839 research outputs found

    Graded, Dynamically Routable Information Processing with Synfire-Gated Synfire Chains

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    Coherent neural spiking and local field potentials are believed to be signatures of the binding and transfer of information in the brain. Coherent activity has now been measured experimentally in many regions of mammalian cortex. Synfire chains are one of the main theoretical constructs that have been appealed to to describe coherent spiking phenomena. However, for some time, it has been known that synchronous activity in feedforward networks asymptotically either approaches an attractor with fixed waveform and amplitude, or fails to propagate. This has limited their ability to explain graded neuronal responses. Recently, we have shown that pulse-gated synfire chains are capable of propagating graded information coded in mean population current or firing rate amplitudes. In particular, we showed that it is possible to use one synfire chain to provide gating pulses and a second, pulse-gated synfire chain to propagate graded information. We called these circuits synfire-gated synfire chains (SGSCs). Here, we present SGSCs in which graded information can rapidly cascade through a neural circuit, and show a correspondence between this type of transfer and a mean-field model in which gating pulses overlap in time. We show that SGSCs are robust in the presence of variability in population size, pulse timing and synaptic strength. Finally, we demonstrate the computational capabilities of SGSC-based information coding by implementing a self-contained, spike-based, modular neural circuit that is triggered by, then reads in streaming input, processes the input, then makes a decision based on the processed information and shuts itself down

    Intrinsic Neuronal Properties Switch the Mode of Information Transmission in Networks

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    Diverse ion channels and their dynamics endow single neurons with complex biophysical properties. These properties determine the heterogeneity of cell types that make up the brain, as constituents of neural circuits tuned to perform highly specific computations. How do biophysical properties of single neurons impact network function? We study a set of biophysical properties that emerge in cortical neurons during the first week of development, eventually allowing these neurons to adaptively scale the gain of their response to the amplitude of the fluctuations they encounter. During the same time period, these same neurons participate in large-scale waves of spontaneously generated electrical activity. We investigate the potential role of experimentally observed changes in intrinsic neuronal properties in determining the ability of cortical networks to propagate waves of activity. We show that such changes can strongly affect the ability of multi-layered feedforward networks to represent and transmit information on multiple timescales. With properties modeled on those observed at early stages of development, neurons are relatively insensitive to rapid fluctuations and tend to fire synchronously in response to wave-like events of large amplitude. Following developmental changes in voltage-dependent conductances, these same neurons become efficient encoders of fast input fluctuations over few layers, but lose the ability to transmit slower, population-wide input variations across many layers. Depending on the neurons' intrinsic properties, noise plays different roles in modulating neuronal input-output curves, which can dramatically impact network transmission. The developmental change in intrinsic properties supports a transformation of a networks function from the propagation of network-wide information to one in which computations are scaled to local activity. This work underscores the significance of simple changes in conductance parameters in governing how neurons represent and propagate information, and suggests a role for background synaptic noise in switching the mode of information transmission

    Feed-Forward Propagation of Temporal and Rate Information between Cortical Populations during Coherent Activation in Engineered In Vitro Networks.

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    Transient propagation of information across neuronal assembles is thought to underlie many cognitive processes. However, the nature of the neural code that is embedded within these transmissions remains uncertain. Much of our understanding of how information is transmitted among these assemblies has been derived from computational models. While these models have been instrumental in understanding these processes they often make simplifying assumptions about the biophysical properties of neurons that may influence the nature and properties expressed. To address this issue we created an in vitro analog of a feed-forward network composed of two small populations (also referred to as assemblies or layers) of living dissociated rat cortical neurons. The populations were separated by, and communicated through, a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device containing a strip of microscale tunnels. Delayed culturing of one population in the first layer followed by the second a few days later induced the unidirectional growth of axons through the microtunnels resulting in a primarily feed-forward communication between these two small neural populations. In this study we systematically manipulated the number of tunnels that connected each layer and hence, the number of axons providing communication between those populations. We then assess the effect of reducing the number of tunnels has upon the properties of between-layer communication capacity and fidelity of neural transmission among spike trains transmitted across and within layers. We show evidence based on Victor-Purpura's and van Rossum's spike train similarity metrics supporting the presence of both rate and temporal information embedded within these transmissions whose fidelity increased during communication both between and within layers when the number of tunnels are increased. We also provide evidence reinforcing the role of synchronized activity upon transmission fidelity during the spontaneous synchronized network burst events that propagated between layers and highlight the potential applications of these MEMs devices as a tool for further investigation of structure and functional dynamics among neural populations

    Pulvinar thalamic nucleus allows for asynchronous spike propagation through the cortex

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    We create two multilayered feedforward networks composed of excitatoryand inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons in the balanced state toinvestigate the role of cortico-pulvino-cortical connections. Thefirst network consists of ten feedforward levels where a Poisson spiketrain with varying firing rate is applied as an input in layerone. Although the balanced state partially avoids spikesynchronization during the transmission, the average firing-rate in the last layer either decays or saturates depending on the feedforwardpathway gain. The last layer activity is almost independent of the inputeven for a carefully chosen intermediate gain. Adding connectionsto the feedforward pathway by a nine areas Pulvinar structure improves the firing-rate propagation to become almost linear amonglayers. Incoming strong pulvinar spikes balance the low feedforwardgain to have a unit input-output relation in the last layer. Pulvinarneurons evoke a bimodal activity depending on the magnitude input: synchronized spike bursts between 20-80 Hz and an asynchronous activityfor very both low and high frequency inputs. In the first regime, spikes of last feedforward layer neurons areasynchronous with weak, low frequency, oscillations in the rate. Here,the uncorrelated incoming feedforward pathway washes out thesynchronized thalamic bursts. In the second regime, spikes in the wholenetwork are asynchronous. As the number of cortical layers increases,long-range pulvinar connections can link directly two or morecortical stages avoiding their either saturation or gradual activityfalling. The Pulvinar acts as a shortcut that supplies theinput-output firing-rate relationship of two separated cortical areaswithout changing the strength of connections in the feedforwardpathway

    Computing with Synchrony

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    Balanced Synaptic Input Shapes the Correlation between Neural Spike Trains

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    Stimulus properties, attention, and behavioral context influence correlations between the spike times produced by a pair of neurons. However, the biophysical mechanisms that modulate these correlations are poorly understood. With a combined theoretical and experimental approach, we show that the rate of balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input modulates the magnitude and timescale of pairwise spike train correlation. High rate synaptic inputs promote spike time synchrony rather than long timescale spike rate correlations, while low rate synaptic inputs produce opposite results. This correlation shaping is due to a combination of enhanced high frequency input transfer and reduced firing rate gain in the high input rate state compared to the low state. Our study extends neural modulation from single neuron responses to population activity, a necessary step in understanding how the dynamics and processing of neural activity change across distinct brain states

    Signal Propagation in Feedforward Neuronal Networks with Unreliable Synapses

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    In this paper, we systematically investigate both the synfire propagation and firing rate propagation in feedforward neuronal network coupled in an all-to-all fashion. In contrast to most earlier work, where only reliable synaptic connections are considered, we mainly examine the effects of unreliable synapses on both types of neural activity propagation in this work. We first study networks composed of purely excitatory neurons. Our results show that both the successful transmission probability and excitatory synaptic strength largely influence the propagation of these two types of neural activities, and better tuning of these synaptic parameters makes the considered network support stable signal propagation. It is also found that noise has significant but different impacts on these two types of propagation. The additive Gaussian white noise has the tendency to reduce the precision of the synfire activity, whereas noise with appropriate intensity can enhance the performance of firing rate propagation. Further simulations indicate that the propagation dynamics of the considered neuronal network is not simply determined by the average amount of received neurotransmitter for each neuron in a time instant, but also largely influenced by the stochastic effect of neurotransmitter release. Second, we compare our results with those obtained in corresponding feedforward neuronal networks connected with reliable synapses but in a random coupling fashion. We confirm that some differences can be observed in these two different feedforward neuronal network models. Finally, we study the signal propagation in feedforward neuronal networks consisting of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and demonstrate that inhibition also plays an important role in signal propagation in the considered networks.Comment: 33pages, 16 figures; Journal of Computational Neuroscience (published
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