399 research outputs found

    Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development

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    Healthcare enterprises are disconnected. In the era of integrated information systems and Internet explosion, the necessity of information systems integration reside from business process evolution, on the one hand, and from information technology tendencies, on the other hand. In order to become more efficient and adaptive to change, healthcare organizations are tremendously preoccupied of business process automation, flexibility and complexity. The need of information systems integration arise from these goals, explaining, at the same time, the special interest in EAI. Extensible software integration architectures and business orientation of process modeling and information systems functionalities, the same as open-connectivity, accessibility and virtualization lead to most suitable integration solutions: SOA and BPM architectural styles in a cloud computing environment

    Adapting a Stress Testing Framework to a Multi-module Security-oriented Spring Application

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    Programmeeritakse mitmekomponendilist süsteemi. Kolm põhikomponenti on järgmised: põhiserver (Spring rakendus), mobiilirakendused (iOS, Android), klienditeeninduse veebiportaalid. Kõige tähtsam süsteemi töös on põhiserver, kuna see on enamuse veebiportaalide ning mobiilirakenduste päringute sihtpunkt. See on mitmemooduliline projekt, kus kõik moodulid suhtlevad omavahel. Potentsiaalselt hakkab süsteemi kasutama sadu tuhandeid inimesi – kümneid tuhandeid paralleelseid sessioone. Seetõttu tuleb läbi viia süsteemi ulatuslik koormustestimine. Kahjuks on nii, et koormustestimise raamistikud oma originaalseisus ei sobi antud süsteemi testimiseks. Seega, koormustestimise raamistiku tuleb seadistada ning laiendada selleks, et see toetaks antud süsteemi spetsiifilisi protokolle ja võimaldaks testida kõiki komponente üheskoos. Hetkel on saadaval palju koormustestimise raamistikke. Mõned nendest on: Locust, Apache JMeter, Gatling Project. Need raamistikud erinevad üksteisest programmeerimiskeele, eriomaduste ning põhiloogika järgi. Kuna tegu on kommertsprojektiga, peab valitud koormustestimise raamistik vastama kliendi funktsionaalsete ja mittefunktsionaalsete nõuetele. Kuna koormustestimist viiakse läbi ainult põhiserveril, peab seadistama ja laiendama valitud raamistikku, et simuleerida teisi süsteemi komponente ja serveri protokolle. See töö annab kiire ülevaate varem mainitud koormustestimise raamistikest eriomaduste järgi, valib raamistiku, mida kohandatakse antud projekti raames koormustestimise läbi viimiseks ning kirjeldab kohandamise protsessi. Samuti toob see töö välja mõned koormustestimise raamistike piirangud ning kirjeldab meetodeid nende ületamiseks. Viimaks, süsteemi testitakse valitud raamistiku abil ning esitatakse ja valideeritakse tulemusi.A multi-component system is being build. Three main components are: backend server (Spring application), mobile applications (iOS, Android), customer service web portals. Our main concern is the backend server, because it is the destination of the majority of requests from customer service web portals and mobile applications. It is a multi-module project where all modules communicate to each other. The system is going to be used potentially by hundreds thousands of users with tens thousands of simultaneous usages. Therefore, extensive stress-testing must be conducted. Unfortunately, stress-testing frameworks in the original state are not suitable for the given system. Thus a stress-testing framework must be configured and extended to the point it supports the system’s specific protocols and can test all the system’s components together. There are numerous of stress-testing frameworks available. Some examples are: Locust, Apache JMeter, Gatling Project. These frameworks differ in terms of coding language, features and core logic. As it is a commercial project, the chosen stress-testing framework must also comply with client’s functional and non-functional requirements. Due to stress-testing being conducted only on the backend server component, the selected stress-testing framework must be configured/extended to simulate other components and the required server protocols. The thesis provides a brief comparison of the available stress-testing frameworks based on their features and written code language and define the one which is going to be adapted to conduct the stress-testing within the project and how the adaptation is done. The thesis also points out some of stress-testing frameworks’ limitations with techniques to overcome them. Finally, the system is tested using the selected testing framework and the results are presented and validated

    Digital cockpits and decision support systems : design of technics and tools to extract and process data from heterogeneous databases

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2006-200

    Seasonal Phenology, Distribution and Treatments for Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) on Primocane-fruiting Blackberries (Rubus L. subgenus Rubus) in Arkansas

