19,330 research outputs found

    Role of the first coordination shell in determining the equilibrium structure and dynamics of simple liquids

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    The traditional view that the physical properties of a simple liquid are determined primarily by its repulsive forces was recently challenged by Berthier and Tarjus, who showed that in some cases ignoring the attractions leads to large errors in the dynamics [L. Berthier and G. Tarjus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 170601 (2009); J. Chem. Phys. 134, 214503 (2011)]. We present simulations of the standard Lennard-Jones liquid at several condensed-fluid state points, including a fairly low density state and a very high density state, as well as simulations of the Kob-Andersen binary Lennard-Jones mixture at several temperatures. By varying the range of the forces, results for the thermodynamics, dynamics, and structure show that the determining factor for getting the correct statics and dynamics is not whether or not the attractive forces {\it per se} are included in the simulations. What matters is whether or not interactions are included from all particles within the first coordination shell (FCS) - the attractive forces can thus be ignored, but only at extremely high densities. The recognition of the importance of a local shell in condensed fluids goes back to van der Waals; our results confirm this idea and thereby the basic picture of the old hole- and cell theories for simple condensed fluids

    The Individual and Collective Effects of Exact Exchange and Dispersion Interactions on the Ab Initio Structure of Liquid Water

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    In this work, we report the results of a series of density functional theory (DFT) based ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations of ambient liquid water using a hierarchy of exchange-correlation (XC) functionals to investigate the individual and collective effects of exact exchange (Exx), via the PBE0 hybrid functional, non-local vdW/dispersion interactions, via a fully self-consistent density-dependent dispersion correction, and approximate nuclear quantum effects (aNQE), via a 30 K increase in the simulation temperature, on the microscopic structure of liquid water. Based on these AIMD simulations, we found that the collective inclusion of Exx, vdW, and aNQE as resulting from a large-scale AIMD simulation of (H2_2O)128_{128} at the PBE0+vdW level of theory, significantly softens the structure of ambient liquid water and yields an oxygen-oxygen structure factor, SOO(Q)S_{\rm OO}(Q), and corresponding oxygen-oxygen radial distribution function, gOO(r)g_{\rm OO}(r), that are now in quantitative agreement with the best available experimental data. This level of agreement between simulation and experiment as demonstrated herein originates from an increase in the relative population of water molecules in the interstitial region between the first and second coordination shells, a collective reorganization in the liquid phase which is facilitated by a weakening of the hydrogen bond strength by the use of the PBE0 hybrid XC functional, coupled with a relative stabilization of the resultant disordered liquid water configurations by the inclusion of non-local vdW/dispersion interactions

    Ab initio theory and modeling of water

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    Water is of the utmost importance for life and technology. However, a genuinely predictive ab initio model of water has eluded scientists. We demonstrate that a fully ab initio approach, relying on the strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) density functional, provides such a description of water. SCAN accurately describes the balance among covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals interactions that dictates the structure and dynamics of liquid water. Notably, SCAN captures the density difference between water and ice I{\it h} at ambient conditions, as well as many important structural, electronic, and dynamic properties of liquid water. These successful predictions of the versatile SCAN functional open the gates to study complex processes in aqueous phase chemistry and the interactions of water with other materials in an efficient, accurate, and predictive, ab initio manner

    Pairing of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium and tetrafluoroborate ions in n-pentanol

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are obtained and analyzed to study pairing of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium and tetrafluoroborate ions in n-pentanol, in particular by evaluating the potential-of-mean-force between counter ions. The present molecular model and simulation accurately predicts the dissociation constant Kd in comparison to experiment, and thus the behavior and magnitudes for the ion-pair pmf at molecular distances, even though the dielectric constant of the simulated solvent differs from the experimental value by about 30%. A naive dielectric model does not capture molecule structural effects such as multiple conformations and binding geometries of the Hmim+ and BF4- ion-pairs. Mobilities identify multiple time-scale effects in the autocorrelation of the random forces on the ions, and specifically a slow, exponential time-decay of those long-ranged forces associated here with dielectric friction effects.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. V2: Figs. 4 & 7 redrawn for better visual clarity with log-scales. No change in results. In press J. Chem. Phys. 201

    Probing defects and correlations in the hydrogen-bond network of ab initio water

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    The hydrogen-bond network of water is characterized by the presence of coordination defects relative to the ideal tetrahedral network of ice, whose fluctuations determine the static and time-dependent properties of the liquid. Because of topological constraints, such defects do not come alone, but are highly correlated coming in a plethora of different pairs. Here we discuss in detail such correlations in the case of ab initio water models and show that they have interesting similarities to regular and defective solid phases of water. Although defect correlations involve deviations from idealized tetrahedrality, they can still be regarded as weaker hydrogen bonds that retain a high degree of directionality. We also investigate how the structure and population of coordination defects is affected by approximations to the inter-atomic potential, finding that in most cases, the qualitative features of the hydrogen bond network are remarkably robust

    Molecular structural order and anomalies in liquid silica

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    The present investigation examines the relationship between structural order, diffusivity anomalies, and density anomalies in liquid silica by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We use previously defined orientational and translational order parameters to quantify local structural order in atomic configurations. Extensive simulations are performed at different state points to measure structural order, diffusivity, and thermodynamic properties. It is found that silica shares many trends recently reported for water [J. R. Errington and P. G. Debenedetti, Nature 409, 318 (2001)]. At intermediate densities, the distribution of local orientational order is bimodal. At fixed temperature, order parameter extrema occur upon compression: a maximum in orientational order followed by a minimum in translational order. Unlike water, however, silica's translational order parameter minimum is broad, and there is no range of thermodynamic conditions where both parameters are strictly coupled. Furthermore, the temperature-density regime where both structural order parameters decrease upon isothermal compression (the structurally anomalous regime) does not encompass the region of diffusivity anomalies, as was the case for water.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure
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