many applications like pattern recognition, biometric, surveillance system and many other systems. In this paper, a new method is presented to detect and extract the overall shape of one eye from image depending on two principles Helmholtz & Gestalt. According to the principle of perception by Helmholz, any observed geometric shape is perceptually "meaningful" if its repetition number is very small in image with random distribution. To achieve this goal, Gestalt Principle states that humans see things either through grouping its similar elements or recognize patterns. In general, according to Gestalt Principle, humans see things through general description of these things. This paper utilizes these two principles to recognize and extract eye part from image. Java programming language and OpenCV library for image processing are used for this purpose. Good results are obtained from this proposed method, where 88.89% was obtained as a detection rate taking into account that the average execution time is about 0.23 in seconds

    Towards recovering architectural information from images of architectural diagrams

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    The architecture of a software system is often described with diagrams embedded in the documentation. However, these diagrams are normally stored and shared as images, losing track of model-level architectural information and refraining software engineers from working on the architectural model later on. In this context, tools able to extract architectural information from images can be of great help. In this article, we present a framework called IMEAV for processing architectural diagrams (based on speci c viewtypes) and recovering information from them. We have instantiated our framework to analyze \module views" and evaluated this prototype with an image dataset. Results have been encouraging, showing a good accuracy for recognizing modules, relations and textual features.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Stream implementation of serial morphological filters with approximated polygons

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    ISBN : 978-142448157-6International audienceThis paper describes an original stream implementation of serially composed morphological filters using approximated flat polygons. It strictly respects a sequential data access. Results are obtained with minimal latency while operating within minimal memory space; even for very large neighborhoods. This is interesting for serially composed advanced filters, such as Alternating Sequential Filters or granulometries. We show how the dedicated implementation on an FPGA allows obtaining a previously unequaled performance, opening an opportunity to use these operators in time-critical, high-end applications

    Towards recovering architectural information from images of architectural diagrams

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    The architecture of a software system is often described with diagrams embedded in the documentation. However, these diagrams are normally stored and shared as images, losing track of model-level architectural information and refraining software engineers from working on the architectural model later on. In this context, tools able to extract architectural information from images can be of great help. In this article, we present a framework called IMEAV for processing architectural diagrams (based on speci c viewtypes) and recovering information from them. We have instantiated our framework to analyze \module views" and evaluated this prototype with an image dataset. Results have been encouraging, showing a good accuracy for recognizing modules, relations and textual features.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO