979 research outputs found


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    Analysis of fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic representations’ impact on synthesized area of a digital integrated circuit

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    Abstract. This thesis compared fixed-point and floating-point representations, using signal-to-quantization-noise-ratio (SQNR) and synthesized area as key comparison methods. Good-enough SQNR was set to 40 dB, and the goal was to choose area that was as small as possible, but still had sufficient dynamic range (DR), and also fulfilled the SQNR requirement. Quantization models for both representations were implemented with Matlab. For examination of the SQNR, an algorithm was chosen and aforementioned quantization models were added inside it. The chosen algorithm was memory-based 64-point FFT, implemented with radix-2 butterfly. The performance drop inside algorithm caused by arithmetic representation quantization was examined using SQNR. To be able to calculate the error value, a reference model was implemented, and that was done using FFT-function of Matlab. When SQNR-analysis had been executed, synthesis was run for arithmetic operation models, for area and power estimate calculation. From these results, a conclusion of impact on area of FXP and FLP on different FFT models was done and a superiority comparison was possible.Kiinteän pilkun luvun ja liukuvan pilkun luvun aritmeettisten esitystapojen vaikutusten analysointi digitaalisen mikropiirin syntetisoituun pinta-alaan. Tiivistelmä. Tässä työssä vertailtiin kiinteän pilkun lukuja ja liukuvan pilkun lukuja, käyttäen tärkeimpinä vertailuparametreina signaalikvantisointikohinasuhdetta (SQNR) sekä synteesistä saatavaa pinta-alaa. SQNR tavoitearvoksi asetettiin 40 dB ja tavoitteena oli valita mahdollisimman pieni pinta-ala, jolla vielä saavutettiin tarpeeksi suuri dynaaminen alue (DR) ja SQNR tavoite täyttyi. SQNR:n laskentaan tarvittiin molemmille aritmeettisille esitystavoille kvantisointimallit, jotka tehtiin Matlab-ohjelmalla. Lopulta kvantisointikohinan tarkempaan tarkasteluun valittiin algoritmi, jonka sisälle edellä mainitut kvantisointimallit asetettiin. Valittu algoritmi oli muistipohjainen 64-näytteinen FFT, joka on toteutettu radix-2 perhoslaskennalla. Algoritmin sisällä tapahtuvaa aritmeettisesta esitystavasta johtuvaa suorituskyvyn muutosta tutkittiin SQNR:n avulla. Jotta virhe voitiin laskea, myös referenssimalli täytyi implementoida, ja siihen käytettiin Matlabin valmista FFT-funktiota. Kun SQNR-analyysi oli suoritettu, ajettiin aritmeettisille operaatio malleille synteesit, joista voitiin laskea algoritmin vaatima pinta-ala. Näistä tuloksista voitiin yhteenvetää liukuvan pilkun ja kiinteän pilkun lukujen vaikutukset FFT mallien pinta-aloihin, ja siten tehdä paremmuusvertailua niiden välillä

    Data compression techniques applied to high resolution high frame rate video technology

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    An investigation is presented of video data compression applied to microgravity space experiments using High Resolution High Frame Rate Video Technology (HHVT). An extensive survey of methods of video data compression, described in the open literature, was conducted. The survey examines compression methods employing digital computing. The results of the survey are presented. They include a description of each method and assessment of image degradation and video data parameters. An assessment is made of present and near term future technology for implementation of video data compression in high speed imaging system. Results of the assessment are discussed and summarized. The results of a study of a baseline HHVT video system, and approaches for implementation of video data compression, are presented. Case studies of three microgravity experiments are presented and specific compression techniques and implementations are recommended

    Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena from the Correlation, Coupling and Criticality Perspectives

