439 research outputs found

    High-speed Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers And Applications In Coherent Photonic Systems

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    1.55-µm high-speed modelocked semiconductor lasers are theoretically and experimentally studied for various coherent photonic system applications. The modelocked semiconductor lasers (MSLs) are designed with high-speed (\u3e5 GHz) external cavity configurations utilizing monolithic two-section curved semiconductor optical amplifiers. By exploiting the saturable absorber section of the monolithic device, passive or hybrid mode-locking techniques are used to generate short optical pulses with broadband optical frequency combs. Laser frequency stability is improved by applying the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) frequency stabilization technique to the MSLs. The improved laser performance after the frequency stabilization (a frequency drifting of less than 350 MHz), is extensively studied with respect to the laser linewidth (~ 3 MHz), the relative intensity noise (RIN) (\u3c -150 dB/Hz), as well as the modal RIN (~ 3 dB reduction). MSL to MSL, and tunable laser to MSL synchronization is demonstrated by using a dual-mode injection technique and a modulation sideband injection technique, respectively. Dynamic locking behavior and locking bandwidth are experimentally and theoretically studied. Stable laser synchronization between two MSLs is demonstrated with an injection seed power on the order of a few microwatt. Several coherent heterodyne detections based on the synchronized MSL systems are demonstrated for applications in microwave photonic links and ultra-dense wavelength division multiplexing (UD-WDM) system. In addition, efficient coherent homodyne balanced receivers based on synchronized MSLs are developed and demonstrated for a spectrally phase-encoded optical CDMA (SPE-OCDMA) system

    Optical code-division multiple access system and optical signal processing

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    This thesis presents our recent researches on the development of coding devices, the investigation of security and the design of systems in the optical cod-division multiple access (OCDMA) systems. Besides, the techniques of nonlinear signal processing used in the OCDMA systems fire our imagination, thus some researches on all-optical signal processing are carried out and also summarized in this thesis. Two fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based coding devices are proposed. The first coding device is a superstructured FBG (SSFBG) using ±π/2-phase shifts instead of conventional 0/π-phase shifts. The ±π/2-phase-shifted SSFBG en/decoders can not only conceal optical codes well in the encoded signals but also realize the reutilization of available codes by hybrid use with conventional 0/π-phase-shifted SSFBG en/decoders. The second FBG based coding device is synthesized by layer-peeling method, which can be used for simultaneous optical code recognition and chromatic dispersion compensation. Then, two eavesdropping schemes, one-bit delay interference detection and differential detection, are demonstrated to reveal the security vulnerability of differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) and code-shift keying (CSK) OCDMA systems. To address the security issue as well as increase the transmission capacity, an orthogonal modulation format based on DPSK and CSK is introduced into the OCDMA systems. A 2 bit/symbol 10 Gsymbol/s transmission system using the orthogonal modulation format is achieved. The security of the system can be partially guaranteed. Furthermore, a fully-asynchronous gigabit-symmetric OCDMA passive optical network (PON) is proposed, in which a self-clocked time gate is employed for signal regeneration. A remodulation scheme is used in the PON, which let downstream and upstream share the same optical carrier, allowing optical network units source-free. An error-free 4-user 10 Gbit/s/user duplex transmission over 50 km distance is reazlied. A versatile waveform generation scheme is then studied. A theoretical model is established and a waveform prediction algorithm is summarized. In the demonstration, various waveforms are generated including short pulse, trapezoidal, triangular and sawtooth waveforms and doublet pulse. ii In addition, an all-optical simultaneous half-addition and half-subtraction scheme is achieved at an operating rate of 10 GHz by using only two semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) without any assist light. Lastly, two modulation format conversion schemes are demonstrated. The first conversion is from NRZ-OOK to PSK-Manchester coding format using a SOA based Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The second conversion is from RZ-DQPSK to RZ-OOK by employing a supercontinuum based optical thresholder

    Power Control In Optical CDMA

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    Optical CDMA (OCDMA) is the multiplexing technique over the fiber optics medium to increase the number of users and this is a step towards all optical Passive Optical Networks (PON). Optical OFDM, WDM and Optical TDM have also been studied in this thesis which are also candidates to all optical passive optical networks. One of the main features of Optical CDMA over other multiplexing techniques is that it has smooth capacity. The capacity of OCDMA is constrained by the interference level. Hence, when some users are offline or requesting less data rates, then the capacity will be increased in the network. Same feature could be obtained in other multiplexing techniques, but they will need much more complicated online organizers. However, in OCDMA it is critical to adjust the transmission power to the right value; otherwise, near-far problem may greatly reduce the network capacity and performance. In this thesis Power control concepts are analyzed in optical CDMA star networks. It is applied so that the QoS of the network get enhanced and all users after the power control have their desired signal to interference (SIR) value. Moreover, larger number of users can be accommodated in the network. Centralized power control algorithm is considered for this thesis. In centralized algorithm noiseless case and noisy case have been studied. In this thesis several simulations have been performed which shows the QoS difference before and after power control. The simulation results are validated also by the theoretical computation.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Analog free-space optical links.

