11 research outputs found


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    Aksesibilitas website didefinisikan sebagai sejauh mana suatu situs dapat diakses oleh orang sebanyak mungkin. Semakin banyak orang yang dapat mengakses situs web maka semakin mudah diakses situs tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aksesibilitas website sekolah menengah kejuruan dengan menganalisis masalah aksesibilitas website dengan menggunakan pedoman WCAG 2.1 menggunakan alat evaluasi TAW. Penelitian ini menganalisis 32 website sekolah menengah kejuruan yang ada di Provinsi Sumatera Barat baik itu sekolah Negeri maupun Swasta. Hasil evaluasi disajikan dalam bentuk tabel yang menunjukkan ketidaksesuaian antara hasil evaluasi TAW dengan pedoman WCAG 2.1, Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan kategori yang memiliki masalah pada yang sering muncul pada website yaitu tentang info dan hubungan, dimana kriteria kesuksesan info dan hubungan berfungsi untuk memastikan bahwa informasi dan hubungan yang tersirat oleh format visual atau auditori dipertahankan saat format presentasi berubah. Misalnya, format presentasi berubah saat konten dibaca oleh pembaca layar atau saat lembar gaya pengguna diganti dengan lembar gaya yang disediakan oleh penulis. Website accessibility is defined as the extent to which a site can be accessed by as many people as possible. The more people who can access a website, the easier it is to access the site. This study aims to analyze the accessibility of vocational high school websites by analyzing website accessibility problems using WCAG 2.1 guidelines and the TAW evaluation tool. This study analyzed 32 websites of vocational high schools in West Sumatra Province, both public and private. The evaluation results are presented in tabular form, which shows the discrepancy between the results of the TAW evaluation and the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. The relationships implied by the visual or auditory format are maintained as the presentation format changes. For example, the presentation format changes when content is read by a screen reader or when a user's style sheet is replaced with an author-provided style sheet

    ICT Integrations in TVET: Is it up to Expectations?

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    AbstractIn today's world where information and communication technology is playing a major role in people's daily lives, how a student learns is dependent on how the student reacts to the sophisticated system offered by these technologies. Thus, it is not surprising that online learning is accepted as an important tool in the general education sector. However its adoption in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is yet to reach the equivalence of the general education sector. With the availability of state of the art online learning technology, there is greater opportunity for acquiring the technology that can support TVET practices. The aim of this paper is to discuss the trend of ICT integration in teaching and learning in TVET based on a systematic review of ICT integration in post-secondary TVET. The focus is mainly on the “what’ and “how” aspects of ICT integration in TVET. The literature reviewed indicates that while ICT integration can be aimed at the learning goals in the three domains, the affective, cognitive and psychomotor domain; its effectiveness is more noted where learning goals are of the cognitive domains. More effective integration is also indicated where the blended mode is adopted as compared to the fully ICT mediated mode. Lessons learnt in light of these findings are discussed for future ICT integration in TVET

    Analysis of Learning Quality With Internet-Based Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Analysis of the quality of learning is crucial in the teaching and learning process, to ensure the quality of learning is well maintained. Learning quality assurance instruments are one of the tools to improve quality in education through evaluations produced by studies of students. This research was conducted to test the quality of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to evaluate Internet-Based Distance Learning which was carried out during the Work From Home (WFH) period. The learning analysis step is carried out through 1) Formulation of the need for quality analysis of learning, 2) Compiling quality analysis instruments, 3) Distribution of questionnaires, 4) Data processing, 5) Data analysis and 6) Compilation of results. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative analysis. The data that has been processed will then be analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods to find conclusions about the quality of learning in the Department of Electrical Engineering (JTE) during the 2020 pandemic. From the analysis, results obtained information that the Quality of Learning with Internet-Based Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic at JTE it can be said that it is good from a student's point of view, while from a lecturer's point of view, It can be concluded that online learning is very good. The implementation of this research is a consideration for JTE to improve the quality of Internet-Based Distance Learnin

    The State-of-the-Art of Collaborative Technologies for Initial Vocational Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Future workplaces require collaboration skills in which members of different work communities use technologies to solve complex problems. Vocational education and training (VET) programs need to meet the challenge to prepare students to be part of a competent workforce. Particularly initial vocational education is under pressure to develop learners’ collaboration skills and abilities. To date, however, no attempt has been made to perform a comprehensive review of the use of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) technologies across different vocational education settings to account for contextual factors of VET. In this systematic review, 26 published studies were analyzed with respect to their demographics, research methodology, use of technology, and measured outcomes. This review illuminates that research on CSCL still leaves the vocational learning context as an under-represented field of study. At the same time, technologies offer a range of new types of learning possibilities for vocational education. As the direct result of that development, vocational education is increasingly taking place in new technology-enhanced learning settings. Education can benefit from the opportunities of CSCL technologies, but on the other hand, such technologies create new challenges for facilitating vocational learning. Therefore, this review also identifies three topic areas specific to vocational learning (collaborative writing-to-learn, simulations and game-like solutions, and tangible objects) and enumerates desirable lines for future research

    Effect of incremental pattern transformation strategy on academic achievement, job task performance and learning satisfaction among vocational trainees

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    Acquisition of conceptual and procedural knowledge is often challenging especially when the content deals with symbolic representations whereas not limited to memorizing the symbol but also requires a learner to have multiple factual knowledge associated with the real representation. The aim of this study was to test the effect of using incremental pattern transformation materials (iOST) – theoretically grounded materials - on conceptual and procedural knowledge acquisition among vocational trainees. The iOST was designed to enhance trainees’ learning of symbolic representations in electrical circuit diagrams. The quasi-experimental design method was used with 110 vocational trainees who were taking the vehicle air conditioning course from two vocational training centres. Trainees were divided into three groups, two treatment groups (assigned to paper-based iOST and animation-based iOST) and one control group. The duration of study was six weeks. Pre-test and post-test were used for assessing academic achievement, while practical test and a questionnaire were used for job task performance and learning satisfaction respectively. The ANCOVA, Chi-Square Test and Mann-Whitney U Test were used to test for differences between groups on academic achievement, job task performance and learning satisfaction respectively while the Spearman's rank-order correlation method was used to assess associations between learning satisfaction, conceptual and procedural knowledge. The results show that the experimental groups are better on academic achievement (effect size = .329) and job task performance (effect size = .657) with both groups exhibiting high learning satisfaction. The findings indicate that the iOST materials (irrespective of media) are effective in promoting learning of symbolic representation and support the acquisition of conceptual and procedural knowledge for better task performance. The findings also suggest that, appropriately designed learning materials can support learning and job performance

    Pembangunan modul pedagogi kelas berbalik berasaskan pembelajaran reflektif untuk politeknik premier

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan modul pedagogi kelas berbalik berasaskan pembelajaran reflektif di politeknik premier untuk mengatasi masalah pelajar dalam menghubung kait kemahiran dengan pengetahuan. Metodologi kajian reka bentuk dan pembangunan yang dipelopori oleh Richey dan Klein (2014) telah digunakan dengan melibatkan tiga fasa kajian. Data fasa pertama, analisis keperluan, telah dikutip dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik terhadap 200 pelajar program Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dari tiga politeknik premier. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Data untuk bahagian pertama dalam fasa kedua, peringkat reka bentuk modul telah dikutip dengan menggunakan teknik Fuzzy Delphi yang melibatkan 23 orang panel pakar dalam bidang Kurikulum, Teknik dan Vokasional, Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, dan Teknologi Pengajaran. Analisis adalah berdasarkan respons pakar terhadap soal selidik yang menggunakan skala Likert Linguistik Fuzzy. Nilai ambangan d dihitung untuk mendapatkan konsensus pakar terhadap semua item yang terdapat dalam soal selidik. Data untuk bahagian kedua dalam fasa kedua, peringkat pembangunan pula melibatkan pemurnian modul dari segi rancangan mengajar dan bahan pembelajaran dalam format video bagi topik daya vektor oleh empat orang panel pakar. Fasa ketiga menggunakan kaedah kuasieksperimental untuk menilai keberkesanan modul. Perbandingan pencapaian antara kumpulan rawatan dan kawalan telah dilaksanakan melalui pra-ujian dan pasca-ujian. Dapatan kajian fasa pertama menunjukkan bahawa pelajar mempunyai kemahiran dan akses kepada alatan teknologi dan komputer, serta mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap penggunaan komputer dan e-pembelajaran

    Strategies for Strengthening the Technical Workforce: A Review of International Evidence

