6 research outputs found

    Monitoring bank performance in the presence of risk

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    This paper proposes a managerial control tool that integrates risk in efficiency measures. Building on existing efficiency specifications, our proposal reflects the real banking technology and accurately models the relationship between desirable and undesirable outputs. Specifically, the undesirable output is defined as nonperforming loans to capture credit risk, and is linked only to the relevant dimension of the output set. We empirically illustrate how our efficiency measure functions for managerial control purposes. The application considers a unique dataset of Costa Rican banks during 1998–2012. Results’ implications are mostly discussed at bank-level, and their interpretations are enhanced by using accounting ratios. We also show the usefulness of our tool for corporate governance by examining performance changes around executive turnover. Our findings confirm that appointing CEOs from outside the bank is associated with significantly higher performance ex post executive turnover, thus suggesting the potential benefits of new organisational practices.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    IT governance matter: A structured literature review

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    The aim of this paper is to critically explore information technology governance (ITG) context, its consequences, its various aspects, its determinants, disclosure, maturity, and challenges. There are some motivations that urge the researchers to carry out this study. First, the review of prior relevant literature reveals a limited number of studies addressing the IT governance context, its consequences, its various aspects, its determinants, and challenges. Second, very little is known about the potential implications of IT governance within the business and how it is significant to the decision-makers (e.g., shareholders, board of directors, executives, etc.). Finally, little research employs the structured literature review (SLR) approach to critically discuss and analyze the IT governance context with its various aspects. The systematic and structured literature review has been employed for a critical analysis of the previous studies on IT governance. It is found that effective ITG has a positive impact on the firm performance in consistent with Altemimi and Zakaria (2017), Hulme (2012). Additionally, it is concluded that there is a positive association between ITG, the trustworthiness and the level of financial disclosure agreeing with (Raghupathi, 2007; Ali & Green, 2007). It is also concluded that the level of ITG disclosure is higher within firms in Europe (67%) than in the US (49%) complementing with Joshi et al. (2013). The adoption of the SLR methodology enables this paper to derive unbiased empirical insights and critique into the current ITG research and to identify possible directions for future ITG research, which may possibly be of interest to the academics, regulators, and professional bodies (e.g., shareholders, board of directors, executives, etc.)

    Shareholder Litigation Rights and Capital Structure Decisions

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    We exploit the staggered adoption of the universal demand (UD) laws across U.S. states, which impedes shareholder rights to initiate derivative lawsuits, as a quasi-natural experiment to examine the relation between shareholder litigation rights and firm capital structures. We find that weaker shareholder litigation rights due to the UD laws adoption lead to higher financial leverage, which enhances firm value. Furthermore, the positive relation between the UD laws adoption and financial leverage is more pronounced for firms exposed to higher shareholder litigation risk ex ante or financially constrained firms. Our evidence is consistent with lower shareholder litigation threats motivating firms to increase financial leverage

    Strategic Withholding and Imprecision in Asset Measurement

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    How precise should accounting measurements be, if management has discretion to strategically withhold? We examine this question by nesting an optimal persuasion mechanism, which controls what measurements are conducted, within a voluntary disclosure framework a la Dye (1985) and Jung and Kwon (1988). In our setting, information has real effects because the firm uses it to make a continuous operating decision, increasing in the market’s belief. Absent frictions other than uncertainty about information endowment, we show that imprecision can reduce strategic withholding but always weakly decreases firm value. We then examine plausible environments under which, by contrast, there is an optimal level of imprecision featuring coarseness at the marginal discloser. We offer additional implications in the contexts of enforcement against strategic withholding and financing with collateralized assets

    Essays in Corporate Governance

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    Corporate governance is a heavily researched area in the finance literature, with previous studies exploring a multitude of variables that describe a firm’s board structure, management, compensation, etc., and how they affect corporate decisions, firm performance, and various other aspects of corporate life. Corporate governance has important implications for nearly all business entities, yet many research questions within the field still remain unaddressed. In the first part of my thesis, I explore the relation between corporate governance practices and shareholder litigation. At the same time, I explore whether firms improve any shortcomings in their governance structure and/or governance practices post-litigation. We find evidence that variables that describe a firm’s corporate governance, the compensation of its CEO, as well as the CEO’s characteristics have a significant influence on the firm’s litigation risk. Our results further show that, after a lawsuit, sued firms tend to improve their corporate governance and the proportion of their independent directors. In summary, our results provide important insights into the role of ex-ante active monitoring (via the board of directors) versus ex-post passive monitoring (via shareholder litigation), and how litigation as a passive monitoring device can cause firms to improve their active monitoring. In another research, I choose the aviation industry and examine the potential effects corporate governance policies may have on the safety record of that industry. Pilot errors and mechanical failures, which are responsible for 75% of all accidents, are, to some extent, preventable because they relate to the way an airline company is managed. My findings reveal that airline safety is significantly affected by a series of firm-level characteristics that describe an airline’s governance as well as its financial well-being. In addition, I find that airline safety is affected by a variety of country-level factors that characterize the legal, institutional, and economic environment of a given country, as well as its air transport infrastructure. The results of this study have important policy implications for both the airline industry and regulators. To allocate resources more efficiently, regulators may find it beneficial to focus their supervision on airlines with poor governance practices as well as airlines that are in financial distress

    A strategic corporate governance framework for Malawi state-owned enterprises (SOEs)

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The objective of the study was to develop a strategic corporate governance framework that will enhance performance of SOEs in Malawi. The study followed a critical realism approach as a result, a multi-methodology and mixed design was employed. Quantitative data was collected to identify relationship among variables. This was followed by qualitative data analysis. The sample included all SOEs which had operated from 2000-2016 but excluded regulatory, financial and academic institutions. For intensive design, a multiple case study was employed through replication logic to identify mechanisms and structures in order to provide explanations to the observed performance. Data collection followed the critical realism case study method. Multiple sources of evidence were used as a data collection strategy and these included document review, interviews and use of questionnaire. Findings reveal that large power distance, cronyism and materialistic cultures are entrenched in the society and have a negative impact on corporate governance. Results further reveal that increased shareholders power and multiple principals have a negative effect on performance. On board of the directors, results show that qualified and independent boards have a positive effect on performance. However, board effectiveness was influenced by legal form and shareholders power. Findings further reveal that leverage and disclosure have a positive impact on performance. The study recommended changes to legal form and ownership arrangement. Further recommendations were made to the appointment process and operations of the boards. On disclosure, the study recommended that board should be accountable to ownership entity and National Assembly. The study has contributed to a body knowledge in terms of developing a strategic governance framework for SOEs in Malawi and within its cultural contexts