6 research outputs found

    A simplex-like search method for bi-objective optimization

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    We describe a new algorithm for bi-objective optimization, similar to the Nelder Mead simplex algorithm, widely used for single objective optimization. For diferentiable bi-objective functions on a continuous search space, internal Pareto optima occur where the two gradient vectors point in opposite directions. So such optima may be located by minimizing the cosine of the angle between these vectors. This requires a complex rather than a simplex, so we term the technique the \cosine seeking complex". An extra beneft of this approach is that a successful search identifes the direction of the effcient curve of Pareto points, expediting further searches. Results are presented for some standard test functions. The method presented is quite complicated and space considerations here preclude complete details. We hope to publish a fuller description in another place

    Diversifying Multi-Objective Gradient Techniques and their Role in Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Deformable Medical Image Registration

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    Gradient methods and their value in single-objective, real-valued optimization are well-established. As such, they play a key role in tackling real-world, hard optimization problems such as deformable image registration (DIR). A key question is to which extent gradient techniques can also play a role in a multi-objective approach to DIR. We therefore aim to exploit gradient information within an evolutionary-algorithm-based multi-objective optimization framework for DIR. Although an analytical description of the multi-objective gradient (the set of all Pareto-optimal improving directions) is available, it is nontrivial how to best choose the most appropriate direction per solution because these directions are not necessarily uniformly distributed in objective space. To address this, we employ a Monte-Carlo method to obtain a discrete, spatially-uniformly distributed approximation of the set of Pareto-optimal improving directions. We then apply a diversification technique in which each solution is associated with a unique direction from this set based on its multi- as well as single-objective rank. To assess its utility, we compare a state-of-the-art multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with three different hybrid versions thereof on several benchmark problems and two medical DIR problems. Results show that the diversification strategy successfully leads to unbiased improvement, helping an adaptive hybrid scheme solve all problems, but the evolutionary algorithm remains the most powerful optimization method, providing the best balance between proximity and diversity

    Genetic Algorithms Applied to Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Shape Optimization

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    A genetic algorithm approach suitable for solving multi-objective problems is described and evaluated using a series of aerodynamic shape optimization problems. Several new features including two variations of a binning selection algorithm and a gene-space transformation procedure are included. The genetic algorithm is suitable for finding Pareto optimal solutions in search spaces that are defined by any number of genes and that contain any number of local extrema. A new masking array capability is included allowing any gene or gene subset to be eliminated as decision variables from the design space. This allows determination of the effect of a single gene or gene subset on the Pareto optimal solution. Results indicate that the genetic algorithm optimization approach is flexible in application and reliable. The binning selection algorithms generally provide Pareto front quality enhancements and moderate convergence efficiency improvements for most of the problems solved

    Developing Parsimonious and Efficient Algorithms for Water Resources Optimization Problems

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    In the current water resources scientific literature, a wide variety of engineering design problems are solved in a simulation-optimization framework. These problems can have single or multiple objective functions and their decision variables can have discrete or continuous values. The majority of current literature in the field of water resources systems optimization report using heuristic global optimization algorithms, including evolutionary algorithms, with great success. These algorithms have multiple parameters that control their behavior both in terms of computational efficiency and the ability to find near globally optimal solutions. Values of these parameters are generally obtained by trial and error and are case study dependent. On the other hand, water resources simulation-optimization problems often have computationally intensive simulation models that can require seconds to hours for a single simulation. Furthermore, analysts may have limited computational budget to solve these problems, as such, the analyst may not be able to spend some of the computational budget to fine-tune the algorithm settings and parameter values. So, in general, algorithm parsimony in the number of parameters is an important factor in the applicability and performance of optimization algorithms for solving computationally intensive problems. A major contribution of this thesis is the development of a highly efficient, single objective, parsimonious optimization algorithm for solving problems with discrete decision variables. The algorithm is called Hybrid Discrete Dynamically Dimensioned Search, HD-DDS, and is designed based on Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) that was developed by Tolson and Shoemaker (2007) for solving single objective hydrologic model calibration problems with continuous decision variables. The motivation for developing HD-DDS comes from the parsimony and high performance of original version of DDS. Similar to DDS, HD-DDS has a single parameter with a robust default value. HD-DDS is successfully applied to several benchmark water distribution system design problems where decision variables are pipe sizes among the available pipe size options. Results show that HD-DDS exhibits superior performance in specific comparisons to state-of-the-art optimization algorithms. The parsimony and efficiency of the original and discrete versions of DDS and their successful application to single objective water resources optimization problems with discrete and continuous decision variables motivated the development of a multi-objective optimization algorithm based on DDS. This algorithm is called Pareto Archived Dynamically Dimensioned Search (PA-DDS). The algorithm parsimony is a major factor in the design of PA-DDS. PA-DDS has a single parameter from its search engine DDS. In each iteration, PA-DDS selects one archived non-dominated solution and perturbs it to search for new solutions. The solution perturbation scheme of PA-DDS is similar to the original and discrete versions of DDS depending on whether the decision variable is discrete or continuous. So, PA-DDS can handle both types of decision variables. PA-DDS is applied to several benchmark mathematical problems, water distribution system design problems, and water resources model calibration problems with great success. It is shown that hypervolume contribution, HVC1, as defined in Knowles et al. (2003) is the superior selection metric for PA-DDS when solving multi-objective optimization problems with Pareto fronts that have a general (unknown) shape. However, one of the main contributions of this thesis is the development of a selection metric specifically designed for solving multi-objective optimization problems with a known or expected convex Pareto front such as water resources model calibration problems. The selection metric is called convex hull contribution (CHC) and makes the optimization algorithm sample solely from a subset of archived solutions that form the convex approximation of the Pareto front. Although CHC is generally applicable to any stochastic search optimization algorithm, it is applied to PA-DDS for solving six water resources calibration case studies with two or three objective functions. These case studies are solved by PA-DDS with CHC and HVC1 selections using 1,000 solution evaluations and by PA-DDS with CHC selection and two popular multi-objective optimization algorithms, AMALGAM and ε-NSGAII, using 10,000 solution evaluations. Results are compared based on the best case and worst case performances (out of multiple optimization trials) from each algorithm to measure the expected performance range for each algorithm. Comparing the best case performance of these algorithms shows that, PA-DDS with CHC selection using 1,000 solution evaluations perform very well in five out of six case studies. Comparing the worst case performance of the algorithms shows that with 1,000 solution evaluations, PA-DDS with CHC selection perform well in four out of six case studies. Furthermore, PA-DDS with CHC selection using 10,000 solution evaluations perform comparable to AMALGAM and ε-NSGAII. Therefore, it is concluded that PA-DDS with CHC selection is a powerful optimization algorithm for finding high quality solutions of multi-objective water resources model calibration problems with convex Pareto front especially when the computational budget is limited

    778 Effective Use of Directional Information in Multi-objective Evolutionary Computation

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    Abstract. While genetically inspired approaches to multi-objective optimization have many advantages over conventional approaches, they do not explicitly exploit directional/gradient information. This paper describes how steepestdescent, multi-objective optimization theory can be combined with EC concepts to produce improved algorithms. It shows how approximate directional information can be efficiently extracted from parent individuals, and how a multiobjective gradient can be calculated, such that children individuals can be placed in appropriate, dominating search directions. The paper describes and introduces the basic theoretical concepts as well as demonstrating some of the concepts on a simple test problem.