13 research outputs found

    Analysis of learning anxiety among senior high school students

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    Learning is the primary task of every student. However, there are many factors responsible for the success or failure such as anxiety, which is the unpleasant feeling of worry, concern, and fear. Therefore this study aims to measure students' anxiety levels in learning and determine efforts to overcome this condition. This is a quantitative descriptive study, with data collected from 192 students using anxiety instruments. The results showed that most students' anxiety levels were in the normal category,  this is because the majority chooses to confide in their close friends

    Gamified-Assessment For Learning Indonesian as A Foreign Language: Heuristic Evaluation Approach

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    While the current assessment mostly repletes with paper-based or switching to online-based to see the assessment efficiency, gamified-assessment is underexplored yet. Even though the widespread of gamification phenomenon has been observed in the particular foreign language, the scarcity of game-based for assessment in learning Indonesian as foreign language forces this study to heuristically evaluate ‘travelling-like’ game. It aims to assess non-native students in higher education for learning Indonesian as a foreign language (BIPA). To this end, the study was supported by six Indonesian teachers who are currently teaching the Indonesian language in various countries or regions. The outcome of the study is thirteen heuristics which contains a set of checklist items related to an educational game framework called HEDEERS. Both the heuristics and the discussions can identify essential aspects of assessment design in both educational and game perspectives that will impact users experiences for learning the Indonesian language in a better approac

    El conocimiento previo. Influencia en el Prácticum de Ciencias de la Educación

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la relación entre los conocimientos previos del alumnado en el rendimiento durante sus prácticas curriculares de titulaciones universitarias incluidas en el área educativa. La muestra está formada por 127 estudiantes universitarios, de los que el 74% cursa estudios de Grado (16.4% Grado en Educación Infantil; 46,6% Grado en Educación Primaria; 11% Grado en Educación Social), frente al 26% que está matriculado en Máster Oficial (12% Máster en Formación del Profesorado; 14% Máster de Psicopedagogía). Se desarrolló en dos fases: 1) análisis descriptivo, correlacional y de la fiabilidad de los instrumentos para este estudio y 2) comparación de diferencias entre grupos. Los resultados indican que todos los constructos estudiados están positiva y significativamente relacionados entre sí. Además, el alumnado matriculado en máster arroja mejores resultados en conocimientos previos y rendimiento académico. Se comentan las implicaciones de estos hallazgos para la investigación y la práctica educativa

    Predictors of Flow Experience and Knowledge Acquisition in a STEM Game

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    Prior work systematically investigating the factors contributing to flow experience and learning in educational games is scarce. The relationship between learners’ acceptance of the game and individual difference variables relevant to game-based learning and learners’ flow experience and learning still needs to be systematically explored. To address the gap in knowledge, the study aimed to systematically examine whether variables of technology acceptance and individual differences relevant to game-based learning may predict flow experience and knowledge acquisition in an educational game. A total of 69 undergraduate students participated in the current study. Results indicated students’ flow experience was predicted by some constructs of technology acceptance, namely, perceived playfulness and perceived attractiveness of the game. Five constructs of technology acceptance of the game, however, did not significantly predict learners’ knowledge acquisition, although the correlation between perceived playfulness and knowledge acquisition from the game approached significance. Prior knowledge was found to be a negative predictor of knowledge acquisition from the game, that is, those with insufficient prior knowledge achieved greater knowledge acquisition from the game. Findings were discussed, and suggestions for future research were provided

    The Relation of Balinese EFL Learners’ Prior Learning Experience and Present Proficiency

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    The research tried to shed light on the relation of prior learning experience and motivation in shaping the learners’ proficiency. It investigated the importance of prior learning experience and the role of motivation in learning development. This needed to investigate further to find out how positive and negative prior learning experience with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation determined the way the students, value their phase of learning, and the relation with their present proficiency. From the empirical study of the Balinese EFL learners, there were three types of learners based on the prior learning experience and the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The first type consisted of the learners who had positive prior learning experience, had high intrinsic motivation, and gained high proficiency in their present study; the second type was those who had low intrinsic motivation but changed into high intrinsic motivation due to the extrinsic motivation; the third type was the learners who had negative prior learning experience, low intrinsic motivation, and resulted in low proficiency. In total, 15 students ranging from 19–23 years old (4 males and 11 females) voluntarily participated in the test and interview. Through the in-depth interview, it is found that the positive prior learning experience and high intrinsic motivation motivate the students and lead them to higher proficiency. However, demotivation and a low level of proficiency can occur from the negative prior learning experience and low intrinsic motivation