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    Numerous countries suffer from a shortage of technicians and skilled workers, particularly in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), due to a mismatch between the skills and interests of the students graduating from or leaving the current education system and the needs of the labor market. Often, parents and students place a high priority on entering and completing university, and as a consequence, many students pursue academic education in secondary schools in order to gain entrance to university, only to find themselves entering the job market lacking the skills they need for employment and advancement. Further, in some countries, the vocational school system is not well-respected by the public and focuses heavily on preparation of youth for specific jobs in one firm rather than preparing them for careers within an industry as a whole. This literature review aims to synthesize the research evidence about the effectiveness of various strategies used by national governments, non-governmental organizations, technical schools, and industries to strengthen both the quality of the technical workforce, as well as the avenues through which individuals can access career and technical programming

    Design educacional para gestão de mídias do conhecimento

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2017.A concepção de um curso na modalidade a distância envolve diferentes desafios, entre os quais se destaca a elaboração da mídia do conhecimento, pois esta exerce a função de mediação pedagógica. Converge com esta realidade a intersecção dos temas ?design educacional? e ?gestão?. Assim, o objetivo desta tese de doutorado é propor um modelo de design educacional como processo de gestão para elaboração de mídias do conhecimento em projetos de educação a distância. Para atender a este objetivo, a pesquisa classifica-se como científica, de natureza teórico-prática, com finalidade aplicada, trabalhada segundo uma abordagem exploratório-descritiva. Para a coleta e a análise de dados, utilizou-se da técnica de métodos mistos, empregando-se práticas de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa. A interpretação da análise resultou de uma interlocução triangulada a partir do tripé conceitual: design educacional; gestão do conhecimento e gestão de projetos. Os resultados encontrados permitiram a construção de um modelo teórico-conceitual de design educacional denominado Ariadne. Este modelo apresenta-se como sendo uma direção flexível que valoriza as competências, os processos e as tecnologias necessárias para a elaboração de mídia do conhecimento na modalidade a distância e está organizado de modo a direcionar esta produção de modo que se atinja o objetivo desejado. Dada a crescente complexidade dos projetos educacionais, conclui-se que processos de gestão de projetos e gestão do conhecimento integrados à prática do design educacional contribuem para atender aos princípios de ensino-aprendizagem a partir da gestão de elaboração de tais mídias.Abstract : Conceiving a distance education course has many challenges. One of them is the elaboration of the knowledge media, which has a pedagogical mediation function. This context takes into consideration "educational design" and "management" themes. The main purpose of this doctoral thesis is to develop an educational design model as a management process for the elaboration of knowledge media in distance education projects. This research is characterized as a scientific research with an exploratory and descriptive approach. Quantitative and qualitative research practices were used to data collection and analysis. The interpretation of the results was based on three conceptual categories: educational design, knowledge management and project management. The results found were the foundation to develop a theoretical-conceptual model of educational design called Ariadne. This model is a way to direct skills, processes and technologies in knowledge media development for distance education, and it is organized in order to achieve this goal. Given the complexity of educational projects, project management and knowledge management processes integrated into educational design practice can attend the needs of teaching and learning in this context

    The Approaches of Public Administration in the Development of Competitive Labour Force in Vocational Education and Training in Latvia