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    Free-space optics (FSO) communications is a technology that uses modulated infrared optical beams to transmit information line-of-sight through the atmosphere. There has been a substantial increase in the use of FSO technology over the last few years, mainly for "last mile" applications, because FSO links provide the transmission capacity to overcome bandwidth bottlenecks between backbone optical fiber links and metropolitan concentrations of end users. Optical fiber has been traditionally deployed for the transmission of both digital and analog signals. While transmission techniques for analog radio frequency (RF) intensity-modulated signals over optical fibers is well-established, prior to the investigations presented in this dissertation, there is no report of research on the efficiency of FSO for transmission of analog signals in the technical literature. This dissertation research investigated the effectiveness of FSO to transport modulated RF analog signals and compares key performance measures against those of fiber optic links. In addition, a new method to setup temporary IS-95 CDMA microcells or permanent IS-95 CDMA macrocells using FSO was proposed and its viability investigated. Finally, a new transmission technique for transmitting multiple RF signals (channels) over a single FSO link using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology for potential CATV applications was demonstrated

    Chip-based Brillouin processing for carrier recovery in coherent optical communications

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    Modern fiber-optic coherent communications employ advanced spectrally-efficient modulation formats that require sophisticated narrow linewidth local oscillators (LOs) and complex digital signal processing (DSP). Here, we establish a novel approach to carrier recovery harnessing large-gain stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) on a photonic chip for up to 116.82 Gbit/sec self-coherent optical signals, eliminating the need for a separate LO. In contrast to SBS processing on-fiber, our solution provides phase and polarization stability while the narrow SBS linewidth allows for a record-breaking small guardband of ~265 MHz, resulting in higher spectral-efficiency than benchmark self-coherent schemes. This approach reveals comparable performance to state-of-the-art coherent optical receivers without requiring advanced DSP. Our demonstration develops a low-noise and frequency-preserving filter that synchronously regenerates a low-power narrowband optical tone that could relax the requirements on very-high-order modulation signaling and be useful in long-baseline interferometry for precision optical timing or reconstructing a reference tone for quantum-state measurements.Comment: Part of this work has been presented as a postdealine paper at CLEO Pacific-Rim'2017 and OSA Optic

    [[alternative]]Design of Robust System and Smart Network for Broadband Optical Metro and Access Networks(I)

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    計畫編號:NSC94-2213-E032-005研究期間:200508~200607研究經費:660,000[[abstract]]Part A: 提出一寬頻光都會與接取網路之強健系統設計,利用強健控制器來使雷射波長更穩定縮短穩定時間且 利用參數最佳化設計來調整網路效能(包括溫度變化與元件的老化等),也針對所用的強健控制系統作 硬體的實現來驗證我們所設計的控制器。 (1) 強健控制器設計 (2) 波長穩定控制器之分析與設計 (3) 網路元件之強健動態控制系統分析 (4) 強健控制器最佳化設計 (5) 波長穩定控制器之最佳化分析與設計 (6) 網路元件之強健動態控制系統設計 (7) 強健控制器硬體設計 (8) 波長穩定控制器之實際參數分析與設計 (9) 網路元件之強健動態控制最佳化 Part B: 提出由基因演算法來對每個網路元件作動態控制器設計,針對光接取網路提出基因演算法加速裝置將 網路作最佳化的調整使網路效能達最佳化。另一方面,我們也對寬頻光都會與接取網路之智慧網路設 計增加網路的效能。 (1) 基因演算法之最佳化控制設計 (2) 基因演算法加速裝置之光接取網路設計 (3) 智慧網路之光接取網路設計 (4) 基因演算法之動態控制設計 (5) 管線型基因演算法加速裝置之光接取網路設計 (6) 智慧網路之光接取網路設計 (7) 基因演算法之光接取網路動態控制設計 (8) 管線型基因演算法加速裝置硬體設計 (9) 智慧網路之光接取網路最佳化設計 Part C: 將強健系統與智慧網路套用至PON(Passive Optical Network) 的系統中來驗證, 包括針對 WDM-PON(Wavelength Division Multiplexing-PON) 與CDMA-PON (Code Division Multiple Access-PON)的最佳化設計,另一方面也針對WDM-PON與CDMA-PON的MAC(Media Access Control) 做規劃與設計(包括封包的設計等),利用GA 來做波長分配與碼分配的最佳化且用於MAN(Metro Aera Network),最後加入平型式之錯誤更正碼來增加與改善網路系統的效能。 (1) PON 智慧網路設計 (2) WDM-PON 與CDMA-PON 之智慧網路設計 (3) 平行架構之錯誤更正碼探討 (4) PON 智慧網路最佳化設計 (5) WDM-PON 與CDMA-PON 之網路協定設計 (6) 平行架構錯誤更正碼之硬體設計 (7) PON 智慧網路之控制器與基因演算法之實現 (8) WDM-PON 與CDMA-PON 網路最佳化設計 (9) 利用GA 來做波長與碼的分配最佳化 (10) 在MAN 中網路與WDM-PON/CDMA-PON 溝通之探討 (11) 智慧型網路結合平行架構之錯誤更正碼之分析[[sponsorship]]行政院國家科學委員

    Space Shuttle/TDRSS communication and tracking systems analysis

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    In order to evaluate the technical and operational problem areas and provide a recommendation, the enhancements to the Tracking and Data Delay Satellite System (TDRSS) and Shuttle must be evaluated through simulation and analysis. These enhancement techniques must first be characterized, then modeled mathematically, and finally updated into LinCsim (analytical simulation package). The LinCsim package can then be used as an evaluation tool. Three areas of potential enhancements were identified: shuttle payload accommodations, TDRSS SSA and KSA services, and shuttle tracking system and navigation sensors. Recommendations for each area were discussed