32 research outputs found


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    Chia plant (Salvia hispanica L.) is a new crop introduced to the Egyptian agriculture system to enrich it with new species of medicinal plants that have healthy and beneficial ingredients. The purpose of this work was to study the possibility of improvement growth, seed yield, fixed oil production and chemical constituents of chia plants in response to various micronutrients under sandy soil conditions. The field experiment was conducted in the Experimental Farm of EL-Quassassin, Horticulture Research Station, Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. The treatments were (1) control (spray only with tap water), (2) boron (B) at 50 ppm, (3) boron (B) at 100 ppm, (4) iron (Fe) at 100 ppm, (5) iron (Fe) at 200 ppm, (6) zinc (Zn) at 100 ppm, (7) zinc (Zn) at 200 ppm, (8) combination of B (50 ppm) + Fe (100 ppm) + Zn (100 ppm) and (9) combination of B (100 ppm) + Fe (200 ppm) + Zn (200 ppm). In general, the results showed that the growth, seed yield, fixed oil yield, and chemical measurements of chia plant, such as fixed oil composition (fatty acids), photosynthetic pigments content, macro-and micronutrients, total carbohydrates, protein content, total phenols and antioxidant activity of the oil were improved by foliar application of micronutrients solely or in combination compared to control in both seasons. Combination of boron (50 ppm) + iron (100 ppm) + zinc (100 ppm), followed by a combination of B (100 ppm) + Fe (200 ppm) + Zn (200 ppm) led to the highest increases with no significant difference between them in most cases. GC for fixed oil of chia seeds revealed the estimation of seven components i.e., lauric, myristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidic acids. The main component was linolenic acid (55.34 to 61.43%). The highest percentage of linolenic acid achieved with the combination treatment of B (50 ppm) + Fe (100 ppm) + Zn (100 ppm). While, combination of B (100 ppm) + Fe (200 ppm) + Zn (200 ppm) had significant increases in total phenols and oil antioxidant activity over the control. The improvement of growth, seed yield, oil production and their quality of Salvia hispanica L. by the foliar spraying of these micronutrients may be useful for growing and productivity of plants in Egyptian sandy soil condition


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    This work was carried out during the two successive seasons (2019/2020 and 2020/2021) in the Experimental Farm of Horticulture Research Station at Sids, Beni-Suef Governorate, to investigate the effect of foliar application of gibberellic acid (GA3) at 100, 200 and 300 ppm and spraying of two extractions of liquorice root (aqueous LRE at 5 and 10 g/l and ethanolic LRE at 5 and 10 g/l) and their interaction on the vegetative growth (plant height, number of branches, herb fresh weight per plant and per feddan), volatile oil productivity (oil %, yield per plant and per feddan), total chlorophyll and total carbohydrates,NPK percentages, as well as antimicrobial activity of geranium plants.Obtained results revealed that the best vegetative growth characteristics, volatile oil productivity, total chlorophyll and carbohydrates were obtained due to the use of the high dose (300 ppm) and medium dose (200 ppm) of gibberellic acid with no significant differences between them. Concerning liquorice root extract treatments, all of the prementioned growth parameters, oil yield and chemical traits were considerably augmented due to the high dose of aqueous LRE at 10 g/l treatment followed by ethanolic LRE at 10 g/l, while LRE aqu. at 5 g/l gave the least values. In regard to the interaction between the two studied factors, the highest growth, yield and chemical composition values were given by GA3 at 200 or 300 ppm in combination with LRE aqu. at 10 g/l. Overall, the most powerful antimicrobial activity was recorded of the combination treatment in the two geranium cuts. Therefore, it could be advised from the economical and environmental point of view, to supply geranium plants with GA3 at 200 ppm and LRE aqu. at 10 g/l to improve the volatile oil yield and the antimicrobial activit

    Determining of the effects of paclobutrazol treatments on seedling height control of wild Gypsophila bicolor (Freyn & Sint.) Grossh

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    Within the scope of this study, seeds were collected from Gypsophila bicolor (Freyn&Sint.) Grossh plants in their natural environment and two different locations (Turkey). The research was carried out to determine the effects of paclobutrazol applied at different concentrations (0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5- and 2.0-ml L-1) on the seedling height control in the cotyledon leaf stage of G. bicolor. As a result of the study, it was determined that the decrease in the number of leaves per plant was determined at a dose of 1.2 mg L-1 paclobutrazol. The effect of paclobutrazol treatments on the seedling height control of G. bicolor changed according to the genotype as well as the dose. As the dose of paclobutrazol applied increased, the number of side branches decreased. It was determined that the seedling stem thickness increased in 47.71% with the dose of 2.0 mg L-1 when compared to the control treatment. The application in which the highest chlorophyll (SPAD) value was obtained from the application with a dose of 1.5 mg L-1. The chlorophyll value of G2 (Genotype 2 (ERZ) (G2)) was higher than that of G1 (Genotype 1 (VAN)). Seedling biomass of G1 increased in 15.87% in 1.2 mg L-1 treatment when compared to control. In the present study, darker green leaves were obtained from the highest dose of paclobutrazol, 2.0 mg L-1. As a general result, it was concluded that 1.5 mg L-1 dose of paclobutrazol was sufficient for both genotypes for plant height control in the seedling period

