9,948 research outputs found

    A software controlled voltage tuning system using multi-purpose ring oscillators

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    This paper presents a novel software driven voltage tuning method that utilises multi-purpose Ring Oscillators (ROs) to provide process variation and environment sensitive energy reductions. The proposed technique enables voltage tuning based on the observed frequency of the ROs, taken as a representation of the device speed and used to estimate a safe minimum operating voltage at a given core frequency. A conservative linear relationship between RO frequency and silicon speed is used to approximate the critical path of the processor. Using a multi-purpose RO not specifically implemented for critical path characterisation is a unique approach to voltage tuning. The parameters governing the relationship between RO and silicon speed are obtained through the testing of a sample of processors from different wafer regions. These parameters can then be used on all devices of that model. The tuning method and software control framework is demonstrated on a sample of XMOS XS1-U8A-64 embedded microprocessors, yielding a dynamic power saving of up to 25% with no performance reduction and no negative impact on the real-time constraints of the embedded software running on the processor

    Optimizing construction of scheduled data flow graph for on-line testability

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    The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology for behavioural synthesis using a flow of synthesis, better suited to the scheduling of independent calculations and non-concurrent online testing. The traditional behavioural synthesis process can be defined as the compilation of an algorithmic specification into an architecture composed of a data path and a controller. This stream of synthesis generally involves scheduling, resource allocation, generation of the data path and controller synthesis. Experiments showed that optimization started at the high level synthesis improves the performance of the result, yet the current tools do not offer synthesis optimizations that from the RTL level. This justifies the development of an optimization methodology which takes effect from the behavioural specification and accompanying the synthesis process in its various stages. In this paper we propose the use of algebraic properties (commutativity, associativity and distributivity) to transform readable mathematical formulas of algorithmic specifications into mathematical formulas evaluated efficiently. This will effectively reduce the execution time of scheduling calculations and increase the possibilities of testability

    A Decentralized Scheduler for On-line Self-test Routines in Multi-core Automotive System-on-Chips

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    Modern System-on-Chips (SoCs) deployed for safety-critical applications typically embed one or more processing cores along with a variable number of peripherals. The compliance of such designs with functional safety standards is achieved by a combination of different techniques based on hardware redundancy and in-field test mechanisms. Among these, Software Test Libraries (STLs) are rapidly becoming adopted for testing the CPU and peripherals modules. The STL is usually composed of two sets of self-test procedures: boot-time and run-time tests. The former set is typically executed during the boot or power-on phase of the SoC since it requires full access to the available hardware (e.g., these programs need to manipulate the Interrupt Vector Table and to access the system RAM). The latter set instead, is designed to coexist with the user application and can be executed without requiring special constraints. When the STL is intended for testing the different cores within a multi-core SoC, the concurrent execution of the boot-time self-tests becomes an issue since this could lead to a longer power-up phase and excessive utilization of system resources. The main intent of this work is to present the architecture of a decentralized software scheduler, conceived for the concurrent execution of the STL on the available cores. The proposed solution considers the typical constraints of an STL in a multi-core scenario when deployed in field, namely minimum system resources usage (i.e., code and data memory). The effectiveness of the proposed scheduler was experimentally evaluated on an industrial STL developed for a multi-core SoC manufactured by STMicroelectronics

    Fault-Independent Test-Generation for Software-Based Self-Testing

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    Software-based self-test (SBST) is being widely used in both manufacturing and in-the-field testing of processor-based devices and Systems-on-Chips. Unfortunately, the stuck-at fault model is increasingly inadequate to match the new and different types of defects in the most recent semiconductor technologies, while the explicit and separate targeting of every fault model in SBST is cumbersome due to the high complexity of the test-generation process, the lack of automation tools, and the high CPU-intensity of the fault-simulation process. Moreover, defects in advanced semiconductor technologies are not always covered by the most commonly used fault-models, and the probability of defect-escapes increases even more. To overcome these shortcomings we propose the first fault-independent SBST method. The proposed method is almost fully automated, it offers high coverage of non-modeled faults by means of a novel SBST-oriented probabilistic metric, and it is very fast as it omits the time-consuming test-generation/fault-simulation processes. Extensive experiments on the OpenRISC OR1200 processor show the advantages of the proposed method

    On the use of embedded debug features for permanent and transient fault resilience in microprocessors

