14 research outputs found

    Optimisation des performances du programme mpiBLAST pour la parallélisation sur grille de calcul

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    Le programme mpiBLAST est un programme d'alignement local de séquences destiné aux architectures parallèles telles que les clusters ou les grilles de calcul. La performance du mpiBLAST est optimale lorsqu'on utilise la totalité des noeuds du cluster l'ISIMA. La meilleure performance est obtenue lorsque (n+1) noeuds sont utilisés pour le calcul tandis que la base de données est fragmentée sur n noeuds. Nous avons démontré une légère chute de performance lorsque le nombre de noeuds utilisés pour le calcul est très supérieur au nombre de fragments de la base de données. Le programme parallèle d'alignement de séquence mpiBLAST est adapté pour l'application que nous développons et permet d'aller jusqu'à 8 fois plus vite que sur une architecture classique. L'architecture du cluster est une étape de transition vers l'architecture de grille de calcul

    A Pluggable Framework for Lightweight Task Offloading in Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    Multicore processors have quickly become ubiquitous in supercomputing, cluster computing, datacenter computing, and even personal computing. Software advances, however, continue to lag behind. In the past, software designers could simply rely on clock-speed increases to improve the performance of their software. With clock speeds now stagnant, software designers need to tap into the increased horsepower of multiple cores in a processor by creating software artifacts that support parallelism. Rather than forcing designers to write such software artifacts from scratch, we propose a pluggable framework that designers can reuse for lightweight task offloading in a parallel computing environment of multiple cores, whether those cores be colocated on a processor within a compute node, between compute nodes in a tightly-coupled system like a supercomputer, or between compute nodes in a loosely-coupled one like a cloud computer. To demonstrate the efficacy of our framework, we use the framework to implement lightweight task offloading (or software acceleration) for a popular parallel sequence-search application called mpiBLAST. Our experimental results on a 9-node, 36-core AMD Opteron cluster show that using mpiBLAST with our pluggable framework results in a 205% speed-up

    HSP-Wrap: The Design and Evaluation of Reusable Parallelism for a Subclass of Data-Intensive Applications

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    There is an increasing gap between the rate at which data is generated by scientific and non-scientific fields and the rate at which data can be processed by available computing resources. In this paper, we introduce the fields of Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics; two fields where big data has become a problem due to continuing advances in the technologies that drives these fields: such as gene sequencing and small ligand exploration. We introduce high performance computing as a means to process this growing base of data in order to facilitate knowledge discovery. We enumerate goals of the project including reusability, efficiency, reliability, and scalability. We then describe the implementation of a software scheduler which aims to improve input and output performance of a targeted collection of informatics tools, as well as the profiling and optimization needed to tune the software. We evaluate the performance of the software with a scalability study of the Bioinformatics tools BLAST, HMMER, and MUSCLE; as well as the Cheminformatics tool DOCK6

    Automated Genome-Wide Protein Domain Exploration

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    Exploiting the exponentially growing genomics and proteomics data requires high quality, automated analysis. Protein domain modeling is a key area of molecular biology as it unravels the mysteries of evolution, protein structures, and protein functions. A plethora of sequences exist in protein databases with incomplete domain knowledge. Hence this research explores automated bioinformatics tools for faster protein domain analysis. Automated tool chains described in this dissertation generate new protein domain models thus enabling more effective genome-wide protein domain analysis. To validate the new tool chains, the Shewanella oneidensis and Escherichia coli genomes were processed, resulting in a new peptide domain database, detection of poor domain models, and identification of likely new domains. The automated tool chains will require months or years to model a small genome when executing on a single workstation. Therefore the dissertation investigates approaches with grid computing and parallel processing to significantly accelerate these bioinformatics tool chains

    Research on High-performance and Scalable Data Access in Parallel Big Data Computing

