91 research outputs found

    Developing experimental learning in a graphical course using Thurstone's Law of comparative judgment

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    In this paper, one innovative educational experiment to help student obtain a better way to learn spatial vision in graphical course was carried out. After implementation of the improvements into a graphical engineering course, an evaluation study, through surveys, was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of this visual experiment. This empirical study provided one hundred and sixty four andalusian freshmen three types of visualization (2D static depictions, 3D computer depictions and an augmented reality environment that allows multiple participants to interact with 2D and 3D data) required to improve their skills related to spatial vision. According to results, most students showed positive attitudes toward this practice. In addition, students perceived positive impacts of this effort on their learning experience. The responses to surveys illustrated that students prefer 3D traditional learning, however they think augmented reality learning is no useful for better visual understanding of different objects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR

    Augmented reality and holograms for the visualization of mechanical engineering parts

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    There is an increasing number of students using tablets in schools. Mobile devices gained popularity as an educational tool and there are many schools that use them frequently in educational activities to improve learning. We found that first year students of mechanical engineering in general have difficulties in understanding 3D shapes from 2D views. There are many Augmented Reality (AR) applications available that can be used to create educational contents for these mobile devices. On the other hand, there is an increasing interest in making holograms. In this paper we studied the most popular AR systems and show examples of using an AR system for the visualization of 3D models. We also present the creation of a low cost prototype, the EducHolo, that enables the visualization of holograms supported by tablets. With this prototype students can visualize the hologram of mechanical parts, providing a better perception of the model 3D shape and improving the ability of making the 2D orthographic views and perspectives that they study in the first year of mechanical engineer

    Interdisciplinary Translation of Comparative Visualization

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    Spatial visualisation skills and interpretations are critical in the design professions, but traditionally difficult to effectively teach. Visualization and multimedia presentation studies show positive improvements in learner outcomes for specific learning domains. But the development and translation of a comparative visualization pedagogy between disciplines is poorly understood. This research seeks to identify an approach to developing comparable multimodal and interactive visualizations and attendant student reflections for curriculum designers in courses that can utilize visualizations and manipulations. Results from previous use of comparative multimodal visualization pedagogy in a multimedia 3D modelling class are used as a guide to translation of pedagogy to architecture design. The focus is how to guide the use of comparative multimodal visualizations through media properties, lesson sequencing, and reflection to inform effective instruction and learning

    Assessing mobile mixed reality affordances as a comparative visualization pedagogy for design communication

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    Spatial visualisation skills and interpretation are critical in the design professions but are difficult for novice designers. There is growing evidence that mixed reality visualisation improves learner outcomes, but often these studies are focused on a single media representation and not on a comparison between media and the underpinning learning outcomes. Results from recent studies highlight the use of comparative visualisation pedagogy in design through learner reflective blogs and pilot studies with experts, but these studies are limited by expense and designs familiar to the learner. With increasing interest in mobile pedagogy, more assessment is required in understanding learner interpretation of comparative mobile mixed reality pedagogy. The aim of this study is to do this by evaluating insights from a first-year architectural design classroom through studying the impact and use of a range of mobile comparative visualisation technologies. Using a design-based research methodology and a usability framework for accessing comparative visualisation, this paper will study the complexities of spatial design in the built environment. Outcomes from the study highlight the positives of the approach but also the improvements required in the delivery of the visualisations to improve on the visibility and visual errors caused by the lack of mobile processing


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    The aim of this study was to improve pre-service teachers’ ability to infer cross-sections of geometric solids with Wolfram demonstrations and Mathematica in Analytic Geometry II course. The study was conducted with third year students studying Elementary Mathematics Education. In this study, the pre-test--post-test control group design was used. Both before and after the procedure, both groups were administered the Santa Barbara Solids Test (SBST) developed to measure their ability to mentally visualize the cross-section that results from the intersection of a cutting plane and a geometric solid. During the procedure, the participants in the control group were mainly asked to complete the graph drawings of geometric solids by just using plane cross-sections in paper-and-pencil format whereas those in the experimental group were supplemented with computer aided instruction in addition to these paper-and-pencil activities. In addition, the students in the experimental group were asked about their opinions on the procedure. The results showed a statistically significant increase in average achievement for both groups. On the other hand, this increase in the averages was significant for all the indices, and therefore for all problem types, of the experimental group SBST whereas it was significant only for the embedded orthogonal and embedded oblique items and for all problem types of the control group (p<0.05).   Article visualizations


