1,740 research outputs found

    Altered Kv2.1 functioning promotes increased excitability in hippocampal neurons of an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.

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    Altered neuronal excitability is emerging as an important feature in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Kv2.1 potassium channels are important modulators of neuronal excitability and synaptic activity. We investigated Kv2.1 currents and its relation to the intrinsic synaptic activity of hippocampal neurons from 3xTg-AD (triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease) mice, a widely employed preclinical AD model. Synaptic activity was also investigated by analyzing spontaneous [Ca(2+)]i spikes. Compared with wild-type (Non-Tg (non-transgenic mouse model)) cultures, 3xTg-AD neurons showed enhanced spike frequency and decreased intensity. Compared with Non-Tg cultures, 3xTg-AD hippocampal neurons revealed reduced Kv2.1-dependent Ik current densities as well as normalized conductances. 3xTg-AD cultures also exhibited an overall decrease in the number of functional Kv2.1 channels. Immunofluorescence assay revealed an increase in Kv2.1 channel oligomerization, a condition associated with blockade of channel function. In Non-Tg neurons, pharmacological blockade of Kv2.1 channels reproduced the altered pattern found in the 3xTg-AD cultures. Moreover, compared with untreated sister cultures, pharmacological inhibition of Kv2.1 in 3xTg-AD neurons did not produce any significant modification in Ik current densities. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) promote Kv2.1 oligomerization, thereby acting as negative modulator of the channel activity. Glutamate receptor activation produced higher ROS levels in hippocampal 3xTg-AD cultures compared with Non-Tg neurons. Antioxidant treatment with N-Acetyl-Cysteine was found to rescue Kv2.1-dependent currents and decreased spontaneous hyperexcitability in 3xTg-AD neurons. Analogous results regarding spontaneous synaptic activity were observed in neuronal cultures treated with the antioxidant 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox). Our study indicates that AD-related mutations may promote enhanced ROS generation, oxidative-dependent oligomerization, and loss of function of Kv2.1 channels. These processes can be part on the increased neuronal excitability of these neurons. These steps may set a deleterious vicious circle that eventually helps to promote excitotoxic damage found in the AD brain

    Astrocyte-Neuron Interactions Regulate Nervous System Assembly and Function: A Dissertation

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    Astrocytes densely infiltrate the brain and intimately associate with synaptic structures. In the past 20 years, they have emerged as critical regulators of both synapse assembly and synapse function. During development, astrocytes modulate the formation of new synapses, and later, control refinement of synaptic connections in response to activity dependent cues. In a mature nervous system, astrocytes modulate synapse function through a variety of mechanisms. These include ion buffering, neurotransmitter uptake and the release of molecules that activate synaptic receptors. Through such roles, astrocytes shape the structure and function of neuronal circuits. However, how astrocytes and synapses reciprocally communicate during circuit assembly remains an unanswered question in the field. The vast majority of our understanding of astrocyte biology has come from studies conducted in mammals, where it is challenging to dissect molecular mechanisms with cell type specificity. Drosophila melanogaster is a less established model system for studying astrocyteneuron interactions, but its vast array of genetic tools and rapid life cycle promises great potential for precisely targeted manipulations. My thesis work has utilized Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the reciprocal nature of astrocyte-synapse communication. First, I characterized Drosophila late metamorphosis as a developmental stage in which astrocyte-synapse associations can be studied. My work demonstrates that during this time, when the adult Drosophila nervous system is being assembled, synapse formation relies on the coordinated infiltration of astrocyte membranes into the neuropil. Next, I show that in a reciprocal manner, neural activity can shape astrocyte biology during this time as well and impart long lasting effects on neuronal circuit function. In particular expression of the astrocyte GABA transporter (GAT) is modulated in an activity-dependent manner via astrocytic GABABR1/2 receptor signaling. Inhibiting astrocytic GABABR1/2 signaling strongly suppresses hyperexcitability in a Drosophila seizure model, vii arguing this pathway is important for modulating excitatory/inhibitory balance in vivo. Finally, utilizing the ease of the Drosophila system, I performed a reverse genetic screen to identify additional astrocyte factors involved in modulating excitatory-inhibitory neuronal balance