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusDisertācija “Publiskās pārvaldes pieejas konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanā profesionālajā izglītībā Latvijā” veltīta publiskās pārvaldes lomai un uzdevumiem konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanā profesionālajā izglītībā Latvijā jaunajos sociāli ekonomiskajos un demogrāfiskajos apstākļos. Disertācijas centrālais jautājums ir esošie un topošie institucionālie un sadarbības mehānismi, kas ļautu publiskajai pārvaldei nodrošināt šāda konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanu. Zināšanu sabiedrībā konkurētspēja arī daudziem vidējā posma darbiniekiem ietver augsta līmeņa prasmes un inovāciju kompetenci. No disertācijas ietvaros veiktās izpētes izriet publiskās pārvaldes uzdevumi, pilnveidojot institucionālos un sadarbības mehānismus, pārvaldības formas nacionālajā, reģionālajā un vietējā līmenī, kā arī veicot izmaiņas tradicionālajos augstākās izglītības, profesionālās izglītības un zinātnes sadarbības veidos. Teorētiskās un empīriskās izpētes rezultātā darba autore ir definējusi ietvaru, kas ietekmē publiskās pārvaldes stratēģiskos uzdevumus un darbību, meklējot jaunus risinājumus konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanai profesionālajā izglītībā valstī. Minēto ietvaru raksturo paralēli centralizācijas un decentralizācijas procesi profesionālās izglītības pārvaldībā un jaunu pārvaldības mehānismu veidošanās; ciešākas saites ar daudzveidīgiem sadarbības partneriem nacionālajā, reģionālajā un vietējā līmenī, izglītības un darba vides tuvināšanās (tajā skaitā darba vidē balstītas mācības); profesionālās izglītības internacionalizācija un tās starptautiskā salīdzināmība ar lielākām iespējām pārņemt citu valstu labās prakses piemērus; kā arī vispārēja domāšanas modeļu maiņa, tajā skaitā par robežšķirtņu mazināšanu starp dažādām izglītības pakāpēm un veidiem. Pamatojoties uz definēto ietvaru un detalizētu empīrisko datu analīzi, autore ir parādījusi esošos un topošos institucionālos un sadarbības mehānismus kā dzinējspēku konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanā, kā arī definējusi izrietošos publiskās pārvaldes tālākos uzdevumus Latvijas profesionālās izglītības sistēmā. Disertācija sniedz ieguldījumu profesionālās izglītības prestiža paaugstināšanas iespēju izpētē, saistot šo jautājumu ar publiskās pārvaldes veikto darbību novērtējumu inovatīvu risinājumu īstenošanā, t.sk. darba vidē balstītu mācību ieviešanas uzsākšanā valstī. Veiktās izpētes rezultātā autore ir izstrādājusi iesaistītajām pusēm ieteicamo sadarbības shēmu labākas pārvaldības īstenošanai profesionālajā izglītībā konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanā. Disertācijā ir ietverti secinājumi par profesionālās izglītības reformas īstenošanas gaitu un tās rezultātiem pētāmā jautājuma kontekstā, kā arī izstrādāti ieteikumi labākai lēmumu pieņemšanai publiskajā pārvaldē konkurētspējīga darbaspēka sagatavošanā. Atslēgas vārdi: publiskā pārvalde, profesionālā izglītība, konkurētspējīgs darbaspēks, institucionālie un sadarbības mehānismi.The dissertation “The Approaches of Public Administration in the Development of Competitive Labour Force in Vocational Education and Training in Latvia” is devoted to the role and tasks of public administrations in the development of competitive labour force in vocational education and training (VET) under the new social, economic and demographic circumstances. The central problem of the work is the existing and potentially necessary institutional and co-operation mechanisms enabling the public administrations to implement the training of such competitive labour force by the VET system. In the knowledge society competitiveness implies high level skills and innovation competence also for the medium level labour force. This has been shown as a new challenge for public administrations requiring appropriate institutional and co-operation mechanisms among various stakeholders at national, regional and local level, as well as new forms of governance. This has challenged also the existing traditional co-operation schemes between the vocational education, higher education and research institutions. As a result of theoretical and empirical research, the author of the work has defined the framework against which the strategic tasks and operations of public administrations is being analysed - when seeking solutions for the training of competitive labour force in VET in Latvia. This framework is being characterised by parallel centralisation and decentralisation processes in VET governance with the development of new governance mechanisms, the formation of new type of co-operation between various stakeholders at national, regional and local levels, the approaching (coming closer) of the world of education with the world of work, the internationalisation of VET and increasing possibilities to overtake the best practice from other countries and the need for international comparability of qualifications and increasing possibilities to overtake the best practice from other countries, as well as the overall changing of thinking paradigms, also in relation to the gradually blurring borderlines between various types and levels of education and training. Based on the defined framework, as well on a detailed analysis of the empirical research results, the author has identified the key challenges for public administrations in VET and shown the existing and emerging institutional and co-operation mechanisms as the driving force that would contribute to the development of a competitive labour force in VET in Latvia. The thesis contributes to the investigation of the possibilities to raise the VET prestige, relating the issue with the evaluation of the activities of public administrations in implementing innovative solutions in VET, including the introduction of work-based learning in Latvia. As a result of the study, the author has worked out the most suited co-operation scheme for the involved stakeholders for better governance in the training of competitive labour force. Conclusions have been drawn regarding the VET reforms in Latvia in relation to the research problem and recommendations have been developed for improved decision making for public administrations in the training of competitive labour force in VET. Key words: public administration, vocational education, competitive labour force, institutional and co-operation mechanisms