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    The article analyzes the features of the individual approach to the training of future professionals in the use of educational and information environment, which includes subjects, ideas, concepts, stereotypes, personal changes in learning. The purpose of the study is to create an individual approach to the training of future professionals in the educational and information environment of the Technical University. Research methods are to study and generalize domestic and foreign experience to substantiate the conceptual provisions and individual approach of future professionals in the educational and information environment, structural and scientific analysis, as well as monitoring the learning process. In the educational and information environment, the future specialist develops as a carrier of subjective experience. Results. A modern type of relationship between teacher and future specialist in the lecture-practical system of teaching with the help of information systems is created. In professional activity, the future specialist acts not on the outside, but on his own plan, created or transformed in the process of active creative activity, predicting, anticipating, justifying the result accordingly. At each stage of training, the future specialist chooses his own trajectory of learning, subjecting to the cognitive patterns of information flows and the goals set before him by the educational process. In this case, the objects of the learning trajectory are the elements of the curriculum and work programs, extracurricular activities, as well as those actions that accumulate the life experience of the student. For the most part, the information trajectory of a student's learning is predictable, but not always optimal. This is due to the fact that in many cases, future professionals do not fully imagine what they can do in the future, what they really can do, what they have a tendency, what qualities to develop, and what goal to set, what to strive for. Another reason is the lack or lack of information about the possibilities of future self-realization. Acting in the field known to him, complementing the proposed situation, trying on known methods of action to an atypical task, the future specialist gradually comes to the conclusion that you need the appropriate competencies needed to perform the task, based on subjective experience of search. Solving professional problems in an educational and information environment contributes not only to the formation of personality-integrated competencies, but also helps to form those qualities of his personality that are necessary in future professional activities. The developed individual approach to training accustoms future specialists to conscious and active work, as it has almost no opportunity to evade learning tasks, which allows future professionals to clearly see how much effort and time useful (wasted) was lost, how far he advanced (lagged) from their colleagues, and the teacher to identify the results of success (gaps) in the future specialist. Under appropriate conditions, the influence of random factors is eliminated, and the final assessment of knowledge control is objective because it is based on the assessment of all types of work on all topics in modules over time. Conclusions. Each future specialist uses his individual way of acquiring knowledge in the educational and information environment. When performing the same task, future professionals use different methods and techniques. Therefore, the teacher with the help of information and communication technologies of learning uses a variety of management actions, helps the future specialist to choose individual for him ways of learningУ статті проаналізовані особливості індивідуального підходу до підготовки майбутніх фахівців щодо використання освітньо-інформаційного середовища, який охоплює предмети, уявлення, поняття, стереотипи, особистісні зміни у навчанні. Мета дослідження полягає у створенні індивідуального підходу до підготовки майбутніх фахівців в умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища технічного університету. Методи дослідження полягають у вивченні й узагальненні вітчизняного та зарубіжного досвіду для обґрунтування концептуальних положень і індивідуального підходу майбутніх фахівців в умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища, структурно-наукового аналізу, а також спостереження за навчальним процесом. В умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища майбутній фахівець розвивається як носій суб’єктного досвіду. Результати. Створюється сучасний тип відносин викладача і майбутнього фахівця в лекційно-практичній системі навчання за допомогою інформаційних систем. У професійній діяльності майбутній фахівець діє не за стороннім, а за власним планом, створеним або перетвореним у процесі активної творчої діяльності, прогнозуючи, передбачаючи, обґрунтовуючи відповідним чином результат. На кожному етапі підготовки майбутній фахівець вибирає свою власну траєкторію навчання, підкорюючи пізнавальним закономірностям функціонування інформаційних потоків та тим цілям, які ставить перед ним освітній процес. У цьому випадку об’єктами траєкторії навчання стають елементи навчальної та робочої програм, позаурочних занять, а також ті дії, які накопичують життєвий досвід студента. Здебільшого інформаційна траєкторія навчання студента є прогнозованою, але не завжди оптимальною. Це пояснюється тим, що у багатьох випадках майбутні фахівці не в повній мірі уявляють собі, чим вони можуть займатися у майбутньому, що вони насправді можуть, до чого мають схильності, які якості мають розвивати, і яку мету собі поставити, до чого прагнути. Іншою причиною є відсутність або брак інформації про можливості майбутньої самореалізації. Діючи у відомій йому сфері доповнюючи запропоновану ситуацію, приміряючи відомі способи дії до нетипового завдання, майбутній фахівець поступово приходить до думки, що потрібні відповідні компетентності, які необхідні для виконання поставленого завдання, спираючись на суб’єктний досвід пошукової діяльності. Розв’язування професійних задач в умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища сприяє не тільки формуванню особистісно-інтегрованих компетентностей, але й допомагає формуванню тих якостей його особистості, які необхідні в майбутній фаховій діяльності. Розроблений індивідуальний підхід до підготовки привчає майбутніх фахівців до свідомої й активної праці, оскільки в неї майже немає можливості ухилятися від виконання навчальних завдань, що надає можливість майбутньому фахівцю наглядно побачити скільки зусиль та часу корисно (марно) було втрачено, наскільки він просунувся (відстав) від своїх колег, а викладачу виявити результати успіху (прогалин) у майбутнього фахівця. У відповідних умовах усувається вплив випадкових факторів, а підсумкова оцінка контролю знань є об’єктивною тому, що базується на оцінюванні всіх видів робіт за всіма темами модулями протягом тривалого часу. Висновки. Кожний майбутній фахівець використовує свій індивідуальний спосіб засвоєння знань в освітньо-інформаційному середовищі. При виконанні того ж самого завдання майбутні фахівці застосовують різні способи і прийоми. Тому викладач за допомогою інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій навчання використовує різноманітні управлінські дії, допомагає майбутньому фахівцю самому обрати індивідуальні для нього способи навчальної діяльності