    Integrated strategy to control wilt disease of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cumini (Schlecht) Prasad & Patel

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    Various fungicides, oilcakes and fertilizers were evaluated at Jaipur (Rajasthan) for themanagement of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.  cumini.Trimethyl thiuram disulphide (0.1 g g-1 seeds) was the best fungicide which was on par withpropiconazole, carbendazim and copper oxychloride (0.1 g g-1 seeds) for the control of wilt.The disease incidence was minimum under the soil treatment with neem cake (30 q ha-1)which was on par with sesamum cake (25 q ha-1). Among the chemical and non-chemicalmanures, application of NPK @ 40 kg ha-1 was most suitable to control the disease whichwas on par with Azotobacter @ 40 kg ha-1. The disease incidence was also significantly lowerin plants grown in solarized soil. The yield was significantly higher in all treatments ascompared to control. The highest cost : benefit ratio was obtained (1:40) in thiophanatemethyl treatment followed by carbendazim. Among the combined treatments, minimumdisease incidence was recorded with solarized soil + sesamum cake @ 25 q ha-1 + seed treatmentwith carbendazim @ 0.1 g g-1 seeds followed by solarized  soil + sesamum cake @ 25 q ha-1  +Azotobacter @ 40 q ha-1. However, the highest  cost : benefit ratio (1:10.6) was obtained withsolarized soil + sesamum cake @ 25 q ha-1 + Azotobacter (biofertilizer) @ 40 kg ha-1. Theintegrated treatments recorded the highest grain yield and low disease incidence over controlas compared to individual application. &nbsp

    Effects of Complementary use of Organic and Inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of Cucumber (Cucumu sativus. L.) on an ultisol

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    A field study was conducted in 2008 and 2009 early cropping seasons to assess the response of cucumber (Cucumus sativus L.) to complementary use of organic and inorganic fertilizers in Uyo agro-ecology. The fertilizer treatments were: NPK (15:15:15) at 100 and 200 kgha-1, poultry manure (PM) at 5 and 10 tha-1 , and complementary application of 100 kgha-1 of NPK + 5 tha-1 of PM, 100 kgha-1 of NPK + 10 tha-1 of PM, 200 kgha1 of NPK +5 tha-1 of PM ,200 kgha-1 of NPK +10 tha-1 of PM and control (no fertilizer). Results showed significant differences (P<0.05) in all the growth and yield parameters considered in both cropping seasons. The combined application of 200 kgha-1 of NPK and 10 tha-1 of PM performed better than sole application of either organic or inorganic fertilizer, with fresh fruit yield of 14.63 and 14.92 tha-1 in 2008 and 2009, respectively and exceeded other treatments by 1 -76% and 1-73% in 2009 and 2010, respectively. This indicates strongly the synergistic benefits of using both organic and inorganic fertilizers even at lower rates

    Toward a Sustainable Agriculture Through Plant Biostimulants

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    Over the past decade, interest in plant biostimulants has been on the rise, compelled by the growing interest of researchers, extension specialists, private industries, and farmers in integrating these products in the array of environmentally friendly tools to secure improved crop performance, nutrient efficiency, product quality, and yield stability. Plant biostimulants include diverse organic and inorganic substances, natural compounds, and/or beneficial microorganisms such as humic acids, protein hydrolysates, seaweed and plant extracts, silicon, endophytic fungi like mycorrhizal fungi, and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria belonging to the genera Azospirillum, Azotobacter, and Rhizobium. Other substances (e.g., chitosan and other biopolymers and inorganic compounds) can have biostimulant properties, but their classification within the group of biostimulants is still under consideration. Plant biostimulants are usually applied to high-value crops, mainly greenhouse crops, fruit trees and vines, open-field crops, flowers, and ornamentals to sustainably increase yield and product quality. The global biostimulant market is currently estimated at about 2.0billionandisexpectedtoreach2.0 billion and is expected to reach 3.0 billion by 2021 at an annual growth rate of 13%. A growing interest in plant biostimulants from industries and scientists was demonstrated by the high number of published peer-reviewed articles, conferences, workshops, and symposia in the past ten years. This book compiles several original research articles, technology reports, methods, opinions, perspectives, and invited reviews and mini reviews dissecting the biostimulatory action of these natural compounds and substances and beneficial microorganisms on crops grown under optimal and suboptimal growing conditions (e.g., salinity, drought, nutrient deficiency and toxicity, heavy metal contaminations, waterlogging, and adverse soil pH conditions). Also included are contributions dealing with the effect as well as the molecular and physiological mechanisms of plant biostimulants on nutrient efficiency, product quality, and modulation of the microbial population both quantitatively and qualitatively. In addition, identification and understanding of the optimal method, time, rate of application and phenological stage for improving plant performance and resilience to stress as well as the best combinations of plant species/cultivar × environment × management practices are also reported. We strongly believe that high standard reflected in this compilation on the principles and practices of plant biostimulants will foster knowledge transfer among scientific communities, industries, and agronomists, and will enable a better understanding of the mode of action and application procedures of biostimulants in different cropping systems