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    Worldwide, blackberries (Rubus L. subgenus Rubus) are an economically important crop. In 2007, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (broad mites), were first reported damaging primocane-fruiting blackberries in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Since this time, broad mite damage to blackberries and yield loss has been reported in many states and countries. Despite the increasing reports of this blackberry pest, little is known about their population dynamics, and few treatments are available. Growers with broad mite populations need a pest management program to minimize yield loss. Therefore, there was a need to develop sampling techniques, describe broad mite seasonal phenology in blackberry fields, and determine efficacy of various control tactics. The first step was to evaluate a modified two-step floatation water, sugar-water (WSW) method to extract broad mites from Tullgren funnel sample debris and compare counts across sample substrates. Then, broad mite seasonal densities were determined through biweekly sampling of leaves, leaf litter, and soil samples from a blackberry field in Arkansas. From November to late-February, Polyphagotarsonemus latus was found in highest numbers in the leaf litter. Sample counts also showed that the broad mite is highly aggregated prior to uniform distribution in the blackberry field (late May). Laboratory leaf-dip bioassays found that Agri-Mek caused 100% broad mite mortality after 24 hrs; after 72 hours, M-Pede, Microthiol Disperss, and JMS Stylet Oil caused \u3e90% percent mortality and Quillaja caused 83% mortality. The results of these bioassays were used by the Agri-Mek manufacturer to label it for use in caneberries (blackberries) against broad mites in AR and several other states. Field tests were conducted to determine the efficacy of 4 different predatory mite species and sulfur (Amblyseius andersoni (Chant), Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), N. cucumeris (Oudemans) and N. swirskii (Athias-Henriot). Individually, all four species of predatory mites had statistical differences from control plots in at least one field; species efficacy was different by location. Data collected from the seasonal study, bioassays and field trials was used to develop a broad mite fact sheet describing the recommended integrated pest management program for broad mites on blackberries

    A Middleware Platform to Federate Complex Event Processing

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    International audienceDistributed systems like crisis management are subject to the dissemination of a huge volume of heterogeneous events, ranging from low level network data to high level crisis management intelligence, depending on the role of the rescue teams involved. In such systems, Complex Event Processing (CEP) has emerged as a solution to detect and react (in real-time) to complex events, which are correlations of more primitive events. Although various CEP engines implement the support for dealing with the business heterogeneity of events,the technological ntegration of these events remains uncovered. Therefore, in this paper we introduce DiCEPE (Distributed Complex Event Processing Engine), a platform which focuses on the integration of CEP engines in distributed systems. DiCEPE provides a native support for various communication protocols in order to federate CEP engines and ease the deployment of complex systems-of-systems. We illustrate our proposal using a nuclear crisis management scenario and show how DiCEPE leverages the coordination and the federation of different CEP engines

    Initial CONNECT Architecture

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    Interoperability remains a fundamental challenge when connecting heterogeneous systems which encounter and spontaneously communicate with one another in pervasive computing environments. This challenge is exasperated by the highly heterogeneous technologies employed by each of the interacting parties, i.e., in terms of hardware, operating system, middleware protocols, and application protocols. The key aim of the CONNECT project is to drop this heterogeneity barrier and achieve universal interoperability. Here we report on the development of the overall CONNECT architecture that will underpin this solution; in this respect, we present the following contributions: i) an elicitation of interoperability requirements from a set of pervasive computing scenarios, ii) a survey of existing solutions to interoperability, iii) an initial view of the CONNECT architecture, and iv) a series of experiments to provide initial validation of the architecture

    Distributing Real Time Data From a Multi-Node Large Scale Contact Center Using Corba

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    This thesis researches and evaluates the current technologies available for developing a system for propagation of Real-Time Data from a large scale Enterprise Server to large numbers of registered clients on the network. The large scale Enterprise Server being implemented is a Contact Centre Server, which can be a standalone system or part of a multi-nodal system. This paper makes three contributions to the study of scalable real-time notification services. Firstly, it defines the research of the different technologies and their implementation for distributed objects in today\u27s world of computing. Secondly, the paper explains how we have addressed key design challenges faced when implementing a Notification Service for TAO, which is our CORBA-compliant real-time Object Request Broker (ORB). The paper shows how to integrate and configure CORBA features to provide real-time event communication. Finally, the paper analyzes the results of the implementation and how it compares to existing technologies being used for the propagation of Real-Time Data

    Enabling Closed Loop Lifecycle Management with Information Exchange Standards

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    Today, the manufacturing industry is focusing on the customer oriented service. This requires appropriate product lifecycle knowledge in order to facilitate product servicing and the design of next generation of products. A concept called Closed Loop Lifecycle Management (CL2M) is developed as an extension to traditional Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). CL2M enables the desired information gathering, processing and exchange throughout the whole life of an entity from beginning, through middle to end of life. A key challenge for the implementation of CL2M is when the information is distributed; a standard becomes essential concerning the format of data and way to exchange it. The objective of this thesis is to define such a messaging standard that aids in seamless information flow and exchange of information in CL2M. The Quantum Lifecycle Management (QLM) messaging standard is currently being developed. The standard is derived from PROMISE Messaging Interface (PMI) developed in the PROMISE EU project in 2008. In this thesis, the power consumption monitoring application example presents the implementation of QLM messaging standard. During the study, similar standards that are already exist is found, and compared with QLM. Furthermore, two application cases have been addressed in the thesis to enable information flow visibility and exchange in a real manufacturing scenario. QLM is developed for Internet of Things (IoT) as an information exchange standards for information flow between any kinds of intelligent products, devices, users and information systems and to close the information loop in CL2M