    Astrocytic regulation of seizure-like behavior

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    Astrocytes are emerging as important regulators of neural circuit function and behavior in the healthy and diseased nervous system. In a screen for astrocyte molecules that modulate neuronal hyperexcitability we identified multiple components of focal adhesion complexes (FAs) as potent suppressors of genetically- or pharmacologically-induced seizure-like activity. Depletion of astrocytic Tensin, b-integrin, Talin, Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), or matrix metalloproteinase 1 (Mmp1), which degrades extracellular matrix to activate b-integrin receptors, resulted in enhanced recovery from, or resistance to seizure activity. Reciprocally, promoting FA signaling by overexpression of Mmp1 in astrocytes led to enhanced-seizure severity. Blockade of FA signaling in astrocytes led to reduced-astrocytic coverage of the synaptic neuropil and reduced expression of the excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT1. However, upon seizure induction, depletion of FA signaling components resulted in enhanced astrocyte coverage of the synaptic neuropil and a ~2-fold increase in EAAT1 levels compared to controls. Our data indicate that FAs promote astrocyte coverage in neuropil and EAAT1 expression under normal physiological conditions, but in the context of hyperexcitability, FAs negatively regulate the extent of astrocytic processes within neuropil and EAAT1 expression, thereby inhibiting a more rapid recovery from conditions of excessive neuronal activity

    Calcineurin/NFAT Signaling in Activated Astrocytes Drives Network Hyperexcitability in A\u3cem\u3eβ\u3c/em\u3e-Bearing Mice

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    Hyperexcitable neuronal networks are mechanistically linked to the pathologic and clinical features of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Astrocytes are a primary defense against hyperexcitability, but their functional phenotype during AD is poorly understood. Here, we found that activated astrocytes in the 5xFAD mouse model were strongly associated with proteolysis of the protein phosphatase calcineurin (CN) and the elevated expression of the CN-dependent transcription factor nuclear factor of activated T cells 4 (NFAT4). Intrahippocampal injections of adeno-associated virus vectors containing the astrocyte-specific promoter Gfa2 and the NFAT inhibitory peptide VIVIT reduced signs of glutamate-mediated hyperexcitability in 5xFAD mice, measured in vivo with microelectrode arrays and ex vivo brain slices, using whole-cell voltage clamp. VIVIT treatment in 5xFAD mice led to increased expression of the astrocytic glutamate transporter GLT-1 and to attenuated changes in dendrite morphology, synaptic strength, and NMDAR-dependent responses. The results reveal astrocytic CN/NFAT4 as a key pathologic mechanism for driving glutamate dysregulation and neuronal hyperactivity during AD

    Astrocytic 4R tau expression drives astrocyte reactivity and dysfunction

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    The protein tau and its isoforms are associated with several neurodegenerative diseases, many of which are characterized by greater deposition of the 4-repeat (4R) tau isoform; however, the role of 4R tau in disease pathogenesis remains unclear. We created antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) that alter the ratio of 3R to 4R tau to investigate the role of specific tau isoforms in disease. Preferential expression of 4R tau in human tau-expressing (hTau-expressing) mice was previously shown to increase seizure severity and phosphorylated tau deposition without neuronal or synaptic loss. In this study, we observed strong colocalization of 4R tau within reactive astrocytes and increased expression of pan-reactive and neurotoxic genes following 3R to 4R tau splicing ASO treatment in hTau mice. Increasing 4R tau levels in primary astrocytes provoked a similar response, including a neurotoxic genetic profile and diminished homeostatic function, which was replicated in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived (iPSC-derived) astrocytes harboring a mutation that exhibits greater 4R tau. Healthy neurons cultured with 4R tau-expressing human iPSC-derived astrocytes exhibited a higher firing frequency and hypersynchrony, which could be prevented by lowering tau expression. These findings support a potentially novel pathway by which astrocytic 4R tau mediates reactivity and dysfunction and suggest that astrocyte-targeted therapeutics against 4R tau may mitigate neurodegenerative disease progression

    Synaptic Phospholipids as a New Target for Cortical Hyperexcitability and E/I Balance in Psychiatric Disorders

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a synaptic phospholipid, which regulates cortical excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance and controls sensory information processing in mice and man. Altered synaptic LPA signaling was shown to be associated with psychiatric disorders. Here, we show that the LPA-synthesizing enzyme autotaxin (ATX) is expressed in the astrocytic compartment of excitatory synapses and modulates glutamatergic transmission. In astrocytes, ATX is sorted toward fine astrocytic processes and transported to excitatory but not inhibitory synapses. This ATX sorting, as well as the enzymatic activity of astrocyte-derived ATX are dynamically regulated by neuronal activity via astrocytic glutamate receptors. Pharmacological and genetic ATX inhibition both rescued schizophrenia-related hyperexcitability syndromes caused by altered bioactive lipid signaling in two genetic mouse models for psychiatric disorders. Interestingly, ATX inhibition did not affect naive animals. However, as our data suggested that pharmacological ATX inhibition is a general method to reverse cortical excitability, we applied ATX inhibition in a ketamine model of schizophrenia and rescued thereby the electrophysiological and behavioral schizophrenia-like phenotype. Our data show that astrocytic ATX is a novel modulator of glutamatergic transmission and that targeting ATX might be a versatile strategy for a novel drug therapy to treat cortical hyperexcitability in psychiatric disorders