    Plant Oxidative Stress: Biology, Physiology and Mitigation

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    This Special Issue, “Plant Oxidative Stress: Biology, Physiology, and Mitigation”, published 11 original research works and 1 review article that discussed the various aspects of ROS Biology, metabolism, and the physiological mechanisms and approaches to mitigating oxidative stress. These types of research studies show further directions for the development of crop plants that are tolerant to abiotic stress in the era of climate change


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    The research was conducted at the end of February 2021 in the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" in Belgrade, with the aim of analyzing the impact of growth bioregulators on the seed germination potential of some medicinal and aromatic plant species. Germination potential of Ocimum basilicum, Levisticum officinale, Calendula officinalis and Coriandrum sativum were analyzed following the ISTA guidelines. The seeds were treated with liquid growth bioregulators Ekobuster 1 and Slavol S for 10 minutes, while seeds in the control were treated with distilled water. Seeds of Ocimum basilicum, Levisticum officinale, Calendula officinalis and Coriandrum sativum treated with three different treatments: Ekobuster1, SlavolS and distilled water, were sown in three different containers. The seeds were sown in styrofoam containers with 160 cells with a mixture of peat moss substrate. The experiment was performed in the laboratory conditions. Containers were placed inside a polythene tent for plant propagation under artificial lighting and kept under air temperature of 23 oC with occasional wetting of the substrate. During the experiment, seedling emergence and development control as well as their pathogenicity control were performed every seven days. There was no occurrence pathogenicity on the examined plants.Based on the obtained results, germination of Coriandrum sativum seeds treated with Ecobuster 1 was 85%, while in seeds of Ocimum basilicum, Levisticum officinale and Calendula officinalis the highest germination was recorded with the use of Slavol S 82.5%, 90% and 82%, respectively; in relation to control treatmen

    Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track

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    The future challenges in food production and consumption appear clear: - Feed 9 to 11 billion people in the next 30 to 80 years with enough, affordable and healthy food. - Protect the environment (e.g. soils, water, air, biodiversity and landscapes) whilst increasingly under pressure to achieve greater levels of intensification. - Mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change in all farming systems and value chains. - Incorporate novel ethics, food habits, demographics and lifestyles into the food chains. - Produce food on limited farmland and fossil (non-renewable) resources efficiently and profitably. Several findings from scientific research and practical applications suggest that organic food and farming systems can help in tackling these future challenges.1The 'low external input' approach, risk minimizing strategies and ethically accepted production practices of organic food and farming systemscan help to produce more affordable food for an increasing number of people while minimizing environmental impacts. However, resource efficiency, low-meat diets and reducing food waste are also essential factors that have to be considered. From a global perspective, organic food and farming systems is still a niche sector, as less than 1% of global farmland is managed organically and only a small proportion of the global population is consuming organic food in significant amounts. Production yields are relatively low, and the goals of organic food and farming systems, described in the principles and standards, are not achieved on every farm. This needs further development based on scientific evidence and good management practices. A lot has been done already to develop organic food and farming systems. Nevertheless, to assure, that organic food and farming systems becomes a significant part of the solutions for the future challenges in the food and farming sector, there is still much to do. The Scientific Track at the Organic World Congress 2017 in Delhi, India, will contribute to the global discussion on Organic 3.0, and taking the opportunity to answers some of the challenges in the context of the Indian subcontinent in particular. After a double-blind review, done by 120 reviewers from various disciplines from many experienced research institutions throughout the world, about 183papers from 50 countries have been accepted. All the papers in these proceedings can be also foundon the database "Organic Eprints" (www.orgprints.org). The Scientific Board of the Organic World Congress 2017 Delhi, November 201

    Effect of physically structured water on extractability of caffeine, curcumin and on oil emulsification

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    Agriculture is a science of applications which has wide horizons to explore. Research gives the exploring opportunity for young scientists to begin their own paths to travel the world of agriculture widening its customary horizons. Research culture embedded in agriculture is the secret behind facing multifaceted challenges of today, among which meeting the needs of an expanding, especially rapidly urbanizing population of the world under increasingly vulnerable environment. With a futuristic vision, grooming young scientists with research culture and providing an opportunity for them to unveil the findings in front of the able audience, is a great leap that Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya is taking in its expedition of Agriculture higher education