    Role-Playing in Teacher Education with InCoLearn and its Qualitative Usability

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    Role-playing has long been a method in the professionalization of educators to emulate or anticipate everyday school and teaching situations. This paper introduces InCoLearn, the first multiplayer online role-playing game (RPG) developed for student teachers to facilitate professional and action-based knowledge of inclusion and heterogeneity in the classroom with non-linear storytelling through individual quests. A qualitative usability study conducted via focus groups aims to provide insights into usability. It seeks to answer the research question of which aspects are perceived as the most important and problematic to student teachers using InCoLearn. To answer another research question, whether previous quantitative usability results can be confirmed and explained by the qualitative results, the qualitative results are set into the context of a quantitative usability study

    How gamers experience informal digital learning of English within video games and online affinity spaces

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    Abstract. This study aims to investigate how English language learning occurs within the experiences of playing online video games and interacting in related online affinity spaces. Although there have been past studies that have researched language learning in video games, both in formal and informal contexts, none have specifically explored how players experience language learning in both online video games and online affinity spaces. This study used the concepts of informal learning, implicit learning, informal language learning, informal digital learning of English, affinity spaces, communities of inquiry and communities of practice as a guide for the research process. It also used qualitative content analysis as a method of data analysis. The participants of this study consisted of 6 Finnish males who currently attend upper secondary school in Finland. The data was gathered via semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal that most participants experienced English language learning through playing video games incidentally and unconsciously. Essentially, most participants were unaware of language learning occurring while playing video games, and they did not intend to learn English while playing. Moreover, they learned mostly through interacting with the video game space itself while some also learned through playing with others. In regard to online affinity spaces, most participants learned English incidentally. Most participants experienced English language learning through interacting with the content within the online affinity spaces. More, specifically, when inquiring about new knowledge related to gaming, players were able to learn English at the same time. These finding reveal the potential for online video games and online affinity spaces to help gamers learn English. The implications of this study include the potential for educators to utilize online video games and online affinity spaces in formal learning. This study is important to the field of digital language learning research as it presents a glimpse into the specific processes that occur within informal digital language learning

    Nuevas técnicas y recursos para la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa en una clase de segundo de Primaria

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    Este trabajo ha consistido en la reflexión sobre la implementación de distintos métodos y metodologías para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en la educación. Todo ello mediante un análisis sobre el primer ciclo de Educación Primaria, concretamente del segundo curso, y teniendo en cuenta los desarrollos cognitivos de los alumnos. Como resultado del estudio de los distintos pedagogos, tales como Gardner, y sus inteligencias múltiples, María Montessori, y su escuela innovadora, la atención a niños en edades tempranas, la importancia de un adecuado aprendizaje del lenguaje…; Friedrich Froebel, y el método naturalista o Waldorf, con su metodología artística e integradora, se han planteado y estructurado distintas actividades ejemplificando la manera adecuada de organizar y adecuar el aprendizaje efectivo de la lengua. Finalmente, se vislumbrará qué cualidades y beneficios aportan estas propuestas innovadoras a la personalidad del estudiante.This work has consisted of a reflection about the innovative methods and methodologies used through the years to teach English as a foreign language in primary education and its implementation. All this, starting with an analysis of the selected educational cycle (first cycle of primary school), and taking into account the cognitive development of the students. As a result of the different studies from some of the best-known pedagogues, such as Gardner and his multiple intelligences, María Montessori and her educational philosophy, her innovative school with the attention given to the child's development at an early age, the importance of language acquisition..., Friedrich Fröbel and his naturalistic and active method or Waldorf and his artistic, engaging and integrative methodologies, different activities have been purposed and structured with the aim of exemplifying an appropriate way to help the students approach and achieve an enduring knowledge about English and its language learning process. Finally, the benefits that this proposal brings to the student's personality will be shown throughout the project.Este treball ha consistit en la reflexió sobre la implementació de distints mètodes i metodologies per a l'ensenyança de l'anglés com a llengua estrangera en l'educació. Tot això per mitjà d'una anàlisi sobre el primer cicle d'Educació Primària, concretament del segon curs, i tenint en compte els desenvolupaments cognitius dels alumnes. Com resultat de l'estudi dels distints pedagogs, com ara Gardner, i les seues intel·ligències múltiples, María Montessori, i la seua escola innovadora, l'atenció a xiquets en edats primerenques, la importància d'un adequat aprenentatge del lenguaje...; Friedrich Froebel, i el mètode naturalista o Waldorf, amb la seua metodologia artística i integradora, s'han plantejat i estructurat distintes activitats exemplificant la manera adequada d'organitzar i adequar l'aprenentatge efectiu de la llengua. Finalment, s'albirarà quines qualitats i beneficis aporten estes propostes innovadores a la personalitat de l'estudiant.Educació