4,863 research outputs found

    Numerical study on signatures of atmospheric convective cells in radar images of the ocean

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    Current and wind variations at the ocean surface can give rise to a modulation of the sea surface roughness and thus become visible in radar images. The discrimination between radar signatures of oceanic and atmospheric phenomena can be quite difficult, since signatures of different origin can have very similar shapes and magnitudes and are often superimposed upon each other. In this work we employ a numerical radar imaging model for an investigation of typical properties of radar signatures of atmospheric convective cells and of theoretical differences between such atmospherically induced radar signatures and those of oceanic phenomena. We show that main characteristics of observed multifrequency/multipolarization radar signatures of atmospheric convective cells over the Gulf Stream are reproduced quite well by the proposed model. This encourages us to vary wind and radar parameters systematically in order to get a general overview of the dependency of atmospherically induced radar signatures on these parameters. Finally, we compare typical characteristics of radar signatures of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena, and we present simulated radar images of a scenario of superimposed atmospheric convective cells and oceanic internal waves. We show that the proposed model supports the experimental finding that radar signatures of oceanic phenomena are stronger at horizontal (HH) than at vertical (VV) polarization, while atmospherically induced radar signatures are better visible at VV polarization

    Modeling of SAR signatures of shallow water ocean topography

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    A hydrodynamic/electromagnetic model was developed to explain and quantify the relationship between the SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observed signatures and the bottom topography of the ocean in the English Channel region of the North Sea. The model uses environmental data and radar system parameters as inputs and predicts SAR-observed backscatter changes over topographic changes in the ocean floor. The model results compare favorably with the actual SEASAT SAR observed backscatter values. The developed model is valid for only relatively shallow water areas (i.e., less than 50 meters in depth) and suggests that for bottom features to be visible on SAR imagery, a moderate to high velocity current and a moderate wind must be present

    Satellite observations of mesoscale features in lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska

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    The Seasat satellite launched in Summer 1978 carried a synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Although Seasat failed after 105 days in orbit, it provided observations that demonstrate the potential to examine and monitor upper oceanic processes. Seasat made five passes over lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during Summer 1978. SAR images from the passes show oceanographic features, including a meander in a front, a pair of mesoscale eddies, and internal waves. These features are compared with contemporary and representative images from a satellite-borne Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS), with water property data, and with current observations from moored instruments. The results indicate that SAR data can be used to monitor mesoscale oceanographic features

    Synthetic aperture radar images of ocean waves, theories of imaging physics and experimental tests

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    The physical mechanism for the synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging of ocean waves is investigated through the use of analytical models. The models are tested by comparison with data sets from the SEASAT mission and airborne SAR's. Dominant ocean wavelengths from SAR estimates are biased towards longer wavelengths. The quasispecular scattering mechanism agrees with experimental data. The Doppler shift for ship wakes is that of the mean sea surface

    SEASAT views oceans and sea ice with synthetic aperture radar

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    Fifty-one SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the oceans and sea ice are presented. Surface and internal waves, the Gulf Stream system and its rings and eddies, the eastern North Pacific, coastal phenomena, bathymetric features, atmospheric phenomena, and ship wakes are represented. Images of arctic pack and shore-fast ice are presented. The characteristics of the SEASAT SAR system and its image are described. Maps showing the area covered, and tables of key orbital information, and listing digitally processed images are provided

    Surface roughness measuring system

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    Significant height information of ocean waves, or peaks of rough terrain is obtained by compressing the radar signal over different widths of the available chirp or Doppler bandwidths, and cross-correlating one of these images with each of the others. Upon plotting a fixed (e.g., zero) component of the cross-correlation values as the spacing is increased over some empirically determined range, the system is calibrated. To measure height with the system, a spacing value is selected and a cross-correlation value is determined between two intensity images at a selected frequency spacing. The measured height is the slope of the cross-correlation value used. Both electronic and optical radar signal data compressors and cross-correlations are disclosed for implementation of the system

    SAR imagery of ocean-wave swell traveling in an arbitrary direction

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    The intensity wave like patterns observed in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are known to be caused by two mechanisms: the microwave radar cross sectional amplitude modulation due to tilt and hydrodynamic interaction of the long ocean waves, and intensity modulation due to the motion of the long ocean waves. Two dimensional closed form expressions of intensity wave patterns based on ocean wave swell are developed. They illustrate the relative importance of the amplitude and motion modulations; they also show that velocity bunching and a distortion due to the phase velocity of the ocean wave field are independent of the focus adjustment, provided that the second order temporal effects are neglected. Second order effects are small only over a limited range of ocean/radar parameters

    First results of the OROMA experiment in the Lister Tief of the German Bight in the North Sea, EARSeL Proceedings

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    The objective of the project entitled “Operational Radar and Optical Mapping in monitoring hydrodynamic, morphodynamic and environmental parameters for coastal management (OROMA)” within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission (EC) is to improve the effectiveness of monitoring technologies in coastal waters. The Research Vessel (R.V.) Ludwig Prandtl of the GKSS research centre was equipped with special sensors and instruments to measure the position of the ship, the water depth, the salinity, the water temperature, the current speed and direction, the modulation characteristics of short-wave energies, and relevant air-sea interaction parameters due to the presence of submarine sand waves. The first experiment of the OROMA project on 5-16 August 2002 took place in the Lister Tief, a tidal inlet of the German Bight in the North Sea. The seabed morphology of the Lister Tief reveals a complex configuration of different bedforms which is four-dimensional in space and time. A significant upward orientated component uvert of the three-dimensional current velocity field was observed. Marked vertically so-called waterspouts of uvert above the crests of sand waves have been measured by the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) as straight lines. They cause water upwelling with turbulence patterns at the water surface affecting the Normalized Radar Cross Section (NRCS) modulation. A first impression of expected NRCS modulation signatures of sea bottom topography detected by the GKSS shipborne X-band radar are presented as an uncalibrated composite of five single sea clutter images acquired in the Lister Tief on 22 November 1990

    Seasat data utilization project

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    During the three months of orbital operations, the satellite returned data from the world's oceans. Dozens of tropical storms, hurricanes and typhoons were observed, and two planned major intensive surface truth experiments were conducted. The utility of the Seasat-A microwave sensors as oceanographic tools was determined. Sensor and geophysical evaluations are discussed, including surface observations, and evaluation summaries of an altimeter, a scatterometer, a scanning multichannel microwave radiometer, a synthetic aperture radar, and a visible and infrared radiometer

    Exploitation of SAR data for measurement of ocean currents and wave velocities

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    Methods of extracting information on ocean currents and wave orbital velocities from SAR data by an analysis of the Doppler frequency content of the data are discussed. The theory and data analysis methods are discussed, and results are presented for both aircraft and satellite (SEASAT) data sets. A method of measuring the phase velocity of a gravity wave field is also described. This method uses the shift in position of the wave crests on two images generated from the same data set using two separate Doppler bands. Results of the current measurements are pesented for 11 aircraft data sets and 4 SEASAT data sets