42 research outputs found

    Modelling and Control of Switched Reluctance Machines

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    Today, switched reluctance machines (SRMs) play an increasingly important role in various sectors due to advantages such as robustness, simplicity of construction, low cost, insensitivity to high temperatures, and high fault tolerance. They are frequently used in fields such as aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles, and wind power generation. This book is a comprehensive resource on the design, modeling, and control of SRMs with methods that demonstrate their good performance as motors and generators

    Modelling and Control of Switched Reluctance Machines

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    Today, switched reluctance machines (SRMs) play an increasingly important role in various sectors due to advantages such as robustness, simplicity of construction, low cost, insensitivity to high temperatures, and high fault tolerance. They are frequently used in fields such as aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles, and wind power generation. This book is a comprehensive resource on the design, modeling, and control of SRMs with methods that demonstrate their good performance as motors and generators

    Research and Implement of PMSM Regenerative Braking Control for Electric Vehicle

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    As the society pays more and more attention to the environment pollution and energy crisis, the electric vehicle (EV) development also entered in a new era. With the development of motor speed control technology and the improvement of motor performance, although the dynamic performance and economical cost of EVs are both better than the internal-combustion engine vehicle (ICEV), the driving range limit and charging station distribution are two major problems which limit the popularization of EVs. In order to extend driving range for EVs, regenerative braking (RB) emerges which is able to recover energy during the braking process to improve the energy efficiency. This thesis aims to investigate the RB based pure electric braking system and its implementation. There are many forms of RB system such as fully electrified braking system and blended braking system (BBS) which is equipped both electric RB system and hydraulic braking (HB) system. In this thesis the main research objective is the RB based fully electrified braking system, however, RB system cannot satisfy all braking situation only by itself. Because the regenerating electromagnetic torque may be too small to meet the braking intention of the driver when the vehicle speed is very low and the regenerating electromagnetic torque may be not enough to stop the vehicle as soon as possible in the case of emergency braking. So, in order to ensure braking safety and braking performance, braking torque should be provided with different forms regarding different braking situation and different braking intention. In this thesis, braking torque is classified into three types. First one is normal reverse current braking when the vehicle speed is too low to have enough RB torque. Second one is RB torque which could recover kinetic energy by regenerating electricity and collecting electric energy into battery packs. The last braking situation is emergency where the braking torque is provided by motor plugging braking based on the optimal slip ratio braking control strategy. Considering two indicators of the RB system which are regenerative efficiency and braking safety, a trade-off point should be found and the corresponding control strategy should be designed. In this thesis, the maximum regenerative efficiency is obtained by a braking torque distribution strategy between front wheel and rear wheel based on a maximum available RB torque estimation method and ECE-R13 regulation. And the emergency braking performance is ensured by a novel fractional-order integral sliding mode control (FOISMC) and numerical simulations show that the control performance is better than the conventional sliding mode controller

    Intelligent traction motor control techniques for hybrid and electric vehicles

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    This thesis presents the research undertaken by the author within the field of intelligent traction motor control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) applications. A robust Fuzzy Logic (FL) based traction motor field-orientated control scheme is developed which can control multiple motor topologies and HEV/EV powertrain architectures without the need for re-tuning. This control scheme can aid in the development of an HEV/EV and for continuous control of the traction motor/s in the final production vehicle. An overcurrent-tolerant traction motor sizing strategy is developed to gauge if a prospective motor’s torque and thermal characteristics can fulfil a vehicle’s target dynamic and electrical objectives during the early development stages of an HEV/EV. An industrial case study is presented. An on-line reduced switching multilevel inverter control scheme is investigated which increases the inverter’s efficiency while maintaining acceptable levels of output waveform harmonic distortion. A FL based vehicle stability control system is developed that improves the controllability and stability of an HEV/EV during an emergency braking manoeuvre. This system requires minimal vehicle parameters to be used within the control system, is insensitive to variable vehicle parameters and can be tuned to meet a vehicle’s target dynamic objectives

