24 research outputs found

    Electromyographic, cerebral, and muscle hemodynamic responses during intermittent, isometric contractions of the biceps brachii at three submaximal intensities.

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    This study examined the electromyographic, cerebral and muscle hemodynamic responses during intermittent isometric contractions of biceps brachii at 20, 40, and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Eleven volunteers completed 2 min of intermittent isometric contractions (12/min) at an elbow angle of 90° interspersed with 3 min rest between intensities in systematic order. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the right biceps brachii and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to simultaneously measure left prefrontal and right biceps brachii oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (HHb), and total hemoglobin (Hbtot). Transcranial Doppler ultrasound was used to measure middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv) bilaterally. Finger photoplethysmography was used to record beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate. EMG increased with force output from 20 to 60% MVC (P < 0.05). Cerebral HbO2 and Hbtot increased while HHb decreased during contractions with differences observed between 60% vs. 40% and 20% MVC (P < 0.05). Muscle HbO2 decreased while HHb increased during contractions with differences being observed among intensities (P < 0.05). Muscle Hbtot increased from rest at 20% MVC (P < 0.05), while no further change was observed at 40 and 60% MVC (P > 0.05). MCAv increased from rest to exercise but was not different among intensities (P > 0.05). Force output correlated with the root mean square EMG and changes in muscle HbO2 (P < 0.05), but not changes in cerebral HbO2 (P > 0.05) at all three intensities. Force output declined by 8% from the 1st to the 24th contraction only at 60% MVC and was accompanied by systematic increases in RMS, cerebral HbO2 and Hbtot with a leveling off in muscle HbO2 and Hbtot. These changes were independent of alterations in mean arterial pressure. Since cerebral blood flow and oxygenation were elevated at 60% MVC, we attribute the development of fatigue to reduced muscle oxygen availability rather than impaired central neuronal activation

    Mental fatigue and exercise performance

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    An investigation of cognitive task engagement and subsequent muscular endurance performance and brain endurance training (BET) - increased cognitive demand during physical training. Chapter two utilised a triple task (cognitive–physical–cognitive) to investigate the dose-response of a response inhibition task on submaximal handgrip. Handgrip was impaired following cognitive tasks of 10 minutes but not after 5 and 20 minutes. Learning effects occurred during the 20 minute cognitive task. A prior response inhibition task improved performance in a novel response inhibition task. These results can be explained by cognitive control theory. Chapter three demonstrated that engagement in a mentally demanding cognitive task, without response inhibition, for a period of 20 minutes did not impair submaximal isometric handgrip exercise. Chapter four investigated temporal effect of mental fatigue with 4 blocks of 10 minutes cognitive task followed by 5 minutes of rhythmic handgrip. Over time indices of mental fatigue diverge, with self-report measures accentuating and physiological measures attenuating. After 20 minutes this state of mental fatigue impaired physical performance. Chapter five demonstrated that 6 weeks BET alongside submaximal handgrip training, increased endurance performance by 32%, which occurred with a higher prefrontal cortex oxygenation, relative to 12% improvements in control

    Topological Changes in the Functional Brain Networks Induced by Isometric Force Exertions Using a Graph Theoretical Approach: An EEG-based Neuroergonomics Study

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    Neuroergonomics, the application of neuroscience to human factors and ergonomics, is an emerging science focusing on the human brain concerning performance at work and in everyday settings. The advent of portable neurophysiological methods, including electroencephalography (EEG), has enabled measurements of real-time brain activity during physical tasks without restricting body movements. However, the EEG signatures of different physical exertion activity levels that involve the musculoskeletal system in everyday settings remain poorly understood. Furthermore, the assessment of functional connectivity among different brain regions during different force exertion levels remains unclear. One approach to investigating the brain connectome is to model the underlying mechanism of the brain as a complex network. This study applied employed a graph-theoretical approach to characterize the topological properties of the functional brain network induced by predefined force exertion levels, namely extremely light (EL), light (L), somewhat hard (SWH), hard (H), and extremely hard (EH) in two frequency bands, i.e., alpha and beta. Twelve female participants performed an isometric force exertion task and rated their perception of physical comfort at different physical exertion levels. A CGX-Mobile-64 EEG was used for recording spontaneous brain electrical activity. After preprocessing the EEG data, a source localization method was applied to study the functional brain connectivity at the source level. Subsequently, the alpha and beta networks were constructed by calculating the coherence between all pairs of 84 brain regions of interests that were selected using Brodmann Areas. Graph -theoretical measures were then employed to quantify the topological properties of the functional brain networks at different levels of force exertions at each frequency band. During an \u27extremely hard\u27 exertion level, a small-world network was observed for the alpha coherence network, whereas an ordered network was observed for the beta coherence network. The results suggest that high-level force exertions are associated with brain networks characterized by a more significant clustering coefficient, more global and local efficiency, and shorter characteristic path length under alpha coherence. The above suggests that brain regions are communicating and cooperating to a more considerable degree when the muscle force exertions increase to meet physically challenging tasks. The exploration of the present study extends the current understanding of the neurophysiological basis of physical efforts with different force levels of human physical exertion to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders

    Neuromuscular Control Strategy during Object Transport while Walking: Adaptive Integration of Upper and Lower Limb Movements

