23,277 research outputs found

    CATS: linearizability and partition tolerance in scalable and self-organizing key-value stores

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    Distributed key-value stores provide scalable, fault-tolerant, and self-organizing storage services, but fall short of guaranteeing linearizable consistency in partially synchronous, lossy, partitionable, and dynamic networks, when data is distributed and replicated automatically by the principle of consistent hashing. This paper introduces consistent quorums as a solution for achieving atomic consistency. We present the design and implementation of CATS, a distributed key-value store which uses consistent quorums to guarantee linearizability and partition tolerance in such adverse and dynamic network conditions. CATS is scalable, elastic, and self-organizing; key properties for modern cloud storage middleware. Our system shows that consistency can be achieved with practical performance and modest throughput overhead (5%) for read-intensive workloads

    Fast Deterministic Consensus in a Noisy Environment

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    It is well known that the consensus problem cannot be solved deterministically in an asynchronous environment, but that randomized solutions are possible. We propose a new model, called noisy scheduling, in which an adversarial schedule is perturbed randomly, and show that in this model randomness in the environment can substitute for randomness in the algorithm. In particular, we show that a simplified, deterministic version of Chandra's wait-free shared-memory consensus algorithm (PODC, 1996, pp. 166-175) solves consensus in time at most logarithmic in the number of active processes. The proof of termination is based on showing that a race between independent delayed renewal processes produces a winner quickly. In addition, we show that the protocol finishes in constant time using quantum and priority-based scheduling on a uniprocessor, suggesting that it is robust against the choice of model over a wide range.Comment: Typographical errors fixe

    Dependability in Aggregation by Averaging

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    Aggregation is an important building block of modern distributed applications, allowing the determination of meaningful properties (e.g. network size, total storage capacity, average load, majorities, etc.) that are used to direct the execution of the system. However, the majority of the existing aggregation algorithms exhibit relevant dependability issues, when prospecting their use in real application environments. In this paper, we reveal some dependability issues of aggregation algorithms based on iterative averaging techniques, giving some directions to solve them. This class of algorithms is considered robust (when compared to common tree-based approaches), being independent from the used routing topology and providing an aggregation result at all nodes. However, their robustness is strongly challenged and their correctness often compromised, when changing the assumptions of their working environment to more realistic ones. The correctness of this class of algorithms relies on the maintenance of a fundamental invariant, commonly designated as "mass conservation". We will argue that this main invariant is often broken in practical settings, and that additional mechanisms and modifications are required to maintain it, incurring in some degradation of the algorithms performance. In particular, we discuss the behavior of three representative algorithms Push-Sum Protocol, Push-Pull Gossip protocol and Distributed Random Grouping under asynchronous and faulty (with message loss and node crashes) environments. More specifically, we propose and evaluate two new versions of the Push-Pull Gossip protocol, which solve its message interleaving problem (evidenced even in a synchronous operation mode).Comment: 14 pages. Presented in Inforum 200

    Through a router darkly: how new American copyright enforcement initiatives may hinder economic development, net neutrality and creativity

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    On November 1, 2012, Russia enacted a law putatively aiming to protect Russian children from pedophiles. This law authorizes deep packet inspection (DPI), a method used for monitoring, filtering and shaping internet traffic, which has heightened concerns among many leading privacy groups. These groups are concerned with how the government will use such an intrusive method in prosecuting child predators. Central to this concern is DPI’s capability to allow the Russian government to peer into any citizens’ unencrypted internet traffic and monitor, copy, or even alter the traffic as it moves to its destination. The unresolved question is whether the government’s use of DPI will be restrained and utilized primarily to thwart child predators, or whether it will be expanded to lay the groundwork for a new era of national censorship. Although the United States has not yet adopted similar tactics in regulating its citizens’ internet use, Russia’s implementation of the new DPI monitoring and filtering system will provide an educational opportunity for both privacy advocates and policymakers
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