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    In this sequel paper we explore how macroscopic quantum phenomena can be measured or understood from the behavior of quantum correlations which exist in a quantum system of many particles or components and how the interaction strengths change with energy or scale, under ordinary situations and when the system is near its critical point. We use the nPI (master) effective action related to the Boltzmann-BBGKY / Schwinger-Dyson hierarchy of equations as a tool for systemizing the contributions of higher order correlation functions to the dynamics of lower order correlation functions. Together with the large N expansion discussed in our first paper(MQP1) we explore 1) the conditions whereby an H-theorem is obtained, which can be viewed as a signifier of the emergence of macroscopic behavior in the system. We give two more examples from past work: 2) the nonequilibrium dynamics of N atoms in an optical lattice under the large N\cal N (field components), 2PI and second order perturbative expansions, illustrating how N and N\cal N enter in these three aspects of quantum correlations, coherence and coupling strength. 3) the behavior of an interacting quantum system near its critical point, the effects of quantum and thermal fluctuations and the conditions under which the system manifests infrared dimensional reduction. We also discuss how the effective field theory concept bears on macroscopic quantum phenomena: the running of the coupling parameters with energy or scale imparts a dynamical-dependent and an interaction-sensitive definition of `macroscopia'.Comment: For IARD 2010 meeting, Hualien, Taiwan. Proceedings to appear in J. Physics (Conf. Series

    Implementacija digitalnog generatora obojenog šuma bez množila

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    Colored noise can be generated by filtering of the white noise. It is a simple task. However, it becomes challenging if high operating speed of the generator is required. The realization of digital filter generally requires one multiplication per coefficient. Therefore, a high operating speed is achieved only with the cost of several generalpurpose multipliers. In this paper, a multiplierless realization of the colored noise generator is proposed. It is based on the filtering of 1-bit random signal by a finite impulse response filter. The design of the generator is described and its implementation is considered. Furthermore, an application is described in which the proposed generator is used in mitigation of undesired effects caused by nonlinearities in an analog to digital converter.Obojeni šum može se generirati filtriranjem bijelog šuma. To je jednostavan postupak. Međutim, on postaje izazovan ako se od generatora traži velika brzina rada. Realizacija digitalnog filtra u pravilu zahtijeva jedno množenje po koeficijentu. Zato se velika brzina rada može postići samo uz cijenu većeg broja množila opće namjene. U ovom radu predložena je realizacija generatora obojenog šuma koja ne sadrži množila. Ona se temelji se na filtraciji 1-bitnog slučajnog signala pomoću filtra s konačnim impulsnim odzivom. Opisano je projektiranje generatora te je razmotrena njegova implementacija. Nadalje, opisana je primjena u kojoj je predloženi generator iskorišten za smanjivanje utjecaja nelinearnosti u analogno digitalnom pretvorniku

    Fourier coding of images

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    Fourier transform coding and transmission of two dimensional images from far ranging space probe

    Det-Det Correlations for Quantum Maps: Dual Pair and Saddle-Point Analyses

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    An attempt is made to clarify the ballistic non-linear sigma model formalism recently proposed for quantum chaotic systems, by the spectral determinant Z(s)=Det(1-sU) of a quantized map U element of U(N). More precisely, we study the correlator omega_U(s)= (averaging t over the unit circle). Identifying the group U(N) as one member of a dual pair acting in the spinor representation of Spin(4N), omega_U(s) is expanded in terms of irreducible characters of U(N). In close analogy with the ballistic non-linear sigma model, a coherent-state integral representation of omega_U(s) is developed. We show that the leading-order saddle-point approximation reproduces omega_U(s) exactly, up to a constant factor; this miracle can be explained by interpreting omega_U(s) as a character of U(2N), for which the saddle-point expansion yields the Weyl character formula. Unfortunately, this decomposition behaves non-smoothly in the semiclassical limit, and to make further progress some averaging over U needs to be introduced. Several averaging schemes are investigated. In general, a direct application of the saddle-point approximation to these schemes is demonstrated to give incorrect results; this is not the case for a `semiclassical averaging scheme', for which all loop corrections vanish identically. As a side product of the dual pair decomposition, we compute a crossover between the Poisson and CUE ensembles for omega_U(s)