    Enhancement and extension of the printed book: an online gamification model to complement educational textbooks

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    Conferência realizada em Bari, Itália, de 3-5 de novembro de 2021.Despite the significant increase in the use of digital devices, and the access to e-books by younger ages, the printed book still remains very important. Nowadays, although many communication processes and information exchanges have a digital support, the importance of using printed paper is acknowledged in many contexts. Both the paper and the digital media have unique advantages: digital media integrate with audiovisual and interactive resources, and the paper book supports interactions such as tactile and kinesthetic feedback given to both hands. In recent years there have been several commercial products designated as "augmented books", using augmented reality technologies to provide the reader with more layers of information, thereby fostering the use of the book in new ways. So, in this concept paper we describe part of the research and outcomes of project CHIC – C3, aimed at designing and developing a platform for managing the production of digital content connected with printed books. Furthermore, we propose a model for the gamification of digital content based on the printed book, mainly aimed at educational purposes. A proof of concept for the model was built in the form of a companion platform, supported by the Moodle LMS, fully integrated with the main CHIC website. Readers are able to access the platform, engage in several content related games, and interact with other readers.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Implementation of online problem-based learning assisted by digital book with 3D animations to improve student's physics problem-solving skills in magnetic field subject

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    The magnetic field is a more complex and abstract physics subject than other physics subjects, causing students’ low ability to solve problems. So there is a need for learning instruments to overcome these problems, especially when online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research creates and implements an online problem-based learning (OPBL) assisted by digital books with 3D animation to improve students’ physics problem-solving skills on magnetic field subjects. Research aimed to analyze the validity, effectiveness, and student responses to the learning instruments used. The method used in this research is quantitative by using quasi-experiment and survey methods. The results showed that this learning instrument was valid and reliable to use in terms of contents and constructs. According to statistical test results, this learning instrument is also effective in improving students’ problem-solving skills on magnetic field subjects. Furthermore, the student’s response to this learning instrument was very positive, making this learning activity more innovative and fun. Research implies that an OPBL assisted by digital books with 3D animation instruments can be a solution to improve students’ physics problem-solving skills, especially during the online learning periodPeer Reviewe