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    To facilitate big data processing, many dedicated data-intensive storage systems such as Google File System(GFS), Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) and Quantcast File System(QFS) have been developed. Currently, the Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) [20] is the state-of-art and most popular open-source distributed file system for big data processing. It is widely deployed as the bedrock for many big data processing systems/frameworks, such as the script-based pig system, MPI-based parallel programs, graph processing systems and scala/java-based Spark frameworks. These systems/applications employ parallel processes/executors to speed up data processing within scale-out clusters. Job or task schedulers in parallel big data applications such as mpiBLAST and ParaView can maximize the usage of computing resources such as memory and CPU by tracking resource consumption/availability for task assignment. However, since these schedulers do not take the distributed I/O resources and global data distribution into consideration, the data requests from parallel processes/executors in big data processing will unfortunately be served in an imbalanced fashion on the distributed storage servers. These imbalanced access patterns among storage nodes are caused because a). unlike conventional parallel file system using striping policies to evenly distribute data among storage nodes, data-intensive file systems such as HDFS store each data unit, referred to as chunk or block file, with several copies based on a relative random policy, which can result in an uneven data distribution among storage nodes; b). based on the data retrieval policy in HDFS, the more data a storage node contains, the higher the probability that the storage node could be selected to serve the data. Therefore, on the nodes serving multiple chunk files, the data requests from different processes/executors will compete for shared resources such as hard disk head and network bandwidth. Because of this, the makespan of the entire program could be significantly prolonged and the overall I/O performance will degrade. The first part of my dissertation seeks to address aspects of these problems by creating an I/O middleware system and designing matching-based algorithms to optimize data access in parallel big data processing. To address the problem of remote data movement, we develop an I/O middleware system, called SLAM, which allows MPI-based analysis and visualization programs to benefit from locality read, i.e, each MPI process can access its required data from a local or nearby storage node. This can greatly improve the execution performance by reducing the amount of data movement over network. Furthermore, to address the problem of imbalanced data access, we propose a method called Opass, which models the data read requests that are issued by parallel applications to cluster nodes as a graph data structure where edges weights encode the demands of load capacity. We then employ matching-based algorithms to map processes to data to achieve data access in a balanced fashion. The final part of my dissertation focuses on optimizing sub-dataset analyses in parallel big data processing. Our proposed methods can benefit different analysis applications with various computational requirements and the experiments on different cluster testbeds show their applicability and scalability

    Parallelisation for data-intensive applications over peer-to-peer networks

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    In Data Intensive Computing, properties of the data that are the input for an application decide running performance in most cases. Those properties include the size of the data, the relationships inside data, and so forth. There is a class of data intensive applications (BLAST, SETI@home, Folding@Home and so on so forth) whose performances solely depend on the amount of input data. Another important characteristic of those applications is that the input data can be split into units and these units are not related to each other during the runs of the applications. This characteristic helps this class of data intensive applications to be parallelised in the way where the input data is split into units and application runs on different computer nodes for certain portion of the units. SETI@home and Folding@Home have been successfully parallelised over peer-to-peer networks. However, they suffer from the problems of single point of failure and poor scalability. In order to solve these problems, we choose BLAST as our example data intensive applications and parallelise BLAST over a fully distributed peer-to-peer network. BLAST is a popular bioinformatics toolset which can be used to compare two DNA sequences. The major usage of BLAST is searching a query of sequences inside a database for their similarities so as to identify whether they are new. When comparing single pair of sequences, BLAST is efficient. However, due to growing size of the databases, executing BLAST jobs locally produces prohibitively poor performance. Thus, methods for parallelising BLAST are sought. Traditional BLAST parallelisation approaches are all based on clusters. Clusters employ a number of computing nodes and high bandwidth interlinks between nodes. Cluster-based BLAST exhibits higher performance; nevertheless, clusters suffer from limited resources and scalability problems. Clusters are expensive, prohibitively so when the growth of the sequence database are taken into account. It involves high cost and complication when increasing the number of nodes to adapt to the growth of BLAST databases. Hence a Peer-to-Peer-based BLAST service is required. This thesis demonstrates our parallelisation of BLAST over Peer-to-Peer networks (termed ppBLAST), which utilises the free storage and computing resources in the Peer-to-Peer networks to complete BLAST jobs in parallel. In order to achieve the goal, we build three layers in ppBLAST each of which is responsible for particular functions. The bottom layer is a DHT infrastructure with the support of range queries. It provides efficient range-based lookup service and storage for BLAST tasks. The middle layer is the BitTorrent-based database distribution. The upper layer is the core of ppBLAST which schedules and dispatches task to peers. For each layer, we conduct comprehensive research and the achievements are presented in this thesis. For the DHT layer, we design and implement our DAST-DHT. We analyse balancing, maximum number of children and the accuracy of the range query. We also compare the DAST with other range query methodology and state that if the number of children is adjusted to more two, the performance of DAST overcomes others. For the BitTorrent-like database distribution layer, we investigate the relationship between the seeding strategies and the selfish leechers (freeriders and exploiters). We conclude that OSS works better than TSS in a normal situation

    Debian Clusters for Education and Research: The Missing Manual

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