    Assessment and Nonlinear Modeling of Wave, Tidal and Wind Energy Converters and Turbines

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    The Special Issue “Assessment and Nonlinear Modeling of Wave, Tidal, and Wind Energy Converters and Turbines” contributes original research to stimulate the continuing progress of the offshore renewable energy (ORE) field, with a focus on state-of-the-art numerical approaches developed for the design and analysis of ORE devices. Particularly, this collection provides new methodologies, analytical/numerical tools, and theoretical methods that deal with engineering problems in the ORE field of wave, wind, and current structures. This Special Issue covers a wide range of multidisciplinary aspects, such as the 1) study of generalized interaction wake model systems with elm variation for offshore wind farms; 2) a flower pollination method based on global maximum power point tracking strategy for point-absorbing type wave energy converters; 3) performance optimization of a Kirsten–Boeing turbine using a metamodel based on neural networks coupled with CFD; 4) proposal of a novel semi-submersible floating wind turbine platform composed of inclined columns and multi-segmented mooring lines; 5) reduction of tower fatigue through blade back twist and active pitch-to-stall control strategy for a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine; 6) assessment of primary energy conversion of a closed-circuit OWC wave energy converter; 7) development and validation of a wave-to-wire model for two types of OWC wave energy converters; 8) assessment of a hydrokinetic energy converter based on vortex-induced angular oscillations of a cylinder; 9) application of wave-turbulence decomposition methods on a tidal energy site assessment; 10) parametric study for an oscillating water column wave energy conversion system installed on a breakwater; 11) optimal dimensions of a semisubmersible floating platform for a 10 MW wind turbine; 12) fatigue life assessment for power cables floating in offshore wind turbines

    Assessment and Nonlinear Modeling of Wave, Tidal and Wind Energy Converters and Turbines

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    Offshore renewable energy (ORE) sources, such as offshore wind turbines, wave energy converters, and tidal and current turbines, have experienced rapid growth in the past decade. The combination of wave, wind, and current energy devices in hybrid marine platforms that use synergies through proper combinations has been a recent scientific focus. The new concepts and structures being investigated require developing new design and analysis approaches that implement novel numerical modeling tools and simulation methods, thus advancing science, technology, and engineering. ORE structures may be subject to complex loads and load effects, which demand comprehensive and accurate numerical modeling representations of the physics underpinning the problem. Important factors that affect design, functionality, structural integrity, and performance of offshore structures include (but are not limited to): fluid–structure interactions, controller actions, intense dynamic effects, nonlinear loadings, extreme and harsh weather conditions, and impact pressure loads. Furthermore, these factors cannot be considered in isolation, since each factor is potentially coupled with another, requiring fully coupled models. To enable further growth in reliable ORE technologies, more advanced numerical tools and nonlinear modeling are needed

    Multi-Objective Control Strategies and Prognostic-Based Lifetime Extension of Utility-Scale Wind Turbines

