20 research outputs found

    An Approach for Mining Top-k High Utility Item Sets (HUI)

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    Itemsets have been extracted by utilising high utility item (HUI) mining, which provides more benefits to the consumer. This could be one of the significant domains in data mining and be resourceful for several real-time implementations. Even though modern HUI mining algorithms may identify item sets that meet the minimum utility threshold, However, fixing the minimum threshold utility value has not been a simple task, and often it is intricate for the consumers when we keep the minimum utility value low. It might generate a massive amount of itemsets, and when the value is at its maximum, it might provide a smaller amount of itemsets. To avoid these issues, top-k HUI mining, where k represents the number of HUIs to be identified, has been proposed. Further, in this manuscript, the authors projected an algorithm called the top-k exact utility (TKEU) algorithm, which works without computing and comparing transaction weighted utilisation (TWU) values and deliberates the individual utility item values for deriving the top-k HUI. The datasets are pre-processed by the proposed algorithm to lessen the system memory space and to provide optimal outcomes for condensed datasets


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    Association rules show strong relationship between attribute-value pairs (or items) that occur frequently in a given data set. Association rules are commonly used to determine the purchasing patterns of customers in a store. Such analysis is implemented in many decision-making processes, such as product placement, catalogue design, and cross-marketing. The discovery of association rules is based on frequent itemset mining. These frequent itemset mining algorithms mainly suffers from generation of more number of candidate itemsets and large no of database scans. These issues are addressed by two algorithms namely TKU (mining Top-K Utility itemsets) and TKO (mining Top-K utility itemsets in one phase) which are recommended for mining K- high utility itemsets in two scans of the entire database. Though scans are reduced to two, processing time is more because of UP-Tree traversals which is the data structure used by TKU and TKO algorithms.  The proposed algorithm uses B+-Tree data structure instead of UP-Tree to reduce the time. Experimental analysis clearly shows that the processing time is improved and hence limitations of existing work are overcome by proposing a methodology using B+ -Tree

    Privacy Preserving Utility Mining: A Survey

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    In big data era, the collected data usually contains rich information and hidden knowledge. Utility-oriented pattern mining and analytics have shown a powerful ability to explore these ubiquitous data, which may be collected from various fields and applications, such as market basket analysis, retail, click-stream analysis, medical analysis, and bioinformatics. However, analysis of these data with sensitive private information raises privacy concerns. To achieve better trade-off between utility maximizing and privacy preserving, Privacy-Preserving Utility Mining (PPUM) has become a critical issue in recent years. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of PPUM. We first present the background of utility mining, privacy-preserving data mining and PPUM, then introduce the related preliminaries and problem formulation of PPUM, as well as some key evaluation criteria for PPUM. In particular, we present and discuss the current state-of-the-art PPUM algorithms, as well as their advantages and deficiencies in detail. Finally, we highlight and discuss some technical challenges and open directions for future research on PPUM.Comment: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 10 page

    Discovering High-Utility Itemsets at Multiple Abstraction Levels

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    High-Utility Itemset Mining (HUIM) is a relevant data mining task. The goal is to discover recurrent combinations of items characterized by high prot from transactional datasets. HUIM has a wide range of applications among which market basket analysis and service proling. Based on the observation that items can be clustered into domain-specic categories, a parallel research issue is generalized itemset mining. It entails generating correlations among data items at multiple abstraction levels. The extraction of multiple-level patterns affords new insights into the analyzed data from dierent viewpoints. This paper aims at discovering a novel pattern that combines the expressiveness of generalized and High-Utility itemsets. According to a user-defined taxonomy items are rst aggregated into semantically related categories. Then, a new type of pattern,namely the Generalized High-utility Itemset (GHUI), is extracted. It represents a combinations of items at different granularity levels characterized by high prot (utility). While protable combinations of item categories provide interesting high-level information, GHUIs at lower abstraction levels represent more specic correlationsamong protable items. A single-phase algorithm is proposed to efficiently discover utility itemsets at multiple abstraction levels. The experiments, which were performed on both real and synthetic data, demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed approach


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    One of the problems in higher education is the mistake of prospective students in majors selection. This is caused by not paying attention to the suitability of the major in the original school with the chosen major in higher education so that it impacts not only non optimal processing and learning outcomes, such as the low GPA, but also on social life, such as increasing unemployment. The selection of the right major is very important and to help prospective students in choosing it requires an online system that can be accessed by everyone and select original school majors to see conformity with majors in higher education. This system uses association rules and parameters of support and confidence in data mining. The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between majors in the original school, majors in higher education and the achievement of the GPA through the use of support and confidence parameters that process the knowledge base in the form of an alumni database on the online system created. Training or testing was conducted on 10,254 data in the database and produced new information and knowledge that between the majors of the original school, the choice of majors in higher education and GPA had a strong correlation with the value of confidence reaching 100%

    Mining High Utility Itemsets with Regular Occurrence

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    High utility itemset mining (HUIM) plays an important role in the data mining community and in a wide range of applications. For example, in retail business it is used for finding sets of sold products that give high profit, low cost, etc. These itemsets can help improve marketing strategies, make promotions/ advertisements, etc. However, since HUIM only considers utility values of items/itemsets, it may not be sufficient to observe product-buying behavior of customers such as information related to "regular purchases of sets of products having a high profit margin". To address this issue, the occurrence behavior of itemsets (in the term of regularity) simultaneously with their utility values was investigated. Then, the problem of mining high utility itemsets with regular occurrence (MHUIR) to find sets of co-occurrence items with high utility values and regular occurrence in a database was considered. An efficient single-pass algorithm, called MHUIRA, was introduced. A new modified utility-list structure, called NUL, was designed to efficiently maintain utility values and occurrence information and to increase the efficiency of computing the utility of itemsets. Experimental studies on real and synthetic datasets and complexity analyses are provided to show the efficiency of MHUIRA combined with NUL in terms of time and space usage for mining interesting itemsets based on regularity and utility constraints