129,347 research outputs found

    Efficient Seeds Computation Revisited

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    The notion of the cover is a generalization of a period of a string, and there are linear time algorithms for finding the shortest cover. The seed is a more complicated generalization of periodicity, it is a cover of a superstring of a given string, and the shortest seed problem is of much higher algorithmic difficulty. The problem is not well understood, no linear time algorithm is known. In the paper we give linear time algorithms for some of its versions --- computing shortest left-seed array, longest left-seed array and checking for seeds of a given length. The algorithm for the last problem is used to compute the seed array of a string (i.e., the shortest seeds for all the prefixes of the string) in O(n2)O(n^2) time. We describe also a simpler alternative algorithm computing efficiently the shortest seeds. As a by-product we obtain an O(nlog⁥(n/m))O(n\log{(n/m)}) time algorithm checking if the shortest seed has length at least mm and finding the corresponding seed. We also correct some important details missing in the previously known shortest-seed algorithm (Iliopoulos et al., 1996).Comment: 14 pages, accepted to CPM 201

    Covering Problems for Partial Words and for Indeterminate Strings

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    We consider the problem of computing a shortest solid cover of an indeterminate string. An indeterminate string may contain non-solid symbols, each of which specifies a subset of the alphabet that could be present at the corresponding position. We also consider covering partial words, which are a special case of indeterminate strings where each non-solid symbol is a don't care symbol. We prove that indeterminate string covering problem and partial word covering problem are NP-complete for binary alphabet and show that both problems are fixed-parameter tractable with respect to kk, the number of non-solid symbols. For the indeterminate string covering problem we obtain a 2O(klog⁥k)+nkO(1)2^{O(k \log k)} + n k^{O(1)}-time algorithm. For the partial word covering problem we obtain a 2O(klog⁥k)+nkO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log k)} + nk^{O(1)}-time algorithm. We prove that, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis is false, no 2o(k)nO(1)2^{o(\sqrt{k})} n^{O(1)}-time solution exists for either problem, which shows that our algorithm for this case is close to optimal. We also present an algorithm for both problems which is feasible in practice.Comment: full version (simplified and corrected); preliminary version appeared at ISAAC 2014; 14 pages, 4 figure

    Efficient Computation of Sequence Mappability

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    Sequence mappability is an important task in genome re-sequencing. In the (k,m)(k,m)-mappability problem, for a given sequence TT of length nn, our goal is to compute a table whose iith entry is the number of indices j≠ij \ne i such that length-mm substrings of TT starting at positions ii and jj have at most kk mismatches. Previous works on this problem focused on heuristic approaches to compute a rough approximation of the result or on the case of k=1k=1. We present several efficient algorithms for the general case of the problem. Our main result is an algorithm that works in O(nmin⁡{mk,log⁡k+1n})\mathcal{O}(n \min\{m^k,\log^{k+1} n\}) time and O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) space for k=O(1)k=\mathcal{O}(1). It requires a carefu l adaptation of the technique of Cole et al.~[STOC 2004] to avoid multiple counting of pairs of substrings. We also show O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2)-time algorithms to compute all results for a fixed mm and all k=0,
,mk=0,\ldots,m or a fixed kk and all m=k,
,n−1m=k,\ldots,n-1. Finally we show that the (k,m)(k,m)-mappability problem cannot be solved in strongly subquadratic time for k,m=Θ(log⁡n)k,m = \Theta(\log n) unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis fails.Comment: Accepted to SPIRE 201

    Superselectors: Efficient Constructions and Applications

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    We introduce a new combinatorial structure: the superselector. We show that superselectors subsume several important combinatorial structures used in the past few years to solve problems in group testing, compressed sensing, multi-channel conflict resolution and data security. We prove close upper and lower bounds on the size of superselectors and we provide efficient algorithms for their constructions. Albeit our bounds are very general, when they are instantiated on the combinatorial structures that are particular cases of superselectors (e.g., (p,k,n)-selectors, (d,\ell)-list-disjunct matrices, MUT_k(r)-families, FUT(k, a)-families, etc.) they match the best known bounds in terms of size of the structures (the relevant parameter in the applications). For appropriate values of parameters, our results also provide the first efficient deterministic algorithms for the construction of such structures