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    Windenergie wird zunehmend als erneuerbare Energiequellen attraktiv, da Wind nachhaltig genutzt werden kann. In vielen Ländern gibt es umfangreiche Anstrengungen, die Produktion von elektrischer Energie aus Wind zu steigern. Im Vergleich zu anderen erneuerbaren Energiequellen wie Sonne, Gezeiten, Wasserkraft o.ä. ist die Energiegewinnung aus Wind technologisch ausgereifter. Daher ist die Energiegewinnung aus Wind stärker gewachsen ist als andere Technologien. Windkraft verursacht weniger nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt als konventionelle Energiequellen. Aufgrund der vergleichsweise hohen Investitions-, Betriebs- und Wartungskosten sind trotz einer weltweit starken Verbreitung von Windenergieanlagen die Produktionskosten von Windenergie im Vergleich mit anderen alternativen Energiequellen hoch. Um die wachsende Nachfrage nachWindkraft zu befriedigen, werdenWindkraftanlagen in Größe und Leistung zunehmend skaliert. Bei zunehmender Größe dominieren die strukturellen Lasten der Turbine. Dies führt vermehrt zu Materialermüdung und Ausfällen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt in der Entwicklung von Windtechologie ist die Forderung nach Senkung der Produktionskosten, um einen Wettbewerbsvorteil gegenüber anderen alternativen Energiequellen zu schaffen. Im Bereich der Steuerung können niedrigere Produktionskosten durch den Betrieb der Windturbine am/oder in der Nähe der optimalen Energieeffizienz im Teillastbetrieb erreicht werden. Dies erhöht die Zuverlässigkeit durch Verringerung des Verschleißes und die erzeugte Nennleistung auf ihrem Nennwert im hohen Windregime. Häufig ist es schwierig, einen Steueralgorithmus zu realisieren, der sowohl Effizienz als auch Zuverlässigkeit gewährleistet, da diese beiden Ziele widersprechen. In dieser Arbeit werden Mehrzielsteuerungsstrategien sowohl für den Teillastbereich als auch für hohe Windgeschwindigkeits bereiche vorgestellt. Im Bereich geringer Windgeschwindigkeiten ist eine Steuerungsstrategie so zu konzipieren, dass die Stromerzeugung sowie die strukturelle Belastung im Sinne einer Balance zwischen maximalen Stromproduktion und verlängerter Lebensdauer der Windturbine optimal ist. Für den Bereich hoher Windgeschwindigkeiten wird ein multivariates Steuerungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, um das Verhältnis von Leistung/Geschwindigkeit und struktureller Lastreduzierung zu optimieren. Es wird ein Regler zur Einzelblattverstellung entworfen, um sowohl die unausgewogene Strukturlasten als auch durch die Variation des Windgeschwindigkeit verursachte Rotorscheibe, vertikale Windscherung und Gierversatz fehler zu reduzieren. Um die Zuverlässigkeit derWindturbine zu gewährleisten, ist ein Online-Schadensbewertungsmodell in den Hauptwindturbinenregelkreis integriert, so dass die Windturbine entsprechend ihres aktuellen Verschleißzustandes betrieben wird. In Abhängigkeit von der akkumulierten Schadenshöhe werden Regler zur Einzelblattverstellung mit unterschiedlichen Lastreduktionen und Kompromissen bei der Stromerzeugung eingesetzt, um zwischen den beiden Zielen verlängerte Lebensdauer und Leistungsregelung einen geeigneten Kompromiss zu erzielten. Aufgrund der Herausforderungen die mit Offshore-Windpark Standorten verbunden sind, ist diese Art von prognose-basierter Regelung im Windturbinenbetrieb vor allem im Offshore-Einsatz vorteilhaft. Insbesondere im Kontext output-basierter Vertragsformen z.B. power purchase agreement (PPA) kann dieser Ansatz zur Optimierung der Wartungsplanung genutzt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagenen Strategien die Auflast auf Windturbinen reduzieren kann ohne sich auf andere Ziele wie die Leistungsoptimierung und Leistung/Drehzahlregelung auszuwirken. Es konnte außerdem gezeigt werden, dass eine prognostisch basierte Steuerung effektiv die Lebensdauer von Windenergieanalagen verlängern kann, ohne das Ziel der Leistungsregelung einzuschränken.Wind energy is one of the rapidly growing renewable sources of energy due to the fact that wind is abundantly available and unlikely to be exhausted like fossil fuel. Additionally, there are deliberate effort to sensitize many countries to develop polices that support production of electrical power from wind. Maturity of wind energy technology has made power production from wind grow significantly compared to other renewable energy sources such as solar, tidal, hydro among others. Like many other renewable energy sources, production of power from wind has less adverse effects on the environment. Despite the growth of global cumulative installed wind capacity, its cost of production is still higher compared to other alternative energy sources due to high initial investment cost and high operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. To meet the growing demand of wind power, wind turbines are being scaled up both in size and power rating. However, as the size increases, the structural loads of the turbine become more dominant, causing increased fatigue stress on the turbine components and consequent loss of functionality before the end of lifetime. Another area of focus in wind power production is lowering its production cost; hence, making it more competitive compared to other alternative power sources. From the control point of view, low production cost of wind energy can be achieved by operating wind turbine at/or near the optimum power efficiency during partial load regime, regulating generated power to its rated value in the high wind regime as well as mitigating structural loads so as to guarantee extended lifetime. Often, it is difficult to realize a control algorithm that can effectively guarantee both efficiency and reliability because these two aspects involve conflicting objective. Therefore, it is important to optimize the trade-off between these competing control objectives. In this thesis, multi-objective control strategies for both the partial load region and high wind speed region are presented. During low wind speed, a control strategy that optimizes power production as well as mitigating structural load is designed to balance between power production maximization and extended lifetime of wind turbine. On the other hand, a multivariate control method to balance between power/speed regulation and structural load reduction is proposed for high wind speed region. More specifically, an individual blade pitch controller is designed to eliminate the unbalanced deterministic structural loads across rotor disc caused by variation in wind speed, vertical wind shear, and yaw misalignment error. To guarantee reliability in wind turbine, an online damage evaluation model is also integrated into the main wind turbine control loop such that wind turbine is operated accordance to its structural health status in order to tolerate fault or to extend its service lifetime by a given period of time. Depending on the accumulated damage level, individual pitch controllers with different degrees of load reduction and power production compromise are employed to balance between extended lifetime and power regulation objective. This kind of prognostic-based control is useful in wind turbine operation, especially in offshore application due to challenges associated with offshore wind farm sites. Additionally, in wind farms that are managed through output-based contracts such as power purchase agreement (PPA), this approach can be utilized to optimize maintenance scheduling to avoid unscheduled downtime. The results demonstrated that the proposed multi-objective control strategies can reduce structural load on wind turbine without adversely affecting other objectives of power optimization and power/speed regulation. It has also be shown that a prognostic-based control can be effectively used to extend the lifetime of wind turbine without sacrificing the objective of power regulation

    Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes

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    The book documents 25 papers collected from the Special Issue “Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes”, highlighting recent research trends in complex industrial processes. The book aims to stimulate the research field and be of benefit to readers from both academic institutes and industrial sectors

    Symmetry in Electromagnetism

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    Electromagnetism plays a crucial role in basic and applied physics research. The discovery of electromagnetism as the unifying theory for electricity and magnetism represents a cornerstone in modern physics. Symmetry was crucial to the concept of unification: electromagnetism was soon formulated as a gauge theory in which local phase symmetry explained its mathematical formulation. This early connection between symmetry and electromagnetism shows that a symmetry-based approach to many electromagnetic phenomena is recurrent, even today. Moreover, many recent technological advances are based on the control of electromagnetic radiation in nearly all its spectra and scales, the manipulation of matter–radiation interactions with unprecedented levels of sophistication, or new generations of electromagnetic materials. This is a fertile field for applications and for basic understanding in which symmetry, as in the past, bridges apparently unrelated phenomena―from condensed matter to high-energy physics. In this book, we present modern contributions in which symmetry proves its value as a key tool. From dual-symmetry electrodynamics to applications to sustainable smart buildings, or magnetocardiography, we can find a plentiful crop, full of exciting examples of modern approaches to electromagnetism. In all cases, symmetry sheds light on the theoretical and applied works presented in this book

    Particle Physics Reference Library

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    This third open access volume of the handbook series deals with accelerator physics, design, technology and operations, as well as with beam optics, dynamics and diagnostics. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the “Particle Physics Reference Library” provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-known Landolt-Boernstein series on particle physics, accelerators and detectors (volumes 21A,B1,B2,C), which took stock of the field approximately one decade ago. Central to this new initiative is publication under full open acces