20 research outputs found

    Efficient Certificateless Public Key Encryption

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    In [3] Al-Riyami and Paterson introduced the notion of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography and presented an instantiation. In this paper, we revisit the formulation of certificateless public key encryption and construct a more efficient scheme and then extend it to an authenticated encryption

    Provable Efficient Certificateless Public Key Encryption

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    Certificateless public key cryptography was introduced to overcome the key escrow limitation of the identity-based cryptography. It combines the advantages of the identity-based cryptography and the traditional PKI. Recently, Dae Hyun Yum1 and Pil Joong Lee have proposed a generic series construction model of certificateless public key encryption (CL-PKE) which is built from generic primitives: identity-based encryption and public key encryption. However, this model pays much attention on the generic construction and neglects the nice properties of the bilinear pairings. In this paper, we propose an efficient CL-PKE scheme which is based on the nice algebraic properties of Weil pairing. The scheme works in a kind of parallel model and it is more efficient on computation or published public key information than the existing schemes

    Cryptanalysis of Certificateless Signcryption Schemes and an Efficient Construction Without Pairing

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    Certificateless cryptography introduced by Al-Riyami and Paterson eliminates the key escrow problem inherent in identity based cryptosystems. Even though building practical identity based signcryption schemes without bilinear pairing are considered to be almost impossible, it will be interesting to explore possibilities of constructing such systems in other settings like certificateless cryptography. Often for practical systems, bilinear pairings are considered to induce computational overhead. Signcryption is a powerful primitive that offers both confidentiality and authenticity to noteworthy messages. Though some prior attempts were made for designing certificateless signcryption schemes, almost all the known ones have security weaknesses. Specifically, in this paper we demonstrate the security weakness of the schemes in \cite{BF08}, \cite{DRJR08} and \cite{CZ08}. We also present the first provably secure certificateless signcryption scheme without bilinear pairing and prove it in the random oracle model

    Secure Certificateless Public Key Encryption without Redundancy

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    Certificateless public key cryptography was introduced to solve the key escrow problem in identity based cryptography while enjoying the most attractive {\em certificateless} property. In this paper, we present the first {\em secure} certificateless public key encryption (CLPKE) scheme {\em without redundancy}. Our construction provides optimal bandwidth and a quite efficient decryption process among all the existing CLPKE schemes. It is provably secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the random oracle model under a slightly stronger assumption

    Boneh-Franklin Identity Based Encryption Revisited

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    Contains fulltext : 33216.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access

    Cryptanalysis and improvement of an efficient certificateless signature scheme

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    In traditional digital signature schemes, certificates signed by a trusted party are required to ensure the authenticity of the public key. In Asiacrypt 2003, the concept of certificateless signature scheme was introduced. The advantage of certificate-less public key cryptography successfully eliminates the necessity of certificates in the traditional public key cryptography and simultaneously solves the inherent key escrow problem suffered in identity-based cryptography. Recently, Yap et al. proposed an efficient certificateless signature scheme and claimed that their scheme is existentially unforgeable in the random oracle model. In this paper, we show that the certificateless signature scheme proposed by Yap et al. is insecure against public key replacement attacks. Furthermore, we propose an improved certificateless signature scheme, which is existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attacks under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model and provide the security proof of the proposed scheme

    Secure and Efficient Delegation of Elliptic-Curve Pairing

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    Many public-key cryptosystems and, more generally, cryp- tographic protocols, use pairings as important primitive operations. To expand the applicability of these solutions to computationally weaker devices, it has been advocated that a computationally weaker client del- egates such primitive operations to a computationally stronger server. Important requirements for such delegation protocols include privacy of the client's pairing inputs and security of the client's output, in the sense of detecting, except for very small probability, any malicious server's at- tempt to convince the client of an incorrect pairing result. In this paper we show that the computation of bilinear pairings in all known pairing-based cryptographic protocols can be eciently, privately and securely delegated to a single, possibly malicious, server. Our tech- niques provides eciency improvements over past work in all input sce- narios, regardless on whether inputs are available to the parties in an oine phase or only in the online phase, and on whether they are public or have privacy requirements. The client's online runtime improvement is, for some of our protocols almost 1 order of magnitude, no matter which practical elliptic curve, among recently recommended ones, is used for the pairing realization

    A heterogeneous signcryption scheme for smart grid with trusted multi-ciphertext equality test

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    Energy utilization rates have been largely improved thanks to the wide application of smart grids, thereby realizing the reliable, economic and efficient operation of the grids. However, such an application is also accompanied by many security issues. In response to the many problems within existing security schemes, such as not supporting the communication between heterogeneous cryptosystems, low security levels and a low data retrieval efficiency, a heterogeneous signcryption (HSC) scheme that supports a trusted multi-ciphertext equality test (MET) is proposed. The adoption of the HSC helps to identify secure communications from identity-based cryptosystems to certificateless cryptosystem, eliminates the certificate management problems in the traditional public key cryptography scheme, and ensures the confidentiality and authentication of power data. The introduction of the MET technology can avoid the high cost of equality test calculations after grouping ciphertexts in pairs. Using blockchain and smart contract technologies ensure the credibility of test results and eliminates the reliance on trusted cloud servers. Under the random oracle model, on the basis of the bilinear Diffie-Hellman, the computational Diffie-Hellman and the q-strong Diffie-Hellman problems, this paper proves that the scheme proposed herein meets the requirements of indistinguishability and one-way security under adaptive choice ciphertext attacks, and the unforgeability under the adaptive choice message attack. From the findings of the analysis, it has been shown that the proposed scheme satisfies more security attributes and requires lower computational overhead compared to similar schemes

    Certificateless Encryption Schemes Strongly Secure in the Standard Model

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    This paper presents the first constructions for certificateless encryption (CLE) schemes that are provably secure against strong adversaries in the standard model. It includes both a generic construction for a strongly secure CLE scheme from any passively secure scheme as well as a concrete construction based on the Waters identity-based encryption scheme