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    Microprocessor-based systems are employed in an increasing number of applications where dependability is a major constraint. For this reason detecting faults arising during normal operation while introducing the least possible penalties is a main concern. Different forms of redundancy have been employed to ensure error-free behavior, while error detection mechanisms can be employed where some detection latency is tolerated. However, the high complexity and the low observability of microprocessors internal resources make the identification of adequate on-line error detection strategies a very challenging task, which can be tackled at circuit or system level. Concerning system-level strategies, a common limitation is in the mechanism used to monitor program execution and then detect errors as soon as possible, so as to reduce their impact on the application. In this work, an on-line error detection approach based on the reuse of available debugging infrastructures is proposed. The approach can be applied to different system architectures profiting from the debug trace port available in most of current microprocessors to observe possible misbehaviors. Two microprocessors have been used to study the applicability of the solution. LEON3 and ARM7TDMI. Results show that the presented fault detection technique enhances observability and thus error detection abilities in microprocessor-based systems without requiring modifications on the core architecture

    Advanced flight control system study

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    The architecture, requirements, and system elements of an ultrareliable, advanced flight control system are described. The basic criteria are functional reliability of 10 to the minus 10 power/hour of flight and only 6 month scheduled maintenance. A distributed system architecture is described, including a multiplexed communication system, reliable bus controller, the use of skewed sensor arrays, and actuator interfaces. Test bed and flight evaluation program are proposed

    k2U: A General Framework from k-Point Effective Schedulability Analysis to Utilization-Based Tests

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    To deal with a large variety of workloads in different application domains in real-time embedded systems, a number of expressive task models have been developed. For each individual task model, researchers tend to develop different types of techniques for deriving schedulability tests with different computation complexity and performance. In this paper, we present a general schedulability analysis framework, namely the k2U framework, that can be potentially applied to analyze a large set of real-time task models under any fixed-priority scheduling algorithm, on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor scheduling. The key to k2U is a k-point effective schedulability test, which can be viewed as a "blackbox" interface. For any task model, if a corresponding k-point effective schedulability test can be constructed, then a sufficient utilization-based test can be automatically derived. We show the generality of k2U by applying it to different task models, which results in new and improved tests compared to the state-of-the-art. Analogously, a similar concept by testing only k points with a different formulation has been studied by us in another framework, called k2Q, which provides quadratic bounds or utilization bounds based on a different formulation of schedulability test. With the quadratic and hyperbolic forms, k2Q and k2U frameworks can be used to provide many quantitive features to be measured, like the total utilization bounds, speed-up factors, etc., not only for uniprocessor scheduling but also for multiprocessor scheduling. These frameworks can be viewed as a "blackbox" interface for schedulability tests and response-time analysis

    Software-Based Self-Test of Set-Associative Cache Memories

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    Embedded microprocessor cache memories suffer from limited observability and controllability creating problems during in-system tests. This paper presents a procedure to transform traditional march tests into software-based self-test programs for set-associative cache memories with LRU replacement. Among all the different cache blocks in a microprocessor, testing instruction caches represents a major challenge due to limitations in two areas: 1) test patterns which must be composed of valid instruction opcodes and 2) test result observability: the results can only be observed through the results of executed instructions. For these reasons, the proposed methodology will concentrate on the implementation of test programs for instruction caches. The main contribution of this work lies in the possibility of applying state-of-the-art memory test algorithms to embedded cache memories without introducing any hardware or performance overheads and guaranteeing the detection of typical faults arising in nanometer CMOS technologie

    Fault-Independent Test-Generation for Software-Based Self-Testing

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    Software-based self-test (SBST) is being widely used in both manufacturing and in-the-ïŹeld testing of processor-based devices and Systems-on-Chips. Unfortunately, the stuck-at fault model is increasingly inadequate to match the new and different types of defects in the most recent semiconductor technologies, while the explicit and separate targeting of every fault model in SBST is cumbersome due to the high complexity of the test-generation process, the lack of automation tools, and the high CPU-intensity of the fault-simulation process. Moreover, defects in advanced semiconductor technologies are not always covered by the most commonly used fault-models, and the probability of defect-escapes increases even more. To overcome these shortcomings we propose the ïŹrst fault-independent method for generating software-based self-test procedures. The proposed method is almost fully automated, it offers high coverage of non- modeled faults by means of a novel SBST-oriented probabilistic metric, and it is very fast as it omits the time-consuming test- generation/fault-simulation processes. Extensive experiments on the OpenRISC OR1200 processor show the advantages of the proposed method

    A software-based self test of CUDA Fermi GPUs

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    Nowadays, Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become increasingly popular due to their high computational power and low prices. This makes them particularly suitable for high-performance computing applications, like data elaboration and financial computation. In these fields, high efficient test methodologies are mandatory. One of the most effective ways to detect and localize hardware faults in GPUs is a Software-Based-Self-Test methodology (SBST). In this paper a fully comprehensive SBST and fault localization methodology for GPUs is presented. This novel approach exploits different custom test strategies for each component inside the GPU architecture. Such strategies guarantee both permanent fault detection and accurate fault localization
