9 research outputs found

    Applying UDL Principles in an Inclusive Design Project Based on MOOCs Reviews

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    The wide-scale adoption of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) comes with learners that have variable needs. While MOOCs may be attracting a wide range of learners, there is a need to provide those learners with a means to evaluate what is working in MOOCs and what areas of learning design can be improved. While learners may have compliments and criticisms of course designs, there is a need to organize feedback from such a wide range of participants into a coherent and actionable structure. This chapter describes the YourMOOC4all project, which offers the possibility for any learner to freely judge and provide feedback on the design of MOOCs in accordance with how it meets learner needs and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. This kind of user feedback can be of great value for the future development of MOOC platforms, courses, and associated educational resources. YourMOOC4all gathers valuable information directly from the learners themselves to improve aspects such as the educational quality, accessibility, and usability of the learning environment

    Android Based Multirepresentation Module To Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan san menghasilkan modul multirepresentasi berbasis android yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang layak digunakan sebagai media belajar.Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan model 4-D dengan langkah pengembangannya yaitu define, design, development, dan disseminate. Pada penelitian ini pengembangan hanya dilakukan sampai pada tahap development. Berdasarkan hasil pengembangan diperoleh hasil validasi ahli materi dan desain dengan skor penilaian ideal 70 dan 73 dan teman sejawat 1 dan 2 masing-masing 66 dan 75, nilai cut off yang didapat adalah 70,5 sehingga modul yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak digunakan secara konstruk. Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa setelah menggunakan modul multirepersentasi berbasis android memiliki kriteria sedang dengan gain sebesar 0,468 dan 77% siswa mencapai nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).This study aims to describe the development and to produce an android-based multi-representation module that can improve students' critical thinking skills that are suitable for use as a learning medium. The method used is a 4-D model development research with development steps, namely define, design, development, and disseminate. In this research, development is only carried out until the development stage. Based on the results of the development, it was obtained the validation results of material and design experts with ideal assessment scores of 70 and 73 and peers 1 and 2 respectively 66 and 75, the cut off value obtained was 70.5 so that the developed module was declared fit for use in a construct. The improvement of students' critical thinking skills after using the android-based multi-percentage module had moderate criteria with a gain of 0.468 and 77% of students achieved the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM)

    L’efficacia delle mappe concettuali per l’apprendimento: analisi critica di evidenze empiriche

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    In questo contributo ci si chiede quando e come le mappe concettuali possano facilitare l’apprendimento degli studenti. Per rispondere a questa domanda è stata compiuta una ricerca sui repository in rete più noti attraverso criteri di selezione ispirati alle metodologie dell’Evidence Based Education, considerando le meta-analisi, le critical review e gli studi sperimentali.Il risultato di questa indagine ha portato a individuare il grado generale di efficacia delle mappe concettuali e le condizioni che le rendono più utili per l’apprendimento: il momento in cui è più adeguato introdurre una mappa concettuale, le modalità attraverso cui gli studenti possono utilizzarla e chi, fra insegnante e allievi, dovrebbe costruirla al fine di migliorare l’apprendimento

    L’efficacia delle mappe concettuali per l’apprendimento: analisi critica di evidenze empiriche

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    <p>In questo contributo ci si chiede quando e come le mappe concettuali possano facilitare l’apprendimento degli studenti. Per rispondere a questa domanda è stata compiuta una ricerca sui repository in rete più noti attraverso criteri di selezione ispirati alle metodologie dell’Evidence Based Education, considerando le meta-analisi, le critical review e gli studi sperimentali.</p>Il risultato di questa indagine ha portato a individuare il grado generale di efficacia delle mappe concettuali e le condizioni che le rendono più utili per l’apprendimento: il momento in cui è più adeguato introdurre una mappa concettuale, le modalità attraverso cui gli studenti possono utilizzarla e chi, fra insegnante e allievi, dovrebbe costruirla al fine di migliorare l’apprendimento

    Modèle théorique d’évaluation de l’apport de la transformation digitale à la chaîne de valeur des entreprises.

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    L’essence d’un avantage concurrentiel sur les concurrents résulte d’une offre avec une plus grande valeur au client, soit par des prix plus bas, soit en fournissant des avantages et des services supplémentaires qui justifient des prix similaires, voire plus élevés. La maitrise de sa chaîne de valeur, afin de dégager des marges plus importantes que ses concurrents, est conditionnée par une meilleure compréhension des besoins des clients et des activités internes. Le passage de l'ère industrielle à l'ère des produits intelligents et connectés a permis aux entreprises d'accéder à d'innombrables sources d'information et a modifié les relations qu'elles entretiennent avec leur marché et leurs clients. L’objectif principal de ce papier est de formuler un cadre conceptuel permettant la compréhension de la transformation digitale en identifiant les dimensions de valeur qu’elle impacte, l'examen des aspects technologiques de la transformation digitale et enfin, les capacités digitales

    Studying and Constructing Concept Maps: A Meta-Analysis

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    A concept map is a node-link diagram in which each node represents a concept and each link identifies the relationship between the two concepts it connects. We investigated how using concept maps influences learning by synthesizing the results of 142 independent effect sizes (n = 11,814). A random-effects model meta-analysis revealed that learning with concept and knowledge maps produced a moderate, statistically significant effect (g =.58, p &lt; .001). A moderator analysis revealed that creating concept maps (g =.72, p &lt; .001) was associated with greater benefit relative to respective comparison conditions than studying concept maps (g = .43, p &lt;.001). Additional moderator analyses indicated learning with concept maps was superior to other instructional comparison conditions, and was effective across science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and non-STEM knowledge domains. Further moderator analyses, as well as implications for theory and practice, are provided

    Hypermediale Wissensvernetzung in Physiologie und Physik

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    Teaching Complex Content in Healthcare: A Comparison of the Effect of Three Types of Multimedia Pretraining on Schematic Knowledge and Near Transfer

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    Challenged to teach complex content to students, university educators in healthcare disciplines face a practical need for effective pedagogical approaches. The preponderance of multimedia and digital resources in and beyond college classrooms suggests that solutions to teaching complex content should leverage educational technology and multimedia resources. The multimedia principle of pretraining is one effective way to augment complex content learning. The pretraining principle specifies that learning is more effective when the names and characteristics of main terms and concepts are introduced before more nuanced and complex content is presented. The purpose of this study was to investigate three approaches to pretraining—traditional pretraining, pretraining with a static concept map, and pretraining with an animated concept map—to examine the effect that the method of pretraining had on schematic knowledge and near transfer achievement. Pretraining has been found especially effective with learners who have low prior knowledge, with difficult and conceptual content, and with fast-paced instruction. The study also explored whether student perceptions about the usefulness of concept maps as a learning resource was reflected in achievement. Using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design, 145 occupational therapy students were assigned to one of the three treatment conditions. Following a pretest to obtain a baseline of prior knowledge, the 12-minute pretraining treatment on the topic of sensory integration theory was administered via a video module, and then participants were exposed to a 60-minute multimedia lecture. An immediate posttest was completed, followed two weeks later by a delayed posttest. A questionnaire to measure participant perceptions about concept maps was also administered at the posttest. Data analysis was completed using repeated measures ANOVA to examine gain scores from pretest to posttest to delayed posttest. On the measures of schematic knowledge and near transfer, the static concept map group demonstrated statistically significant gains and stronger scores than the other two groups. The findings suggest that the most effective of these three strategies for learning complex content is pretraining with a static concept map. Traditional pretraining is another viable option but pretraining with an animated concept map is not an efficient approach