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    When carrying an object while walking, a significant challenge for the central nervous system (CNS) is to preserve the object’s stability against the inter-segmental interaction torques and ground reaction forces. Studies documented several strategies used by the CNS: modulation of grip force (GF), alterations in upper limb kinematics, and gait adaptations. However, the question of how the CNS organizes the multi-segmental joint and muscle coordination patterns to deal with gait-induced perturbations remains poorly understood. This dissertation aimed to explore the neuromuscular control strategy utilized by the CNS to transport an object during walking successfully. Study 1 examined the inter-limb coordination patterns of the upper limbs when carrying a cylinder-shaped object while walking on a treadmill. It was predicted that transporting an object in one hand would affect the movement pattern of the contralateral arm to maintain the overall angular momentum. The results showed that transporting an object caused a decreased anti-phase coordination, but it did not induce significant kinematic and muscle activation changes in the unconstrained arm. Study 2 examined muscle synergy patterns for upper limb damping behavior by using non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF) method. Four synergies were identified, showing a proximal-to-distal pattern of activation preceding heel contacts. Study 3 examined the effect of different precision demands (carrying a cup with or without a ball) and altered visual information (looking forward vs. looking at an object) on the upper limb damping behavior and muscle synergies. Increasing precision demand induced stronger damping behavior and increased the electromyography (EMG) activation of wrist/hand flexors and extensors. The NNMF results replicated Study 2 in that the stabilization of proximal joints occurred before the distal joints. The results indicated that the damping incorporates tonic and phasic muscle activation to ensure object stabilization. Overall, three experiments showed that the CNS adopts a similar synergy pattern regardless of task constraint or altered gaze direction while modulating the amount of muscle activation for object stabilization. Kinematic changes can differ depending on the different levels of constraint, as shown in the smaller movement amplitude of the shoulder joint in the transverse plane during the task with higher precision demand

    Epidemiology of Injury in English Women's Super league Football: A Cohort Study

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    INTRODUCTION: The epidemiology of injury in male professional football has been well documented (Ekstrand, HĂ€gglund, & WaldĂ©n, 2011) and used as a basis to understand injury trends for a number of years. The prevalence and incidence of injuries occurring in womens super league football is unknown. The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence and incidence of injury in an English Super League Women’s Football squad. METHODS: Following ethical approval from Leeds Beckett University, players (n = 25) signed to a Women’s Super League Football club provided written informed consent to complete a self-administered injury survey. Measures of exposure, injury and performance over a 12-month period was gathered. Participants were classified as injured if they reported a football injury that required medical attention or withdrawal from participation for one day or more. Injuries were categorised as either traumatic or overuse and whether the injury was a new injury and/or re-injury of the same anatomical site RESULTS: 43 injuries, including re-injury were reported by the 25 participants providing a clinical incidence of 1.72 injuries per player. Total incidence of injury was 10.8/1000 h (95% CI: 7.5 to 14.03). Participants were at higher risk of injury during a match compared with training (32.4 (95% CI: 15.6 to 48.4) vs 8.0 (95% CI: 5.0 to 10.85)/1000 hours, p 28 days) of which there were three non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. The epidemiological incidence proportion was 0.80 (95% CI: 0.64 to 0.95) and the average probability that any player on this team will sustain at least one injury was 80.0% (95% CI: 64.3% to 95.6%) CONCLUSION: This is the first report capturing exposure and injury incidence by anatomical site from a cohort of English players and is comparable to that found in Europe (6.3/1000 h (95% CI 5.4 to 7.36) Larruskain et al 2017). The number of ACL injuries highlights a potential injury burden for a squad of this size. Multi-site prospective investigations into the incidence and prevalence of injury in women’s football are require

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Incidence of Injury in Professional Female Soccer

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    The epidemiology of injury in male professional football is well documented and has been used as a basis to monitor injury trends and implement injury prevention strategies. There are no systematic reviews that have investigated injury incidence in women’s professional football. Therefore, the extent of injury burden in women’s professional football remains unknown. PURPOSE: The primary aim of this study was to calculate an overall incidence rate of injury in senior female professional soccer. The secondary aims were to provide an incidence rate for training and match play. METHODS: PubMed, Discover, EBSCO, Embase and ScienceDirect electronic databases were searched from inception to September 2018. Two reviewers independently assessed study quality using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology statement using a 22-item STROBE checklist. Seven prospective studies (n=1137 professional players) were combined in a pooled analysis of injury incidence using a mixed effects model. Heterogeneity was evaluated using the Cochrane Q statistic and I2. RESULTS: The epidemiological incidence proportion over one season was 0.62 (95% CI 0.59 - 0.64). Mean total incidence of injury was 3.15 (95% CI 1.54 - 4.75) injuries per 1000 hours. The mean incidence of injury during match play was 10.72 (95% CI 9.11 - 12.33) and during training was 2.21 (95% CI 0.96 - 3.45). Data analysis found a significant level of heterogeneity (total Incidence, X2 = 16.57 P < 0.05; I2 = 63.8%) and during subsequent sub group analyses in those studies reviewed (match incidence, X2 = 76.4 (d.f. = 7), P <0.05; I2 = 90.8%, training incidence, X2 = 16.97 (d.f. = 7), P < 0.05; I2 = 58.8%). Appraisal of the study methodologies revealed inconsistency in the use of injury terminology, data collection procedures and calculation of exposure by researchers. Such inconsistencies likely contribute to the large variance in the incidence and prevalence of injury reported. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated risk of sustaining at least one injury over one football season is 62%. Continued reporting of heterogeneous results in population samples limits meaningful comparison of studies. Standardising the criteria used to attribute injury and activity coupled with more accurate methods of calculating exposure will overcome such limitations